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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

new bank class's to raid with

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Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] in the current climate any raiding class can raid the bank vault. this makes the bank robber class redundant. because of these facts the bank robber class should be split into multiple for example the payday gang. adding these classes for the payday gang/bank robbers would then allow for normal raiding classes to no longer be able to raid bank vault. 

only the bank robbers would be able to raid bank vault as a solo or in a group (3-4) on the bank robber class. as stated above the bank robber class could be changed to the payday gang from the payday series as the models are available on the steam workshop and with the ability to change the model for a job with the arrows above the model this can allow for multiple members of the gang to raid in differing models. 


The items the class would be equipped with are as follows 1. a keypad cracker 2. lockpick 3. a pistol/smg such as the colt 1911 or tec9. the class would be playable at about level 50-60 so RDM would be less frequent as we would be giving them a gun. overall a change to the current back raid class and system.

Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] it would allow for more RP around back raids and encourage higher levels to not just sit on there custom class and have more reason to switch to outside classes for RP 

Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] 
models https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=184396116&searchtext=payday+2+ 

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • DarkRP Administration Team

+1  i feel like this would add more rp for the bankers and would allow raiding the bank more reasonable. Also making it so that only bank robbers can raid makes sense since it's in their name bank robbers.

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  • 1 month later...
  • DarkRP Management Team


I think this idea is terrific, except the fact that adding additional bank robber(s) would be worsening the fight against single-purpose classes, due to the fact that they literally would serve no purpose than to rob a bank which, lets be honest, does not fill up often enough to warrant having specific teams that have permission to rob it. I feel as though the bank robber class could stand to be removed as well, but that's a discussion I'll have with Garnet.


Thank you for the time & effort you put into your suggestion!

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