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[MRP] Additional Items in the Armory

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Suggestion: Add more items and functions with the Armory

Description: The Armory is pretty barebones at the moment, only offering certain weapons, smoke, IFAK and riot shield. The Armory should more of a way for soldiers to use their hard-earned cash that they receive. Because of this, I'm suggesting more items for the Armory. All prices listed below can be adjustable if need be. So, what I'm suggesting:

MREs (Meals Ready to Eat): Would replenish the player back to 100 Health for $100
Flashbang: Would offer more opportunites for players to use the flashbang for the price of $2,000, abuse would result in punishment (weapon_sh_flashbang)
Armor (3 Tiers): Would introduce the idea of Armor to more lower level players, would come in 3 Tiers.

  1. Body Armor Tier 1 (garnet_bodyarmorleveli): Would provide 25 Armor to the user. Cost $1,000
  2. Body Armor Tier 2 (garnet_bodyarmorlevelii): Would provide 50 Armor to the user. Cost $2,000
  3. Body Armor Tier 3 (garnet_bodyarmorleveliii): Would provide 75 Armor to the user.  Cost $3,000

Reasoning: Would provide more additional uses for money on the server, as there aren't many opportunities to use cash.

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