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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Crazy kids.


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Hello everyone.


Now I'm not too sure on how many of you know that I have a son, but I've got a little human that shares my last name who walks this Earth with us. He's a bright and smart 7 year old who's in 2nd grade. The other day (Tuesday to be exact) he got a family tradition haircut in my moms garage from my step dad. A classic buzzcut, I got one, my 5 brothers before me got one, my neighbors when I was a kid received one it is just the thing to do if you're in the family y'know. A right of passage if you will. Now this haircut may not be what's in style today but I mean the kiddo is in 2nd grade essentially, who cares.. Or so I thought


His grandma picks him up from school that Tuesday afternoon and notices something is off with him. She said she just had a feeling that he wasn't 100% and I can't explain it but once you have a kid you just know when something isn't right with him. Like a 6th sense. She asked him what was the matter and he goes and tells her that some girls made fun of his haircut that day at school.. He was so upset about the issue that he said he wanted to stay home until his hair grew out. I was working at the time but once his mom reached out to me about what happen I immediately pulled over and called him and asked him what was going on. He told me everything and how he was embarrassed to go back. Sadly I didn't have him that night (His mom and I are separated) but I talked with him mom and asked if I could pick him up and speak with him in person about the issue because talking with someone over the phone just doesn't translate as well as I wanted it to. I pick him up we go to the famous golden arches and enjoy a soft serve and sit in the parking lot. We had a nice talk about it and I told him how to act incase that happens again and what to do and what not to do. Told him never steep down to their level and return with some nasty words on your own. I said do you remember how bad you felt when they said that towards you? Now why would we want to inflict that same damage on to someone else? I gave him a kiss and told him that I loved him and squeezd him tight then sent him back inside to his mom.


The reason why I'm making this post is mainly because I want to reach out and see if anyone else went through a bulling situation as a kid. Am I handling this good? Is there something that happen to you that you brought up to your parents and they didn't handle it right or how you wanted them to? I was made fun of as a kid for being skinny and wasn't to pleased how my parents handled it. I understand how this may be a touchy subject for some and if you don't wish to make your imperfections public then I would really appreciate a private message either on here or in-game. 



For some reason the picture isn't posting but here is a picture of him and I from yesterday while I was on my lunch I picked him up and drove him around the block in my truck.




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I've been bullied before it was when I was in my elementary school days and I wasn't the skinniest dude there, I had a single person that would consistently bother me when I would play basketball. He would push his way into playing with my friends and I all the time because he was bigger and "better" at the game. There had came a day where my dad found out about it as well, now with guys "fights" are the known thing we like to say we handle our problems with but obviously that was not the case my dad wanted to find the most passive and easy way to handle the situation. He did tell me that when there comes a time he puts his hands on you or makes the first move in any way you take a swing back and aim for the nose. Something I didn't expect him to say but I've never had to "protect" myself before, and I've always went with avoiding the situation but I decided to give it a try. NOT LOOKING FOR A FIGHT but prepared.


The next day came and I was back on the court and this time I was ready, he had tried to push his way into playing and I stepped forward and told him "No you can go play somewhere else" with his attitude turning to me he takes a step forward and shoves me. I take a step back and tell him "Don't put your hands on me" Of course he makes fun of my weight but I never cared what others thought of me so it was brushed off. He takes another step forward and this time was the one he took the first swing, he happen to miss and then I took a step forward and swung back and that one hit, that one reaction ended it all. He went down the first hit right in the nose.


He never bothered me again after that day.


The moral of this story is to not let others push you around, never look for the physical response to end every fight with mine it had already gotten physical, there was no stopping my situation. My dad told me to never be looking for the fight avoid it at all costs, in that situation he gradually pushed his way into a fist. Like what KingMash said look for the passive and friendly way to end the situation never look for physical, it is never the way to solve a problem. Again with my situation came out different because of how deep the other person took it.

Since Mash shared his story about his son this one is mine I hope everyone takes each stories message and understands there are others that will help you and look for the best in you. Never think you're alone and don't think the easiest route is the right way to go. Sometimes taking a step back is the hardest but the best way to avoid a situation you don't want to be apart of.

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