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Angry Arab Is bad player

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Angry Arab wanted to brag about his super cool unraidable Bloodz base so we had a friendly little bet. I bet him 100k I could find something wrong with his base to make it a failbase.

Screenshot of text conversation : https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198161356032/screenshot/966471935469357130

Literally his front door had a 4 sec. hold length and when I told him he ran over to go fix it. You can still see it before he changed it. In this screenshot: https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198161356032/screenshot/966471935469317562

You can even see him saying "what" after I told him his front door had a 4 sec hold length. 

He refused to give me the 100k. It's not like he couldn't afford it he had almost 4.5mil. 

Really disappointed in seeing this. SHAME ON YOU ANGRY ARAB.


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I really dislike Angry Arab, he is so selfish for his own personal game and will do some scummy things to hold onto his money.

He'll sound nice and say stuff like, "Dropped 1 mil somewhere on the map, go find it" and then when people spend a lot of time finding it. He say that someone found it, but will not specify who. When he does, it either a) doesn't exist b) is an afk player. God, he was never willing to have fun with anyone - once I trusted him to make a base with me. He ended up take money from my printer and when I called him out for it he said that, he was "trying to cool it down". I thought of it as a logical response at first because I've done that many of times - he dropped back the money. Unfortunately, my trust was damaged, so I waited until it happened again and I never mention it. I stop being afk and I would talk to him. Not once did he mention that he took money out. He did it several times as well. 3 times to be exact. I told him that I found he had took money from my printers and he said something like (paraphrasing) "yeah, I was just about to tell you." He dropped me 14k, when I knew for sure it was way more than that. It's not against the rules - yes. However it's just morally wrong and scummy, which is why I dislike him. Sorry for the rant. 

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