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Suggestion - Clarification in NLR Rules

Dan Gardner

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Description: Change the wording in the rules concerning NLR


The rules currently state:

If you die defending a base during a raid you may not return to the base until the raiding party has left the base.

When in reality, the rule is enforced when a player returns before the Raid has been adverted as over.


I can see how a lot of new players might get confused and actually get an undue warning. Worth looking into.

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The wording is actually correct, because the raid can be over in a few ways and all of which match the wording as mentioned:

  • The person raiding adverts "over" (raiders have left the base)
  • The raiding party is killed (raiders have left the base)
  • 10 minutes has passed since the start of the raid (raiders have left the base)

There isn't actually any rule which requires you to advert "over" after a raid, it's just courteous to do so to let the base owner know they can return to their base. Sometimes people forget and in those cases the base owner just has to wait out the full 10 minutes. 

With that said, I'm not against the wording being updated to be a bit more specific if it were to help people, especially new players. If it were changed to "...until the raid has been adverted over" then it only enforces one of the three ways the raid can be over, so it shouldn't be that phrase but maybe something else. I'll remain neutral for now.

Edited by ChrisRid
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I'm only neutral because most new players don't read the rules anyway, most NLR  reports are because someone doesn't even know it's in the rulebook tbh, Or they have no idea what NLR is. This is all on the idea that new players are going to read the rules which is a very rare occurrence

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Raiders can leave the base to transfer printers, then come back to get the rest. If the party who got raided has reentered the base or interferes with the raid at all, they can be warned.

If I hadn't explained it well enough before here you go.

2 hours ago, IAreGunner said:

This is all on the idea that new players are going to read the rules which is a very rare occurrence

This is not how we should be looking at things lmfao, rules are for new and old players. It needs to be clear and concise, and it is currently contradictory.

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  • 2 weeks later...

+1 I also agree with Dan on this. I've seen many situations where a raider is transferring prints back and forth and I can understand where this leaves the person being raided to be confused when they are allowed to entered the base. I also believe it should be a mandatory thing to advert over instead of just "forgetting" when the raider is officially done with the raid.

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Your suggestion has been Accepted

Old NLR Rule:

If you die defending a base during a raid you may not return to the base until the raiding party has left the base.

NLR Rules updated to:
"If you die defending a base during a raid you may not return to the base until the raiding party has adverted over."

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