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Smg's for base factions medic/support classes


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We should have smg's back for medic classes what i recommend for the smg's, i will put it down bellow:

Russian Forces: Support - This class should have a FN 90 for russian's weapon damage should at least 23 or 20 it should also have a high fire rate in exchange for damage 
or a lower fire rate for more damage and such i don't see any 2GA healers so doing this would be very good for team as it would imply more team play and such.

US Army: Support - this class should have a ump as what i think is classic weapon and a reliable weapon for army damage/ fire rate should be equal to the russian version 
doing this would also allow more people to be a better team player.

US Marines: Corpsman - same thing as us army.

Any soc factions im sorry but i dont have any info about you guys, you can comment it and ill edit it

	Reasoning: doing this would allow more people to play healer classes without donators weapons 

	Additional Information: these weapons are in game  but i dont know how to upload photos but if you press q and look for them you will find them
Edited by Abstract
fixing stuff
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@Abstract so i disagree with giving medics guns, the reason for is the point of a medic is to be a healer. Already in the community people use medic with dono guns so they dont really do their “job”. I think we should keep medic specifically a “medic” and if you want to fight with guns go to soldier class. -1 

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Unfortunately, they were taken back for a reason. As Aparh stated, there is an issue of the possibility that people will go on Support and just go off on their own with the SMG they get, possibly neglecting to heal people on objective or in strategic locations. Supports should focus on healing, and rely on their teammates that they heal to defend them if they don't have a donor weapon. -1

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It's sad to say, but to be honest, not a lot of people who play support/medic roles actually do their job. A lot of people usually just go on support so they can heal themselves whenever they get damaged, and are equipped with their donator guns to cover their back. Making people not do this will be impossible, and adding a weapon to the class would just promote that type of gameplay even more.

Example: New guy learns of the donation store and buys an Orsis. All he has to do now is hop on support with the SMG and he is able to be covered for just about all types of combat. And with that in mind, also having a med kit, he just runs off to do his own to do his own thing and not help the team. 

I think a better option would be to give attention to the pistols that the medics are equipped with. Example: Colt M1911 has 25 DMG and 7 rounds (8 if you reload with 1 in the chamber). Any player who hasn't donated to the server would be left in the dust against anyone who has literally anything else other than a pistol and a knife. Now there are two things that come to mind for me to possibly solve this issue.

  1. Straight buff pistols. I am not aware of the other sidearms for all factoins, but there is almost zero reliability on them in any gunfight because they are weak. The only people who use the pistols on the server are pretty much the new guys who have nothing else. This would help to give interest in using your sidearm in combat to change gameplay and make things more interesting instead of just using your pistol for trouts.
  2. Buff magnum rounds. The change for magnum and match rounds was an interesting update and a good one to help balance issues. I think the change to match rounds was good, but magnum is now pointless. With the the degree of the nerf that the magnum rounds got, there is no point in using them. At all. With the magnum round nerf, there is no point to use them since they only buff damage by about one or two DMG points for most guns, while your recoil is raised 1/3rd of what it already is. You're pretty much just adding recoil to your gun to get a slightly higher damage that really won't help you in a gun fight in most cases. 
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