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itwontmatter staff app


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In-game name: john Narks
Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 15
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561199088017499/
Warns: i dont think i have any, not what i know of
Timezone: est
Playtime? [minimum 75 hours, use /playtime in-game]: i have 12.44.46 i should have more since i used to play in the old map
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO] YES
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES/NO]YES
Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] dont know what you mean but if your talking about a admin that recommended me no
Past experiences as staff: [Optional] yes
How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs] i thing i can help the server by being active, and doing my job. helping doing sits anything a moderator can do.
Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details not what i know of
Have you made any previous applications, If so when?:no
How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: um depends, i can be on for a while "time" about 5+ but i might have to get off for an important reason

Edited by itwontmatter
play time
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4 hours ago, itwontmatter said:

Playtime? [minimum 75 hours, use /playtime in-game]: i tried doing the command but a whole other person shows but i think i have good playtime

We need playtime you could use your steam id instead if your name like this /playtime steam ID 

How to check your steam id would be doing /id then your name

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Garnet Gaming


Minimum playtime of 75 hours not met, as well as other issues with the Application.

22 hours ago, itwontmatter said:

Playtime? [minimum 75 hours, use /playtime in-game]: i have 12.44.46

You may re-apply in 2 weeks (7th Jan. 2022)

Edited by Theos
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