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/id for props


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Description: It is pretty much in the title. Staff is strongly encouraged to do /id on players to grab their steam id. It would be a very similar action but the only difference is being able to get the steam id of the prop owner. This will make life so much easier for staff (and is actually quite convenient). 


Reasoning: We all know the server can get chaotic, that's why we are here. Prop block is probably one of the highest reported rules (under rdm) that occur on the server. Being able to /id props will be very efficient. It could prevent the event of accidentally tping the wrong person (given that most names are complicated and/or common). These situations will occur when no one is reporting them. I find myself (as well as other mods) constantly taking these situations into our own hands, as it is basically game-breaking. In terms of coding it, it shouldn't be too hard at all. Being a coder myself, I could try and write the code, but I have never touched gmod and most likely don't know the language or the code files that are written in general. The variable of the prop owner is already existent. Not only is it in the admin logs, but it is also available to any user who has their crosshairs over the prop. This feature will not only save time, but prevent staff errors, helping keep the server great.

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