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dizz - ban appeal


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In-game name:  dizz
SteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:561646867
Staff members in-game name:Logan
Staff members SteamID (/id (name):STEAM_0:0:78112145
Date & Time of incident: 15/07/2022 10:12 PM 
Ban Reason: Attempted Mass RDM
How long were you banned for?: 1 week
Proof of Ban:unknown.png
What happened? (include any proof): We were taking pics since of the high pop on 21st that night. I was in the front posing with my wristnade out looking diagonally into the sky. I was tabbing out and back into game checking discord. When I tabbed back in a grenade shot hitting the invisible hitbox above Amethyst. It killed him and one other 21st and hurt multiple others. I apologized and explained what happened we went on with the photoshoot and I hopped off. 
Why should your ban be removed?: It was completely on accident and I was not purposefully trying to kill the people I just had a great day with.

me trying to explain how I did it https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/957459690667778058/997708782866022480/IMG_3128.mov P.S. you cannot click on the other page because that will make you tab out, but I just like to see the cursor on the other page to hover over things.

Edited by dizz
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You shot the wrist grenade while crouched and were crouched the entire time prior to that which is clear in the clip that I saw. While this isn't conclusive evidence I guess its possible for you to have a +duck bind or typed +duck in console. If you were actually alt tabbed the game would not have registered you continuing to hold ctrl. Here is both the clip for your ban as well as a clip of me holding ctrl then alt tabbing showing that you wouldn't remain crouched. I'd be in favor of the ban being reduced if proven to be an accident though.



Edited by Geoffy
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"I'd be in favor of the ban being reduced if proven to be an accident though." +1

Same reasoning for me. It looked to me as you were crouched and attempted to shoot Amythest but it ended up injuring and killing multiple people. If you have evidence or if you can prove it was an accident again I would be in favor of the ban being reduced.

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