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Death Screen Glitch


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Description: After getting killed a death screen pops up. But if you wait until your body disappears and you press 'S' or whatever your backwards key is, you will start to fly. (NOTE: My friend literally just showed me this, I'd thought I would just make Garnet aware about it)

	Reasoning: I'm not sure how well known this is, but either way it could be abused in wars, snooping in on tryouts, etc...

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This is a known issue with Garry's Mod and if you try it on any other server it works the same way.

The only solution I can think of to stop this would be making the player respawn whenever any movement key is pressed rather than just pressing jump or Left Mouse Button; but its obviously very abuse-able and shouldn't be solved with "this is against the rules" like the quick-fire exploit, etc.

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5 hours ago, Fier said:

This is a known issue with Garry's Mod and if you try it on any other server it works the same way.

The only solution I can think of to stop this would be making the player respawn whenever any movement key is pressed rather than just pressing jump or Left Mouse Button; but its obviously very abuse-able and shouldn't be solved with "this is against the rules" like the quick-fire exploit, etc.

It technically is an exploit but it could be fixed. Making an adjustment to the respawn command by adding WASD or movement keys to trigger the respawn is one way I think of. When I respawn I can either hit space bar or click so adding more options wouldn’t hurt I believe.

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Only way I see it being a major problem is people taking the role of a UAV with this exploit and just calling out every enemy they see while noclipping around while dead. The whole spying on tryouts shit really doesn't matter, only thing your getting might be knowing certain gimmicks or questions but regardless you can just google a question as soon as it's asked and practice by actually going to the tryout. And regardless, tryouts usually have sims so if they aren't practicing on their skill, it's really not helping them by just spying on the tryout.

I actually have used it to catch a few bits of evidence on cheaters since it doesn't tell them they are being spectated, don't see my name change, etc.

And even if it's used in a bad way to "gather info" you're dead so it would be meta regardless if I were to add this to my faction's super secret info hold that I publicly post on the forums. ( don't hurt me, Ethan )

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