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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Fupert1

  1. sexy lil mama

  2. I understand that it wasn't Medinator or you, but your apparent reason for this post was to bring light to issues within MRP that need to be addressed. Is Toyto's voice an issue that needs to be addressed? There's a way to address shit without being overly toxic and unnecessary
  3. Yeah the right way to deal with toxicity in the community is making an anonymous post allowing people to shit on each other pubicly. There's some valid shit in the document, but you let someone go off on Toyto for his fucking voice and talking too much? How the fuck is that a community issue that needs to be addressed.
  4. This sounds like more of a joke to me, I don't really see a reason to punish him just for this. But the way Buddha's been acting lately it's pretty insane to me that he still has a rank in game and on the forums. I don't play darkrp, I don't know how much you do for it, if you do anything at all, but it really seems like you must be doing a whole fucking lot for it if you're getting away with this much shit.
  5. You didn't even bother reading Aidan's latest post. Reserves are rarely used anymore for factions that are actually dying. Admin abuse is going over your reach/what you're allowed to do. If you payed any attention to MRP you'd know Aidan is allowed to do this, and if you payed any attention to this post you'd see that Garnet is supporting it. You probably just got tagged in the army discord saying that your reserves are getting removed so you came on to complain about it.
  6. I think a lot of people, including myself didn't deserve keeping their reserves, but I'd rather have all reserves just managed by staff with less restrictions than this.
  7. I don't even understand what you're suggesting. This just kinda looks like a post that is a reply to shrimps' suggestion instead of an actual separate suggestion defining exactly what you're suggesting
  8. Just read the post and every comment before you reply. It's not hard
  9. I don't think that many people would actually leave the server. I've seen this shit happen on other servers where players end up staying, cause the wipe of the factions was actually refreshing, and gave purpose to being in those factions. It wouldn't really cause a shit storm for the base factions, If anything it'd actually help them. The main reason behind wiping the SOC factions isn't handpicks, it's just one part of it. It's good that you haven't handpicked, but it's still hard to give props to Rangers with the people they're passing. They don't really act the best lmao
  10. I wouldn't expect you to understand what happened with GB considering you aren't active at all. Jackal's GB is actually a decent example of what could happen if all of the SOC factions were wiped. The only negative thing about the faction were the handpicks, and how long all the members stayed. All of the members left or were removed, cause playing US for wars is genuinely unenjoyable, which leads back to multiple issues with multiple factions on both sides. I don't want every faction to be led by a veteran. I just want every faction to be led by some competent person, regardless of how long they've been here. I'm open to other people leading even if they are somewhat new. This suggestion heavily ties into staff, and to an extent, there should be some staff involvement in factions. Trying new leaders only works when there's a staff management presence that would be able to remove said new leader if it wasn't working. The faction issue itself could be handled without people having to make actual forum suggestions for it, if there was willing executive staff. There's even a problem with getting good higher staff now since their sits matter more than if they deserve it or how they carry themselves. I'm not trying to shit on Gildarts, but I think it's come to the point where there should be at least a manager for MRP. There's been plenty of factions that were wiped due to the leaders negligence for allowing certain players in their faction, despite those players not breaking rules or being inactive. The standard for SOC factions shouldn't just be that their players don't break rules and consistently play the server. Leaders can and have been removed for just straight up being bad leaders. Do you objectively think your factions good? Then explain why wiping your faction is a bad idea. Why should you keep leading? A lot of people have responded to this idea by criticizing against the new leaders, and talking about how bad they would do, instead of how good the current leaders are doing. If you really want to change my opinion, or Bishop's opinion, or Jackal's opinion then give us a reason to, cause right now I ain't seeing any +1
  11. The problem is that Embassy's cap point doesn't perfectly capture the room. You have to stand in the middle of the room to actually be on the point.
  12. Purposely having a low numbers in your faction is actually a good thing. If no ones good enough to join, then no ones gonna join. I don't need to fill my faction with random ass people to appease others so they stop calling my faction dead. I'm surprised you've been here for as long as you have and you still haven't figured that out.
  13. I get what you're trying to say and I agree with it for Boardwalk, but the Embassy cap point is just genuinely too small. I don't agree with Viva when he said the cap point should be extended to the offices, but as of right now the cap point should be expanded a little to fit the main room a bit better. +1 to increasing Embassy cap point size -1 to expanding the Embassy cap point beyond the main room -1 to expanding/messing with the Boardwalk cap point
  14. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: Bright Your in-game name: Fupert Your SteamID : --- In-game name of reportee: 2GA RFR SNS Bright SteamID of reportee : STEAM_0:1:117666555 Date & Time of incident: Video evidence was on 11/14 but he's been cheating for at least over a week. Timezone: N/A What happened? : I’ve heard multiple players on both countries make comments about Bright cheating, but I just passed them as people getting salty that they got killed by a new player. I stopped thinking that in a couple days, if not hours when one war he decided to be a little blatant, and has been more suspicious since. The video below is from that blatant war and in it you can see Bright easily head shotting 5 players with the orsis close quarters. It's hard for me to believe that someone who isn't cheating can get that feed on this server, especially with the hitreg we have rn. If some of you are still skeptical here's a ban of his on another GMod server for cheating, and his current play time on the server. Proof : And just to clarify. Him cheating on another server isn't enough to warrant a ban, but it shows that he has a past in cheating, more specifically using vision and aim assist on GMod servers.
  15. Third person actually does the complete opposite of this. It allows players to just hide even better and abuse thirdperson to only peek when shooting. The removal of third person didn't kill fast paced combat on MRP. You can even see in this video you used in the suggestion that guns were stronger and players move a lot faster than they do now. I don't know where you got the idea that MRP was trying to have more fast paced combat when shit like the stamina bar has been added recently. The servers been a lot better without the crazy ass third person. And pretty much everything else I had to say in response to this has been addressed by Bendak, Jackal, and Shrimps. Bad idea. -1
  16. Cause some group of old recent players of GG thought it would be some funny ass revolutionary shit to "call out" Garnet on the forums. This shits just kinda sad lmao
  17. Not even dick sucking. You guys are just randomly coming at Garnet for the most random off shit ive seen . I've been apart of mass forum posts shitting and criticizing on Garnet before and I don't even get why you guys are even flaming him this time. You played constantly in like the last 6 months and most of those problems are still apparent . You still talk to gg players, Garnet doesn't, you're definitely gonna be more caught up than him. Y'all mfs don't even play gg anymore I don't know why you're all hopping on the forums to shit on the guy if you're not even playing or planning to play on his server lmao
  18. I'm not just gonna go play other servers. I stuck playing Garnet for a reason. I've tried my best in these posts to show my appreciation towards you and the things you and Dio have done for the community. I understand that you are tired of stupid toxic complaints coming from the community, but I cannot wrap my head around you thinking it is more unreasonable for myself and others to suggest going back to older maps than you committing your time to take feedback and editing the current map. I don't think Delta's a shit fucking map, I've been playing it for months and I'm getting bored of it. I'm Sorry that you don't like that certain individuals made toxic comments, but it's really discouraging for anyone else who did not make these comments to keep asking for reasonable changes if this is the type of response you're going to give them. The majority of the players who want Taiga v3 or a map rotation don't want it because they think Delta is complete fucking trash. They are bored of the map and want to play something else. The same thing that happens every 6 months or so, they are bored and want a different map to play. They don't want to stop playing MRP, they want to continue to enjoy the server and stop playing the map itself. There's nothing wrong with it or the majority of the maps you and Dio have made. People just simply get tired and bored of any map despite how good it is. It's unfortunate that certain people have made toxic comments towards you and the map, but myself and a lot of other people would appreciate it if you would, at least create a poll asking the players whether they want an edited version of Delta, reverting back to older maps, or a map rotation.
  19. I understand that due to the work that was put into Delta that you don't just want to just switch back to Taiga. But you need to understand that despite how the good map is structurally or aesthetically it's going to get stale and boring to the players. It would be much less work and stress for you and Dio if you just made a map rotation out of previous maps. There's a lot of good playable maps that we've used before, but we just switched off of them because the community got bored of the map and/or we got a new map. Most of the people who were shit talking Delta on the map suggestion thread were just complaining to give a reason to switch maps instead of saying they were just tired and bored of the map. It happens anytime you've gotten community help with a map, eventually after time people still complain and we switch to another map. I appreciate you trying to work with the community and trying to remake Delta to fit the community's needs, but you've done it before with Sibera/Taiga Forest and the community still complained and wanted to switch to CSDesert.
  20. I do agree with some of the points brought up in the original suggestion but Ima have to agree with Jackal. I think the better suggestion or way to suggest a map change at this point is to suggest a map rotation. Garnet and Dio have made plenty playable enjoyable maps and the biggest issue every map runs into is it being boring and stale eventually. Every month or a week or two a map change between versions of Taiga, Taiga Forest, and Chaharikar could really benefit the server. It would bring more refreshing and fun gameplay for all current players and draw old players back in. With constantly changing maps eventually certain maps would get stale again and could be taken out or replaced by other maps. This cycle of Garnet making a map or reverting back to a map because players get old of the current map isn’t gonna fucking last forever. And I really don’t have a problem with Delta itself, I had fun playing on it, sometimes I still have fun at certain objectives. But just like any other map it’s getting a little stale. I don’t really think it has to do with the structure of the map, cause no matter how good the map is combat wise or aesthetically, it’s gonna get stale if you keep playing it. The same exact thing could be said about reverting to just Taiga v3. And It would just be like the same thing that happened with CSDesert, no matter how good you think the map is switching back to just Taiga will eventually get stale. +1 for map change, but i’d prefer setting up a map rotation. If it couldn’t be set to automatically rotate SA’s could always be given perms to change the map.
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