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Base Expansion


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  • DarkRP Administration Team

Description: [description of what you are suggesting, one paragraph minimum] Today I am suggesting we add this as part of the base expansion. You can have the entrance be from the bottom or the top. You use to be able to base outside that base until the map expansion and they added the sewers so you can't block it off now. 


Reasoning: [how would this benefit our server?] No one ever really bases there and I believe that it would start attracting more people to that spot. It would also allow people to get creative with base building and allow their skills to show.


Additional Information: [Photos/Videos][/CODE] 





Edited by Chawhead
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  • DarkRP Administration Team


Less-familiar players that base back there almost always build outside anyways.  This extension is pretty generous already with just the alley and back area, so I don't particularly agree with the sewer room. Still, this is a great idea, and I hope to see it happen so I could try and build a base there myself someday 😄 

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