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Wankershams(Divinyll) - MRP Staff Application


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Name: Divinyll | 18A COL Wankershams
Age: 22
Total time on the server: 18A COL Wankershams has played for 430:15:44.
Do you own a microphone:  Yes, several
Referrals:  Shroody
Staff History:  I have no active warns, and have never been banned.

Country of Residence: United States of America

Essay Portion

Past experiences staffing?

I was a super admin on a minecraft server for about three years before ownership of the server changed. About a year later, that same server became my server, but I ended up closing it down due to a vastly inactive community. Held various moderator positions on different Minecraft, Garry’s Mod, and Half-life 2 Deathmatch servers. Currently only have one active moderator position, but that server is all but dead now. I owned a TTT server for about six months before closing it down due to cost increase.

Why do you plan on benefiting our server?

I’m not trying to lay down the law, but when it needs to be done I’ll show no hesitation. I’m just trying to be a helping hand in the various affairs and keep the server from being dominated by minging and RDMers. I am also currently in the military, so I’m coming from a place of real world military expertise. Of course, that doesn’t really mean anything as far as being a staff member. However, it does mean I can handle deadlines, stressful and chaotic situations, and remain professional through the whole process. Accomplishing the mission and setting the standard is what I’m all about. I’m easily adjustable to changes to. If there is a rule change, as long it is is confirmed and posted, I will not be subject to breaking it. Maintaining discipline and following the orders of those above me are simply part of the job and my own life. I’m not looking for anything beyond a moderator position here, but supporting this community and having the power to help clean it up are rather important for someone with my position in the Green Beret. Being able to deliver non-verbal warnings and simply reporting those that choose to infringe upon the rules will not only help the server, but help me keep my subordinates in line(particularly those on reserves). I don’t like being the hammer of the law, but I’ve had to be it so much that it’s almost natural online and offline. It’s been a while since I’ve been in a staff position too, haven’t kept at it since I joined the military. In about two months, I’ll have a lot more time on my hands to do all this because I’m approaching my ETS date and I’m not reenlisting. I am highly dedicated to this server.

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As long as I have been in Green Beret and knew him, he was a great leader. He helped others and treated them as equals. Overall great guy, and perfect for the job


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-1 To be honest I think you need to get to know the people in the server more. You stay around your GB group hence why all the people +1ing are GB or Former GB.  I believe you could make a good fit at some point just not right now. 

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4 hours ago, Divinyll said:

but supporting this community and having the power to help clean it up are rather important for someone with my position in the Green Beret.

You already have the power needed to do what is needed from you on the server.


4 hours ago, Divinyll said:

Being able to deliver non-verbal warnings and simply reporting those that choose to infringe upon the rules will not only help the server, but help me keep my subordinates in line(particularly those on reserves). I don’t like being the hammer of the law, but I’ve had to be it so much that it’s almost natural online and offline. I

It sounds like you want to use a staff rank to perpetuate RP authority over your  faction? A staff rank is suppose to be used for reactionary purposes(ex. person RDMS, person gets warned), if you feel like you have to have a staff rank to keep your factions behavior decent, maybe that's a issue in your leadership.
 In this case, i'd much prefer the casual "hey im on this server a lot, and want to give back" compared to the "I am the hammer of the law on and offline". Gives me the impression that you'll easily let the power get to your head. 


My personal opinion is that you should try and focus your time and effort on RP content for your faction before you try and spread yourself thin by worrying about both Staff and RP related responsibilities -1

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I've never seen you ever even though I started playing US a lot more since I join the staff team. Your presence on the server is very little with only a handful of people knowing you. Also, having staff power isn't about having power over the server but to enforce the rules and keep the server fun. Your faction is your faction, if you can't members in line that's your problem. Gaining staff power is not suppose to help you keep your men in line. -1 I will agree with TK that you will be a good fit once you find the right mindset of becoming a staff member.

Edited by draggydx
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-1. You are a great person and friend since my departure from GB. You would be a great person for staff but from what I see, you never really make contact with those outside of GB which of course you dont have to. Knowing the community can make a world of difference.

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Wish I could know you better for a +1 or -1 but unfortunately I can't remember any interactions I have had with you in-game, OOC, or out of the game. So I recommend trying to interact with different members of the community more.

Edited by Normal Hooman
reworded slightly
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