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  1. -1 No idea who you are, You need more in-depth responses, and quite honestly you need to be more recognized by the server this means interaction between both factions. Goodluck -Drax
  2. Neutral Haven't really interacted with you much to be honest, people say your toxic and people say your great gonna keep it at neutral until I see some type of form that deserves a +1 Best of luck to you legend
  3. +1 Well round headed player whos active helping out new players and the community overall, would be a good addition! Best of luck -drax o7
  4. -1 Never have really seen you in game, try to make a name for yourself like others have said, think about hard and well sorted events to detail and to explain inyour application, this shouldn't be rushed and it should take time and effort for your application to be almost perfect. My suggestion is interact with others see what other gamemasters have done (DO NOT COPY WORD FOR WORD) and try your absolute hardest to explain all of your event ideas and things you'd do for the community) Best of luck! -Drax
  5. +1 Previous reasons stated, I believe you have a good head on your shoulders and can prove yourself! Best of Luck! - Drax
  6. NEUTRAL I like your overall behavior and intuition when it comes to the game, your presenting of your application is well written and shows you dedicated hard time into this. The only thing that is making this neutral is the fact that i believe you can still make a good and reputable name for yourself in the community, I'd like to see you build it up more and interact with players more whether this being talking to them, helping new players and doing fun things to help others enjoy garnet as much as you do. Another thing to add is I feel as if when you don't get things your way It clouds your judgement and you seem to get upset, I want you to fix this as It could be detrimental towards your staff position if this happens. Goodluck BACON!
  7. +1 Literally exactly what Reynolds said, just don't jump shit again or consequences will follow you've shown true dedication to this server and this community and have shown to many people you are doing your best to make it great, I think you deserve a shot so good luck and don't mess it up!
  8. Unfortunately, those models are already occupied by AFSOC Lore team which was created by Towelie. Regardless of this models can be given a change and yes it may be time for us to consider that but the gun changes no. There are other models that can also represent a Green Beret, which can be added or copied into the server if need be.
  9. +1 And confirmation of referral, As a leader of a Tier 1 Faction and upholding himself to the highest standards I believe he'll do the same If he becomes a staff member. Best of luck!
  10. +1 I've seen many outcomes from you both good and mature, You've proved yourself worthy in the aspect of your abilities to become apart of the community and doing well through pressure and dignity. I hope to see you thriving if you do get accepted into the staff team and I hope you do well in the community, I wish you the best of luck Cash!
  11. +1 Confirmation of referral, good beefed up paragraphs and well said events, looks professional and well written well done Best of Luck!
  12. +1 Confirmation of referral , amazing dude and very well put together guy he’d do great making a good and effective impact on the community : Fix up the paragraphs and make sure it’s formatted and looks nice Best of luck!
  13. I love this! This is an amazing update not only will this contribute to the server dramatically but with the frame changes I can definitely see it! Love you all and can't wait to work with you guys even more
  14. +1 Lopock is an avid player and contributor to garnet, not only is he a great leading officer for Taliban be he is also mature and aware of situations. He is pretty known in the community and I would feel trusted and safe with someone like him on the staff team within GGMRP. Not only this but your dedication towards your role as an officer in Taliban as well as your dedication to making this server a better place for new comers is something I see beneficial, not only for the staff team but for the community, your a funny guy and a great person. Best of Luck -Drax
  15. -1 You have poor behavior on the server, I have seen you on and active yes but you haven't been making a good reputable name for yourself you kind of destroyed it with the whole "Snakeman" and other mingy behavior I would like to see you re-up on your behavior and make a good name for yourself. I do want to see you succeed buff up or elaborate on your ideas and see what kind of stuff you can implement that hasn't been seen before or you think would benefit the community and the server as a whole! Best of Luck -Drax
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