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Add in a Casual "Miscellaneous" Custom Class


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Description: Currently Custom Classes are Criminal only, I am suggesting to add in a casual custom class for those who don't want to utilize the criminal class of RP but want to use more casual features on the server. 


Reasoning: This merely spawned out of conversations with other players hoping that items such as: Hobo boot, Banana, Radio, Dumpster Diving, hits, bounty, donation box and more casual RP aspects of the server have the ability to be a custom class on the server with other unique skins. I feel like even for myself, I have no particular want to have a CC because I rarely base or raid. 


My suggestion as a whole idea, would be to allow the players to purchase CC that in essence acts as a "Miscellaneous" role rather than a criminal role. With the option when crafting the CC to add in aspects unique to those mentioned above. For obvious reasons, while many players might say "Hell yeah let me get a radio!", there is the obvious aspect of huge radio spam that could happen as a result, or a million bananas everywhere, which I think would need to be balanced by the cost addition of certain items. I would off the bat suggest: ability to dumpster dive, have a donation box, be immune to lockdowns, cannot base except in the street (IMO, would not be as large as a 6x6, my first thought is a 3x3). 


I think that if there were a way to add this in, it would add a bit more flavor onto the server, of course while not necessary as many of the Misc. roles allow for a large enough player base to be able to access them minus a few roles. I really do think that there could be a possibility of a Misc. Custom Class in some capacity with enough thought and would love to see it on the server. 


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My issue with this is the same with the purchase playermodels suggestion. Your usually able to walk around Darkrp if you have some knowledge of the server you can identify whos who.  

Your talking about mixing player models with certains roles and for a newer player and for someone like me it just looks dumb and confusing. 

i like the way it is. Jobs/Roles have playermodels that are easily identifiable and i think it should stay like that tbh. 



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3 hours ago, IAreGunner said:

My issue with this is the same with the purchase playermodels suggestion. Your usually able to walk around Darkrp if you have some knowledge of the server you can identify whos who.  

Your talking about mixing player models with certains roles and for a newer player and for someone like me it just looks dumb and confusing. 

i like the way it is. Jobs/Roles have playermodels that are easily identifiable and i think it should stay like that tbh. 




I see what you're getting at, and perhaps you're not wrong. IMO since in my suggestion you may be able to be immune to lockdowns, I think having one player model only and a standard job title color (brown like hobo) might be the best thing. I'm not saying to use like 4 or however many are currently available for CC's. 


Though, considering the use of being able to change your job title, add a colored skin from the vending machine, and all the pointshop hats and things, it can be difficult to tell what anyone is sometimes unless you get close and can make out what their job really is by deducing the color. You can be a full solid color hobo that looks like a lego man with a job that says Mayor of Bonerville. 

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18 hours ago, 1998Corolla said:


I see what you're getting at, and perhaps you're not wrong. IMO since in my suggestion you may be able to be immune to lockdowns, I think having one player model only and a standard job title color (brown like hobo) might be the best thing. I'm not saying to use like 4 or however many are currently available for CC's. 


Though, considering the use of being able to change your job title, add a colored skin from the vending machine, and all the pointshop hats and things, it can be difficult to tell what anyone is sometimes unless you get close and can make out what their job really is by deducing the color. You can be a full solid color hobo that looks like a lego man with a job that says Mayor of Bonerville. 

One player model only could work. But i can see overtime people begging and begging for more. 

i just think if you wanna play a role, play that job.  

if its not available, find something else. 


I dont see the real benefit out of it tbh. I dont wanna see more hitmen roaming the streets , more radios sound anooying, bounty is whatever,


being immune to lockdowns is just stupid and it could  lead to false arrests and just a headache if you ask me. 

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  • 2 months later...
  • The Garnut

Unfortunately the only way I will honor the addition of new roles would be if they were introduced to all players. I don't see players spending $100 on a hobo class or something similar being a popular feature at all.

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