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1 hour ago, Vortex said:

It’s funny you make it sound so simple but none of these jobs make actual good money or exp. The only substainable ways are farming printers / meth or crack (all of them require being in a base). The only other ‘’okay’’ option to level up outside of a base is the Level 1 delivery man job, I haven’t done the actual math but you’d have to do ~ 40 000+ deliveries to reach level 100. I work 40 hours a week and don’t necessarily want to use my couple hours of free time to do stuff that won’t help my progression. Where I’m at, progression only consists of making money for !unbox and the overpriced standard points NPC / exp for Prestige.

I didn't bother reading this because, as I said, you're able to make millions in less than 10 hours by simply playing the game and selling things

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4 minutes ago, Vortex said:

That’s not true lmao, start a fresh account and show us how quickly you can ‘’make millions’’ 💀

I literally went from 0 recently, which I said above


I regularly give away all my money and then have to make it back


Maybe if you actually played the game instead of alting for printers you'd have co text for how easy it is to make cash

I also work 40hr weeks and I cannot imagine spending my hours off in a box pressing e versus interacting with others


here is a good money making example for you


grenade shipment cost 100k


sell grenade shipment for 120-150k


easy money


all you need is like 20 sales

most of the time people will buy more than one per playtime so that breaks down to 10ish customers

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Me and @Payphonehave personally bought an alt just for the purpose of trying to get to prestige 1 (no printers, no meth/crack/weed) basically anything outside of the usual printer basing strat. Needless to say it’s been several months and we are no where near our goal. Mind you we have ~8k hours on our mains combined.

6 minutes ago, mossly said:

Maybe if you actually played the game instead of alting for printers

Lil bro I’ve been there done everything, It’s to the point I’ve been buying alts to start from scratch and I experiment with things

7 minutes ago, mossly said:

grenade shipment cost 100k


sell grenade shipment for 120-150k


easy money

Okay okay so basically upcharge 50% on what you initially paid and find a clueless player to scam, after that no wonder why people  start to self supply.

All I’m saying is there needs to be a rework done somewhere if it ever comes to restricting alts usage.

Edited by Vortex
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Wait, did you think gun dealers were supposed to sell at cost? Are you an idiot? I aim for a 10% profit margin for single weapons and gun shipments and a 25-50% profit margin on stuff mainly used to minge (like grenades).


Do you think people dropping 150k on a shipment of grenades think they are getting them at cost/are hurting for money?


My point is you can make a lot of cash easily by playing the game. Additionally, if you want to grind xp (once again, for a useless imaginary number; prestiging does very little aside from a few extra jobs, and most people who prestige use CC anyways) you can do many things to get it.


I personally have gained around 30 levels via covid alone.


The perception players have when they join our server and learn that the 40/127 population server they thought they were joining really only has 6 active players is not a pleasant one.





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Hey man you don’t seem to understand that garnet has always had alts and is still a top tier server regardless of how you try and twist it, the whole alts in spawn is dumb I’ve always changed my alts jobs and kept em out of spawn.

You think by prohibiting alts it’s actually gonna change the way people are accustomed to play the server when in reality it’s not, never been and never will. It’s just always been like that players doing their thing I don’t see why after a decade of it being that way there would be need for a change.

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6 minutes ago, Vortex said:

Hey man you don’t seem to understand that garnet has always had alts and is still a top tier server regardless of how you try and twist it, the whole alts in spawn is dumb I’ve always changed my alts jobs and kept em out of spawn.

Most people just leave em


and yes, we have had alts, which is why the suggestion is to not have them anymore

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We've gotten off topic, but I'll take care of this one for @Merk


Other than Garnet or myself, checking IPs, there is no absolute way to verify if an alt is the owners. Even then, VPNs exist. This would be an arbitrary rule, that no one could enforce. Banning the usage of alts, doesn't by any means, stop people from using them for Ban Evasion.

As cringe as alts are, this is unfortunately denied.

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