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Clear bias with staff and higher members of regiments.


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him/he = Leg

my friend = calimunsum


Hey there, thanks for reading.

Well, where to start. I and my friend joined and was trying to get trained as you do. We admittedly started to mess around a bit or 'minge' when in the tryout but it wasn't too far and we were listening to him and trying to understand which was hard due to the mic latency.  My friend then realised that we were whitelisted so we began playing. Then to our surprise we see leg in chat calling us 'cunts' and a variety of other vulgar words. So of course we began defending our-self which led to a petty little insult match between my friend and him. He then typed into chat "btw Whisky im gonna get an RDM warn" and proceeded to blatantly RDM my friend. My friend created a staff report so he could sort the situation which he thought had happened. My friend said in chat that he seemed immature etc which is the only conclusion he could have come to due to the commotion about a simple mistake . 

His friend the leader of the Russian Regiment (Soldier) then demoted/de-whitelisted me and my friend. We of course made a report about this to which we was told that staff don't have any jurisdiction over whitelisting. In the sit, the Russian Leader (Soldier) said that he'd warned him verbally through PM's. So my issue is that he gets a verbal warning for constant verbal abuse, telling us to leave the server and announcing to everyone that he was going to RDM and then executing this task and killing my friend. But me and my friend receive an immediate de-whitelist and are told by staff to just 'try-out again' in which I told him it'd be impossible for us to get on the Russian team again due to leg being the one training (from my experience). He then ignored my completely valid point that he should have taken into consideration. This is the point where I left so I didn't let the stress and anger of the situation get the better of me.

FTR : I barely said anything to him, the only things I really said was smug remarks correcting his spelling. I only did this because he was making us out to be stupid when he didn't know how to use basic punctuation and grammar.

I hope we can bring this to a conclusion and sort the bias between players and staff. In my day, staff listened to both sides equally and took both sides points into consideration which has not been the case in this server.

Thanks again,


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