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Thoughts on the Crafting System

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This isn't a standard suggestion, move to the correct forum if needed.

The Crafting System being introduced to MRP is interesting, with a lot of potential. That being said, there are some things that need to be taken into consideration to integrate it in the MRP environment without causing issues.

Issue 1 - Drugs/Effects that Change Player Stats:

Mainly for Speedboost/HP boost effects.
For those of you who remember the vending machines, you will remember the frustration of the kevlar+double jump combo. There was no visual clarity on if someone had these buffs, leading to a poor experience for new and veteran players alike. With HP boosted classes, you have a visual model to signify there is a change in player stats, i.e. Nailgunner has boosted HP. With Kevlar/Double Jump, there was no visual indicator, meaning you weren't sure what buffs someone had if any. It also wasn't very fun to play against as a baseline.

For those of you who don't remember/weren't around for the above, the first speed buff on Echo was fast to the point CQC was practically unplayable, to the point it was more viable to use knives.

Fix: Add Visual Effects to other players to Buffs/Debuffs. This would suck for snipers, but honestly, you don't need HP boost+speed if you're sitting in one spot anyway so it's a fair tradeoff. This may have a negative effective on server performance however. People more versed in GMOD can comment on this.

Issue 2 - Accessibility and Peacetime Activities

Currently there's an issue on MRP (though this is dependent on who you ask) that SOC/veterans/people with playtime aren't doing enough during peacetime for base.

My issue with adding all of this "grindable" content, is that it will further strain the relationship between new players and veterans, as everyone will be roaming around the map looking for resources.

That being said, I am not sure how the farming of these resources is being fully implemented. If they are limited resource nodes, then it becomes a competition, meaning everyone will be constantly competing over them. Not exactly the environment you want in the same faction.

As a long time MMO player, I have experienced this first hand. The fix is generally making the drops player specific, so the only constraint is time. Don't think this is likely to happen due to programming/resource constraints however.

Supply drops are a fix to this, but only if they give the resources to everyone around them at the time of pickup (even better if only on thesame side US/Tali, to prevent abuse). I believe supply drops were mentioned in Krim's thread here.

These are my current issues with the system, I'm sure more will popup as ideas are fleshed out.

Now, with the dooming out of the way, we can get into actual content that can be added.

Refer to Krim's thread for ideas regarding bandages/drugs/tools. 

This thread covers different topics, which is why it's separate. If you want to discuss those changes, go there.

I agree there should be different tiers of tools used for harvesting, but more than three ranks, increasing ranks can be added over time.

New Stuff:

Apply Rarity Tiers to Below (if applicable).

Drugs/Buffs/Tools - covered in Krim's thread.

Craftable temporary weapons (think credit shop) and permanent ones (if possible), temporary ones should not require as many resources. Permanent ones are a major time investment. This could also be a great opportunity to add some new weapons to the server.

Craft a cinema player token (this would be a token to redeem a cinema for your faction via permaprop, again, if possible). This would be an endgoal item, requiring a whole faction to work together. I would like to see more items like this, but I do not have any ideas currently, maybe a special vehicle/playermodel? 

Different Ammo Types (I don't mean match and magnum lmao) think more Dragon's Breath/Slugs for Shotguns (bring back 2GA Shotgun), Explosive (very small radius) for LMG's (viable now?), Armor Piercing for Large Caliber Weapons (Hate Vehicles and HP Armor?). 

Bodypillows-someone literally brought this up, I don't remember who.

All I really had drafted yesterday. Will likely come back to this as I have more time/ideas.


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2 hours ago, PraetorDon said:

Bodypillows-someone literally brought this up, I don't remember who.

I jokingly brought up faction body pillows lmao. I didn't forget what you said about having them made already.


Other than that (lol), I'm in support of this idea. I'm interested in seeing where the crafting system will lead to.

Edited by Salmon
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Your suggestion has been Accepted,

Please note that accepted suggestions will not necessarily be implemented into the server, but rather forked over to the development team for a second opinion, at which point they are free to choose between implementation or not as there is already something in the works with the bandages concept for materials.

@Luxembourg please lock and move to accepted.

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