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Im going to refrain from the appeal and let Chris decide because from all of us bickering about this its childish to a point especially with 10 pages of shit. No diss intended on anyone but it should just be decided by one person without bias views at all. Im going to let Chris decide to a point for me and let him make his decision as i know if i make mine nothing will change...

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Just now, rauler said:

You completely missed my point. You started spinning in both videos, and ended within the exact same frame. I wasn't talking about you're actual movements, i'm talking about the time of the movements. Say for reference, you spun for 60 frames (rough estimate). You're telling me that you're able to spin for EXACTLY 60 frames twice in a row, something that people would have to try 100's of times to do, let alone spinning almost the exact same way like a robot? I highly doubt it man.


The evidence is highly stacked up against you.  It isn't humanly possible to do anything you remotely did with the timeframe's of the spins.

i would love to join the server again and someone spectate me. i would literally do the exact thing what i just did in the video. how is it exactly the same? its just me looking up and down and side to side with high dpi.

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2 minutes ago, rauler said:

You're telling me that you're able to spin for EXACTLY 60 frames twice in a row, something that people would have to try 100's of times to do, let alone spinning almost the exact same way like a robot? I highly doubt it man

He didnt stop at the same time , and even if he did he didnt move the same way

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10 minutes ago, rauler said:

Another thing i'd like to point out about the videos.

Apart from the spinning in both videos being completely robotic, the movements of both are VERY similar, if not exactly the same. It's hard to tell because the spectating angle was different in both videos, but the angles at which he's snapping to are VERY similar, if not exact. This isn't even the big thing. Next, the spinning begins and ends on the EXACT same frame (assuming jackal recorded in either 30 fps or 60 fps, this means that the spinning ended in 1/30th  or 1/60th of a second within each other, which for reference, is .016 seconds, or about 16 milliseconds.)


Above is the videos shown frame by frame. It takes a bit of prep for me to get each video set up, but look at about 15 seconds for the start. Each video is played 1 frame at a time (my mouse is moving to each video to play one frame.) The movement just looks so insanely robotic and unhuman. Also, the spinning ends on the EXACT frame that I ended at, with him staring at very awkward positions, one in the sky and one with his mouse not moving.


This video shows each video played at the slowest possible speed, and shows the spinning of both videos. Notice how they end at the exact same time.


Now, I'm not sure if topshot is some sort of mechanical machine being able to start and end his movements within literal microseconds of beginning and end, but it's basically inhuman.


My -1 still stands.

This is super suspicious but considering the mouse movement at the end of the spin it could be something as small as him running out of mouse pad room.


I'm still sticking with my previous statement. Sketchy as fuck but nothing to ban for. I honestly don't get why this post hasn't been locked yet.

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31 minutes ago, rauler said:

Another thing i'd like to point out about the videos.

Apart from the spinning in both videos being completely robotic, the movements of both are VERY similar, if not exactly the same. It's hard to tell because the spectating angle was different in both videos, but the angles at which he's snapping to are VERY similar, if not exact. This isn't even the big thing. Next, the spinning begins and ends on the EXACT same frame (assuming jackal recorded in either 30 fps or 60 fps, this means that the spinning ended in 1/30th  or 1/60th of a second within each other, which for reference, is .016 seconds, or about 16 milliseconds.)


Above is the videos shown frame by frame. It takes a bit of prep for me to get each video set up, but look at about 15 seconds for the start. Each video is played 1 frame at a time (my mouse is moving to each video to play one frame.) The movement just looks so insanely robotic and unhuman. Also, the spinning ends on the EXACT frame that I ended at, with him staring at very awkward positions, one in the sky and one with his mouse not moving.


This video shows each video played at the slowest possible speed, and shows the spinning of both videos. Notice how they end at the exact same time.


Now, I'm not sure if topshot is some sort of mechanical machine being able to start and end his movements within literal microseconds of beginning and end, but it's basically inhuman.


My -1 still stands.

Why you on incognito lol ❤️

Good evidence though!

Nice job making it!

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2 hours ago, Vac_ said:

The fact that a manager can’t make an executive decision without getting second guessed and the decision is agreed upon by a majority vote weither he is hacking to be banned mind boggles me.  Jackal shouldn’t have to be defending his case unless topshot has evidence to prove his side, not examples, pure evidence. A manager should be able to make a final decision unless it’s overruled by a SA. Not by the community, at that point it’s opinionated, not factual. 

You have a very dangerous mindset. We have appeals so that people who have been banned or warned and are truly innocent can have a chance at getting the decision reverted. I agree that Topshot should try to properly defend himself by atleast asking the GB that were in the TS channel to back him up, but it seems like they might be leaving him high and dry alone. A Manager's decision holds immense weight, and rightly so since they were trusted with that position due to positive merit, but regardless the burden of proof is on the accuser to provide sufficient proof. Keyword being sufficient. 

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