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Cashxc's Staff App


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In-game name: 055th MHB CPT Cashxc
Age [minimum 15 y/o]:15
SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:195240982
Warns: 1 in 2020 for basecamp and 1 in April for crouch jump
Timezone: CST
 [minimum 100 hours, use /playtime in-game]: 055th MHB CPT Cashxc has played for 382:44:43
Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: 
[YES/NO] Yes
Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: [YES/NO] Yes
Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Nelson
Past experiences as staff: [Optional] Was a Administrator on a DarkRP server
How do you plan on benefiting our server? [minimum 2 paragraphs]

After playing MRP for a good while now I have feel I have what it takes to become a staff member. During my time while playing MRP I have tried my best to make a positive impact on the community. I started in army but my interests quickly wanned to 055th since going there I have made it my duty to prove what I can do as an officer. I have stayed active throughout this whole time as an officer showing that I can withstand at least being active within the faction of 055th. One other thing 055th has taught me was how others can help you. For instance 055th has helped me with my first time as an officer so I at least know how to properly sort out issues with the enlisted. Which I could believe would be a great part in being staff seeing as instead of sorting out issues within your own faction you will be sorting out issues within the entire server.  Another reason I could benefit the staff team is having some previous experience. now I know previous experience is not everything but I do have some when it comes to staffing within communities. When being staff I will make sure to do my staff duties as seen fit during this time. While being staff I do plan on enforcing the rules to the best of my ability's as so it ruin the in game experience for other people I also plan on enhancing the gameplay I.e. with tryouts. One last thing I will try to do is to make sure to have a good reputation in both US and Tali I want the server to be fun for both sides so we can all have fun on it I don't want one side to have less fun on the server than the other side will.


Next up I want to talk about some strengths and weaknesses some strength's I believe I possess is that I can talk and act in a professional manner within a professional scenario and talk casually in a casual scenario. I believe this is an important strength to have been it makes you seem professional and good person to work with. another strength I believe I possess is the ability to be approachable. After becoming an officer I have realized how useful this skill is to have because it makes enlisted feel comfortable to talk to you with any issues they may be having within the faction just like talking to people within a staff sit. One last skill is I believe I can adapt to new scenario's once they present themselves. now some weakness of mine are that sometimes I can get a bit off task and it is hard to get my attention but otherwise I can stay on task when it is needed and be helpful. Another part I want to talk about is my activity so far I believe I have been active on the server. I have been on the server mostly about everyday if not everyday so I think I will be an active staff member with this being said. Right now I have a flexible time schedule because it is summer currently so I could be on in the early morning or I could be on later at night. One last thing I could do as staff is weigh my opinions in on things like suggestions and give feedback on things relating to the server like new changes or anything of the sort. The last thing I will talk about is how I would preform in a team based environment. Now working in a team is hard but also rewarding and I think with some communication skills and acting in a professional manner I could be a great asset  to the team. Now this is all I have to say please put a +1 or a -1 in the comments thank you.



Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details Never
Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: 

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: about 4+ hours seeing as it its becoming summer 

Edited by Cash
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Your recent actions have been pretty interesting, and I personally just don't believe you're ready for staff. I don't believe you have proven that you are ready and that you are committed to the server and the staff community. I don't believe you have really made a name for yourself in the community, try to make more of a name of yourself by reacting to posts, ingame content, and being around more players. Aswell as being active in teamspeak which I see you in there most of the time, discord, forums, etc. And another thing, I was told by Drax that he never said you could have his referral which is a bit odd as you put his name in your referral list. Plus, Drax is a Gamemaster, I wouldn't put gamemasters in your Staff application, it just doesn't add up. I can kinda understand Nelson's referral as he is head gamemaster, but is still a gamemaster.

Edited by Tage
  • Informative 1
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I've seen many outcomes from you both good and mature, You've proved yourself worthy in the aspect of your abilities to become apart of the community and doing well through pressure and dignity. I hope to see you thriving if you do get accepted into the staff team and I hope you do well in the community, I wish you the best of luck Cash!

Edited by itsdrax
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You guys are overreacting with this referrals drama, gamemasters are identified as staff members too, a referral from them is as important as a referral from a regular staff member. Cash, you've taken the necessary precautions to prove yourself as a viable community member, anybody that doesn't see that and says you should "make a name for yourself" is just dead wrong. I couldn't tell you one person that plays this server and doesn't know of you.


You've done what most of us told you to do, keep your head down, calm the minginess, and improve your act. There isn't much more you can do.

+1, add me to referrals! (I won't make a big deal about it)

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What is recommended out of players is if you are applying for a Gamemaster Application you would go to Gamemasters for referrals as it makes more sense to do so. For staff, you would go to staff members. This does not mean you can't go to Gamemasters for a staff application. It is just what is recommended. 

18 minutes ago, Tage said:


Your recent actions have been pretty interesting, and I personally just don't believe you're ready for staff. I don't believe you have proven that you are ready and that you are committed to the server and the staff community. I don't believe you have really made a name for yourself in the community, try to make more of a name of yourself by reacting to posts, ingame content, and being around more players. Aswell as being active in teamspeak which I see you in there most of the time, discord, forums, etc. And another thing, I was told by Drax that he never said you could have his referral which is a bit odd as you put his name in your referral list. Plus, Drax is a Gamemaster, I wouldn't put gamemasters in your Staff application, it just doesn't add up.


Edited by Shwade
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Cash showed himself and came to some US (including me) to ask what he should/can do to get his name out there. He did definitely make sure his name is recovered in a good way. In the last 2 weeks you worked hard to become a better self and stopped the shitty behavior. He showed what he is worth and that deserves a +1.


Although you still have to learn a lot, i think this is a very good way to develop yourself further. But it can go sideways and thats what you have to look out for/prevent.


Im very sorry for my ass grammar and shit 😅



Edited by Careless
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Since his last application, Cash has been hard at work to improve his reputation amongst the player base and his efforts have come to fruition. He's more than proven the commitment he is willing to put into staff and his dedication to the community.

I will state this once more; All of my interactions with Cash, both in-game and OOC, have always been great. He's shown great attitude during his term as a WO for Army and still does now as an officer for the 055th Brigade. 

This application is a good improvement from his previous and the referrals are also good to see. Overall, I'd very much enjoy to see him as a staff member.


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I have talked with cashx several times and every interaction has been nice and I truly believe he is mature enough and ready for staff. Along with this i feel like he has been doing a lot better over the past few weeks especially interacting with both tali and us. I would love to have him on the staff and work with him as recently he has been very pleasant to play with.

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