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Removing Jump Meta


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Description: I am suggesting we add jump fatigue or stamina to jumping. For example, a person jumping would take stamina from their bar limiting them to a certain amount of jumps per time. Obviously, you can regain stamina but this makes it so you can't abuse the jumping mechanism.

Reasoning: One major way this would help the server is combat wise, as people can't be spamming jump-crouch from their base to the objective. That is also including during combat once someone is shot they start smashing their space button following with their crouch. Secondly, this would make bunny hopping nearly impossible as they can not jump over and over.

Additional Information: I have an addon I found on gmodstore for 2.50$. I'm sure there is a way to code this easily but I don't have any code in my hands to suggest with besides what's listed on the store. If anyone has any criticism to this then feel free to leave a comment, this is just a base idea I had and could be expanded on if necessary.

Note: Before you leave a comment, realize that I am suggesting a change to this meta. I am in no way denying that I use and am a heavy user of this meta, I personally don't like it but everyone has to do it to survive and play well in combat on the server.

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Just now, Hashem said:


I just simply disagree. It becomes too complicated, when I jump, I want to jump, not factor in my stamina in a game, I'd prefer readding anti-bhop.


The point is, you can jump when you please but with restriction as you can't spam jump from your base to an objective while crouching throughout the jump animation.

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+1 I can see the need even though I don't break my hitbox by jumping and spamming crouch I will admit I will jump a few times in combat. This would be very helpful in sniper battles so your enemy can't just jump every time to evade your shots. I like this idea and think it would be a great way to get rid of this long forsaken problem

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+1, this would theoretically balance out gun play on the server. Hate to beat the same drum, but the jump glitch that RU has is very hard to deal with when they're spam jumping.

Edit: Added comparison


Edited by {GG}otham
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6 hours ago, {GG}otham said:

but the jump glitch that RU has

There is no side this glitch favors, both sides can use it to it's fullest extent, Huskaii was just spamming crouch more while he was in the air whereas br0ken did it once. :

Regardless, +1, reducing movement will greatly benefit the hard CQC style of the current map and OBJ's and will generally ease the server as it both removes the possibility of bhop and removes fights benefiting who ever mashes crouch and jump harder.

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1 minute ago, Pencil said:

There is no side this glitch favors, both sides can use it to it's fullest extent, Huskaii was just spamming crouch more while he was in the air whereas br0ken did it once.

Posted this to display how the model breaks when landing, not directly for the crouching

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12 minutes ago, Pencil said:

Huskaii was just spamming crouch more while he was in the air whereas br0ken did it once

Both models break just as bad. I always see people complain about RU Ghillie, but imo almost any model can be broken by doing this if you try to.

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20 hours ago, Huskaii said:

Both models break just as bad. I always see people complain about RU Ghillie, but  almost any model can be broken by doing this if you try to.

The reason why people complain more about RU Ghillie is because it already has a shitty hitbox. When people break it's hitbox even more it's just insane.


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When a ghille crouch jumps and crunches the hitbox, it causes almost an rng effect that makes it as hard to kill as increased health class. While it takes practice and some skill to use, it tends to be impactful in a negative light. I would rather see a punishment for this, only it fits the following elements.

1. User uses crouch jump spam during true combat situations with clear intentions.

2. The reporter has video evidence of offense otherwise it's conisderd null and invalid.

3.1st offense is verbal warning, 2nd follows bhop rules, jail and removed from war, along with a warning.

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20 minutes ago, Dillan said:

When a ghille crouch jumps and crunches the hitbox, it causes almost an rng effect that makes it as hard to kill as increased health class. While it takes practice and some skill to use, it tends to be impactful in a negative light. I would rather see a punishment for this, only it fits the following elements.

1. User uses crouch jump spam during true combat situations with clear intentions.

2. The reporter has video evidence of offense otherwise it's conisderd null and invalid.

3.1st offense is verbal warning, 2nd follows bhop rules, jail and removed from war, along with a warning.

+1 Reasons stayed above - it’s just like B-Hop, it’s abused and should not be an allowed game mechanism

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29 minutes ago, Dillan said:

When a ghille crouch jumps and crunches the hitbox, it causes almost an rng effect that makes it as hard to kill as increased health class. While it takes practice and some skill to use, it tends to be impactful in a negative light. I would rather see a punishment for this, only it fits the following elements.

1. User uses crouch jump spam during true combat situations with clear intentions.

2. The reporter has video evidence of offense otherwise it's conisderd null and invalid.

3.1st offense is verbal warning, 2nd follows bhop rules, jail and removed from war, along with a warning.


6 minutes ago, Alex Conway said:

+1 Reasons stayed above - it’s just like B-Hop, it’s abused and should not be an allowed game mechanism


This was brought up before, it is a way to punish users of such but I believe there was some staff concern with that. Though video evidence can be used so your suggestion Dillan could work.

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1 hour ago, Dillan said:

When a ghille crouch jumps and crunches the hitbox, it causes almost an rng effect that makes it as hard to kill as increased health class. While it takes practice and some skill to use, it tends to be impactful in a negative light. I would rather see a punishment for this, only it fits the following elements.

1. User uses crouch jump spam during true combat situations with clear intentions.

2. The reporter has video evidence of offense otherwise it's conisderd null and invalid.

3.1st offense is verbal warning, 2nd follows bhop rules, jail and removed from war, along with a warning.


54 minutes ago, Alex Conway said:

+1 Reasons stayed above - it’s just like B-Hop, it’s abused and should not be an allowed game mechanism


46 minutes ago, .lua said:

This was brought up before, it is a way to punish users of such but I believe there was some staff concern with that. Though video evidence can be used so your suggestion Dillan could work.

No punishment necessary. These things can be fixed pretty simply*, including fixing bhopping

* I haven't tested this and haven't worked with these functions much before as I mostly do design but it could be solved by adding a hook on the SetupMove gamemode function. It's a predicted hook and as such will be on both the client and server realms, and with a simple check you could disable pressing the crouch button in the same jump if you have already pressed it once before and let go.

Here is a potential solution in case Garnet or somebody else would like to solve this with Lua. I'm saying this multiple times for a reason but this isn't tested.

-- This is a very hastily modified version of the second example available on the Garry's Mod Lua Wiki for the
-- SetupMove function, linked here: https://wiki.garrysmod.com/page/GM/SetupMove
-- This is also untested and isn't guaranteed to be the best Lua solution.

local CMoveData = FindMetaTable( "CMoveData" )
local Ply = FindMetaTable( "Player" )

function CMoveData:RemoveKeys( keys )
	local newbuttons = bit.band( self:GetButtons(), bit.bnot( keys ) )
	self:SetButtons( newbuttons )

function Ply:IgnoreNextCrouch()
	self.AllowCrouchNow = false
	self.CanCrouchTime = CurTime() + 3 -- add a 3 second delay

function Ply:CanPressCrouch()
	if self.CanCrouchTime <= CurTime() then
		self.AllowCrouchNow = true
	return ( self.AllowCrouchNow or true or self.CanCrouchTime or 0 <= CurTime() ) or true

hook.Add( "SetupMove", "AntiCrouchSpam", function( ply, mvd, cmd )
	if mvd:KeyDown( IN_JUMP ) and mvd:KeyDown( IN_DUCK ) then
		if not ply:CanPressCrouch() then
			mvd:RemoveKeys( IN_DUCK )


Edited by Fier
Added a potential solution, untested.
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