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- [Dank Scorch] - Moderator application.

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Hello so your app shows that you did put work into it which is always good, but you do have a bit of filler into your paragraphs which I suggest looking over. But unfortunately with things that @lancey was saying and others it doesn't show that you have had the best experience with other players and  staff members.  Also the other day I saw you interacting with some players in ooc and you weren't being very mature, so I suggest working on that more.

23 hours ago, bloodbornkiller666 said:

: I have only been banned on the dark RP #1 server for 2 weeks when I first started the game because of NLR and I did not properly read the MOTD, at the time i did not have my mic setup at the time and i had my first base and then I got killed (i was being raided) so I continuously came back therefore being Mass NLR

Though these aren't the longest bans but when you are trying to become staff being banned isn't a help at all, and it shows that you can be unreliable and could still possibly break rules.

I believe you should wait and stay on the server if you are truly determined to become a staff member on Garnet DarkRP, but right now is just not your time. So I am going -1 your app.

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-1 if youre banned for mass nlr and warned for rdm you have to get a better rep and apply later on. im sure the warn will go away but you have to let time pass for that mass nlr ban because we cant trust you right now as staff with that on your record.


also what lancey said about you is really concerning, you're lucky he didnt report you because that is not something you want to happen if you're applying

Edited by fugga
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I don't believe I need to input anything here but for the sake of this app I guess I will. After reading your app I had a few concerns, your ban for one, implies that you did not really understand the rules at first which is pretty important when becoming a staff. Some of your paragraphs were hard to read because of grammar but that's less important. I don't believe that I've met you once in game meaning that I can't really tell the kind of player you are, and based off of Lancey's comments I'm going to -1

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8 hours ago, ajbedhead13 said:

-1 Bro your app looks great and your playtime is good aswell but your overall experience on darkrp isnt so great. Since you were just banned for MNLR and was warned for RDM I dont think I could trust you becoming staff since you could still break the rules then. Also with whay Lancey said, I trust and believe what he said is completly true and Im going to follow along with that. Anyways sorry for the -1 but just please follow the rules.

That ban was in my few days Of playing it isn’t recent at all it happened months ago.

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Guest proggy


You may reapply in 72 hours. 

Waiting a bit longer (with good behavior) and getting more acquainted with the staff team would do you some good though.

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