Shturman 23 Posted July 2, 2024 Share Posted July 2, 2024 In-game name: DTO-M HM-C GR SFC 4868 Reshala Age: 17 SteamID ( STEAM_0:1:538380396 Warns: unsure Timezone: PST Playtime: 21D 14H Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone? Yes Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos? Yes Referral(s): Dizzy , Fonza, Billybob Past experiences as a Game Master: No past experience Why should we choose you over other applicants? I understand that I have been a little bit of trouble on the server, but I have been working and improving on how I act and trying to stay active in roleplay and just being a better person. I have been a trouble on the server I believe I would be a good GM because from the events that I have seen I feel like I can see spots in them where they can add more spice and include more people rather than a single Batt/Cert event, I will also use more of the uncommon maps that are rarely seen so that we aren't returning to the same planet , also I would like to change the repetitive mission such as Attack and defend or rescue someone then leave and I will show you my ideas in event ideas. I also would say that even if I'm not hosting, I will assist other GM's because I want other GMs to have the chance to play and not assist every event. Another good reason is I'm active and I see the GM team struggling and would like to help and get more events in per day if possible so it's more encouraging to play longer and more often. I also feel like I can bring more originality to the server Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? I have been banned for attitude issues How much time do you have to contribute to the role? On weekdays 6+ (after I get off work) weekend I can get on any time someone needs help or assistance In your own words, what are the responsibilities of a Gamemaster? A gamemaster is the person who hosts events and someone who helps NCO's and tryouts when needed and who keeps the event at a fair pace including as many people as they can while making it fun for both Troopers and the EC's if are included. Describe how you would contribute to RP as a part of the Gamemaster team: I will create scenarios for troopers to do on the way to the main goal/quest such as freeing civilians from being held hostage, defusing bombs that can ruin the mission if not defused, giving codes that need to be cracked for advancement through the event that will be crucial info to keep. Explain your single most creative idea for contributing to the RP environment of the server: situations that have no limit so no matter what rank or certs / batts you are everyone will be able to contribute a hand or a gun to help get the situation delt or helped with. Please list and explain 5 unique event ideas of any scale: [Be sure to include any additional context that may be necessary to your explanation] Off World 1 " The wanted Convoy". We have been called to help save a convoy that has been ambushed by CIS the info and weaponry that the convoy carries are crucial to extract and to be brought to the original drop off location. When the Batt gets to the convoy they assist in defeating the ambush and when things calm down a clone trooper seems to be distancing himself and seems to be talking to no one when question the clone gets nervous and starts blowing his cover as a BX droid who had previously killed a trooper and put his armor on once threat is eliminated they start to get sus of the other troopers so once the convoy has been secured they grab the remaining troops and question them and find out if there are any other imposters .After killing the droids they decode the info from the droid heads to see what their plan was and what they were sent to do .While questioning they find hidden bombs that were not on the cargo list so after clearing the area and defusing the bomb they get attacked by air realizing they were being watched and scouted, once they took the threat, they called pilots to deal with air threat. At the end of the mission, they decide to see what info they were protecting. (The info can vary depending on how long the event goes on for and if GM wants a part 2) ( GM_VYTEN ) On world #1 " Quick thinking saves lives" : After Annaxes was attacked a FOB Sweep squad was sent out to clear the fob's once clear they all come back besides one realizing they were missing they go back to last spotted location but on their way over they see their unconscious brother being dragged into a ship and flown off-(tp to CIS Anaxes) They arrive at the landing pad to realize they were being waited for and was being scouted by a group of BX droids they were then attacked but they realized the attack formation seemed like the ones they learnt in CT training realizing that they need to come up with new tactics that the droids did not know. Once they take out the enemy, they start to fear that the missing droid is being used to gather the tactics of the training the trooper has gone through. Quickly thinking before any of the info can be sent off, they destroy the comms relay while making sure the droids don't repair it, they send an attack squad to attack where the trooper is being held and once the trooper is found and freed. they take him out to get him extracted and once they leave the location, they see a commando trying to escape after killing it they see what the droids mission was once the info was relayed they realized it was to keep the troopers distracted while they infiltrate the main base quickly the all return back before any info can be stolen they clear out the base and surrounding area of any and all droids after the base is clear they take the trooper in for questioning realizing he is corrupted by the CIS they sadly have to put the trooper down. (part 2 can happen) -------- (CIS ANAXES) Off World 2 " The Shell that defines evil" : A rebel artillery point has been overrun by CIS causing major fear that the weapons might be used against the Republic they quickly were sent to clear and recapture the point while doing so they realize the rebels are underequipped for their given job wondering where all their main weapons are they realize they might have been set up by a corrupt rebel leader causing the 34th battle group to go attempt to question and figure out the corrupt leader and his intents, as they approach the base where the suspected leader is at the rebels open fire upon the troopers given the command that they were being invaded by the 34th they soon learn that the 34th was there for a different reason but it's too late only a single line of defense was left before killing that defense they confronted them telling them their commander is corrupt after convincing them they go inside the base and capture and interrogate the commander finding out he wanted to become a part of the CIS so he purposely underequipped troops and sent them on death missions, after hearing all of it they execute him for treason and terrorism, Making one of the soldier the new commander event_outpost-b1 ^^^^this glitched and I don't know how to fix it sorry its ugly^^^ Off world 3 : "The wanted convoy" part 2. The info that they gathered was informing that this was a decoy convoy to distract the CIS from the bigger convoy that consisted of Ships of weaponry ranging from blasters to tank parts. After realizing that there was no more CIS activity, they were suspicious till a radio transmission came in from a downed LAAT it was an injured pilot who asks for help because the main convoy has been shot down and the droids are advancing onto the downed convoy, after hearing this the 34th battle group without any time to spare rush over to the downed convoy hoping the pilot was safe when they got to the convoy they saw the rebels fortified up defending with their life's and a part of the group was the pilot who was leading them once we assist them in clearing a wave the CIS start to for another plan while they form another plan the pilot seems to be confused on how their position was known so fast since they just departure from main base not too long ago after searching and gathering the remaining supplies they find a tracking chip on the main ship luckily they can track the chip to where the signal is being transmitted to turns out the CIS was planning a FOB to keep a closer eye on the Rebels but have yet not finished building, realizing they have a chance to attack the fob when it wasn't at its strongest they gathered every last man to attack they then advance into the FOB the troopers alongside the pilot and his men attack them all but during combat mission the captain seems more worried on something else after questioned he is worried because they haven't gotten a single relay from the main base realizing the comms have been cut they look for the jammer and take it out sending the report of the incident to rebels they send their men out to take over things from now on thanking and sending the 34th on their way to base. ( RP_Vanqor_sbs) OFF world 4 "The Forgotten FOB" During a normal day the 34th get a transmission from a unknown location they go to investigate the location not knowing what to expect turns out it was a base hidden inside a hill that belonged to the rebels that seemed to be abandoned so they go check it out once they check it out they realize there is movement so they go in and investigate they then find a survivor running for their life they then explain how there was a massive attack and they took the fob over turning it into a bunker so they can steal data and make false communications to other bases across planets realizing how bad the situation is the 34th use all of their troops to push into the bunker once entering they start clearing pushing through minimal resistance once clearing it all they realize it was a trap and there were bombs ticking down( bombs can either be defused or the troopers can let the base explode) after realizing they been set up they realize the survivor is missing and so was the CG holding them they realize the FOB they walked passed is now fortified realizing the survivor has captured a trooper and is willing to trade for its freedom the troopers then push into the heavily fortified fob realizing that it won't be easy to get their brother back but they give it their everything they then clear the FOB finding the CG and the capturer ( they can either eliminate her or bring her into base to interrogate her). (GM_MARSH) :3 2 1 Link to comment
BrianTheilliterate 150 Posted July 2, 2024 Share Posted July 2, 2024 +1 You have defiantly changed from when I first met you. Application looks good and I like the events. Good Luck 1 Link to comment
dizz 29 Posted July 2, 2024 Share Posted July 2, 2024 +1 Confirming my Referall. Shturman has made a flip with his attitude for the better and I feel like he would be a good addition to the team. Link to comment
Xenooooo 8 Posted July 3, 2024 Share Posted July 3, 2024 +1 would be great to have shturman on the GM Team Link to comment
MilitaryRP Management Team Python 467 Posted July 3, 2024 MilitaryRP Management Team Share Posted July 3, 2024 Never thought I’d see the day that this man applies for a position, anyone who knows him from MRP knew about him. Minge, toxic and possibly cheats. However I feel I know shturman on a better level. We’ve talked lots and he knows about my life and I know about his. I also know that when under certain rules with actual consequences he’s surprisingly tame and can actually be a valuable asset. Now another point I’ve also seen him fail at this. Thankfully our team and something a lot of people forget. T.GM is for a trial and to test the waters to see if they are compatible with the team and can hold the responsibility of the role. In final thoughts I’d give him a plus one +1 2 1 Link to comment
Community Director AlexConway 1,241 Posted July 3, 2024 Community Director Share Posted July 3, 2024 Unbelievably, a very solid application. You have definitely come strides since your “timeout”. Good Luck +1 Link to comment
Clyderus 8 Posted July 4, 2024 Share Posted July 4, 2024 ACCEPTED After deliberation with the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Leadership Team, we have decided to accept your GM Application. This is largely in-part to some, but not limited to, the below reasons: Excellent Event IdeasReferrals from Current GM Team Support from the Community Welcome to the StarWarsRP Gamemaster Team! We're looking forward to getting you trained and having you on board! Please do not use any commands/permissions until you have been trained Link to comment
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