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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×

Normal Hooman

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Normal Hooman last won the day on July 16 2019

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About Normal Hooman

  • Birthday May 29

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  1. Being someone who recently left with the main reasons being - Combat doesn't feel fun or unique with the third person updates. Sure I know it's not immersive and retarded in nature but at the same time it was really fun experience. Which leads me to my next reason is the seeming identity crisis of the server with people saying they want more RP but when presented with it on the server it just never really happens and when it does it is pretty garbage most of the time. Why are people trying to be something they're not? Most of the player base are teenagers and young adults that just wanna fuck around on a gmod server. Another big issue I saw was the attitude of people. It was very easy to find people who blamed everyone else for the problems of the server and never try to look into themselves and do the best they could personally. Also the rules put in place that were the lazy solution such as base camping rules and reserve rules. People having trouble with base campers? Train them on how to deal with it. People abusing reserves? Remove the people who are abusing reserves. Last thing is there is really no one that is super charismatic and that can create fun out of nothing in leadership positions. The main thing that keeps other players to the server in the end is the other players.
  2. Think there's 2 ways to get unbanned at this point and that's through a deal of some kind with garnet and/or overwelming community support. Neither seemingly happened here. Recommend you wait a long time before attempting another one if you do and in that time prove your improvement to the broader community.
  3. Putting 100% focus into the important things you want to do is always the right choice. Best of luck in football and whatever else you decide to attempt to achieve in life.
  4. Yall be harsh, I hope that the staff team gives you a second chance or a reduced ban under some kind of terms that if you break rules your punishment would be much harsher than usually. I'm all for 2nd chances. I've seen many examples of people comming back from worse and becomming well known and respected members of the community.
  5. +1 Have shown you have a reasonable head on your shoulders and very personable in my encounters with you.
  6. This was really embarrassing to bring to the forums. I get saying some shit to your friends to decompress because your frustrated with what's happening. I also get that your saying this because you may care about the health of 2GA. But at the same this reeks of you just disliking Millerjerm, Aura, and Vizzi and having an ego way bigger than warranted. This guy is Marshal, highest ranking 2GA he gets to promote who he thinks deserves even if you don't think so. This just reminds me of the shit that got you banned before. The best way to handle this would have been to just leave if you were unhappy because nothing is forcing you to stay playing.
  7. Dude I completely understand your reason for leaving, which makes it kinda sad to see someone who seems to have a good head on their shoulders leave. Didn't interact with you much but all the same, wish you the best in what you do.
  8. Can't wait for V3 to come back. Old company gonna be lit.
  9. Seems a bit harsh to give a couple of people that are new and seemed not fully aware to the rules and if they actually didn't bother anyone else a full 2 week ban. Unless they were told at some point to stop what they were doing.
  10. Option C seems like the worst of these just because it would be a pain to enforce. My favorite would be option B because would everyone would get a knife that could be used to counter the people that hide in the water and would let them have it for other uses outside of water. Option A would probably be the best solution to this issue making so that you have to show your head at some point if your in the water for a long period of time. Would make combat around the river more interesting and make using the river as a way to flank more of challenging task. So big +1 to option A or B
  11. Already well agreed that this warn was not the correct decision here. But I'm disappointed in the way that this warn even happened. Neither the E-8 of an elite faction or the staff handling the report, that is an officer in an elite faction, realized that the ghillie model has always had the jumping on it fucked up?
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