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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

[MRP] Updated Staff Command Guide

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  • StarWarsRP Management Team



/getmoney - allows you to check the money of a player by putting their ID/Name after the command.

/id - allows you to grab ID of a player by entering their Name after the command.

/warns - allows you to check the warnings of just yourself.

/whitelist & /wl - allows you to manage whitelists. Users must be on the appropriate class

/playtime - Checks the playtime of the user. /playtime SID


Moderator Ranks

Trial Mod+

/sit - used to move yourself to a Sit Room (if they're set up).

/staffonduty - used to switch to the Staff on Duty job.

/adminmode - used to enable Admin Mode. Required to No Clip and grab players w/ a Physgun.

/reportsadmin - used to open a list of open reports no longer in the top right corner.

/logs - used to access logs for things like adverts, kills, damage, local chat, etc.

/freeze - Used to freeze a player via Steam ID or player name 

/bring - Used to bring a player to you via Steam ID or player name

/return - Used to return a player to their previous location

/goto - used to go to a player via Steam ID or player name

/respawn - Used to re-spawn a player via Steam ID or player name

/mutechat - Used to mute a players chat via Steam ID or player name 

/mutevoice - Used to mute a players voice via Steam ID or player name 

/jail - Used to jail a player ( Format : /jail SteamID (time value) (time unit) reason )

/jailtp - Brings the player targeted to your reticle and jails them. Same format as /jail

/unjail - Used to un-jail a player via Steam ID or player name 

/warn - Used to warn a player



/ban - ability to ban players. /ban SID Time TimeUnits Reason

/po - ability to check for past bans. /po SteamID


Lead Mod+

/stripweapons - Takes every weapon from every slot. /stripweapons SID

/cloak - ability to cloak yourself. Note that you are not completely invisible.

/uncloak - Uncloaks yourself

/event - Able to type in Global Event Chat. /event ENTER YOUR MESSAGE HERE


Administrator Ranks

Trial Admin+

Toolgun - You now spawn with a Toolgun. We ask that you are on Duty or Gamemaster when using your Toolgun if possible. Please note that it is possible to use all Toolgun permissions on any Whitelist however. *EVERY TIME YOU SPAWN, YOUR TOOLGUN WILL BE EQUIPPED. BECAUSE OF THIS, MAKE YOUR EQUIPPED TOOL SOMETHING YOU CANNOT SPAWN LIKE DYNAMITE*

/setjob - ability to set any player to any class on the server. /setjob SteamID ClassJobString

/gamemaster - You now have the ability to use /gamemaster to access the job. You must be on the whitelist in order to spawn approved props and NPCs.

/cleardecals - Clears things like blood, explosive residue, paint, etc. Should never really be used as the server automatically removes these things often.

/nolag - Freezes all props on the map. Really shouldn't be used ever.

/sethealth & /setarmor - Sets the players Health or Armor

/setmodel - Sets the playermodel of any player. /setmodel SteamID ModelString



/slay - Used to slay a player

/unban - Used to unban a player


Vehicle NPC - Admins have the ability to edit the permissions and available vehicles for Vehicle NPCs.

PermaProp - Admins have the ability to PermaProp. All Admins must be approved for Bunk PermaPropping before they can participate in it. All purchases must be logged in the correct Discord channel. NO ADMIN MAY PERMAPROP OUTSIDE OF BUNKS WITHOUT PRIOR CONSENT FROM EXECUTIVES.


Lead Admin+

/reconnect - Able to force a player to relog. /reconnect SteamID


Executive Ranks


/staffpromote - Able to promote up to T-Admin. /staffpromote SID. NOTE: Players must be on to be promoted by a Manager


Super Admin

Able to spawn Weapons

Able to spawn Entities


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