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Hitman/Assassin/Deadshot Change

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  • DarkRP Administration Team
Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] Three quick things
1. Make dismissing a hit actually disappear from your hit menu and not reappear when the menu is closed then opened again
2. Make it possible to abandon a hit and it goes back to the menu for other people to take
3. When a hit is accepted and you have the info on the target on the right side of the scree, to also put in that box who places it
Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] Reasoning for each change:

1. Dismissing a hit and it disappearing would be helpful for the hits on people that are afk, in a base, or disconnected from the server

2. Abandoning a hit is helpful if you're not able to complete it (for reasons stated above) and don't want to reset yourself, and lose perks, to continue doing hits

3. This one I specifically want because I have had a lot of people ask me who placed their hit and I didn't know. I didn't know because I accept hits right away to get them before other people

The benefit to this last one is that he add a little more RP when a feud it made being people, groups ,or clans and the Hitman/Assassin/Deadshot can profit because its their job

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  • 3 weeks later...
  • DarkRP Administration Team



Iv played as assassin and i felt very limited, and the fact i couldn't check all details of hit because other people would take it so fast, being able to see info after accepting would be nice, especially being able to dismiss a hit after taking it due to people in base

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  • 1 month later...

The first two suggestions have been accepted, and we will be looking into a rework for the hitmen type classes in a future update

Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion!
(Be aware, this post does not mean your suggestion will make it into the game, rather it will be moved and sorted into a list to be worked on and possibly implemented in a future update.)

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