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Scythe - Staff Application


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In-game name: 75R 3BAT 1SG Siren

Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 15

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:69475904

Warns: I have 1 for FRP (It was better than hearing Easy Street played by all of GRU)

Timezone: CST

Playtime?: 806:03:57.

Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES/NO]

Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: [YES/NO]

Referral(s): [What administrator recommended you to apply?] Harris, Milton

Past experiences as staff: I was staff manager on just one community before I resigned due to incompetent ownership.

How do you plan on benefiting our server? 

   I don’t have a specific plan on how I would benefit the server, but I do know that I can and will. I’ve had my experiences with multiple people from the community and I know that being a staff member requires that we stay calm and collected and avoid being biased, even with friends being on. I had a rocky start at the beginning but I feel as if I’ve changed and I can put in 100% effort by acting as the bigger man and taking control of situations when no one can. I intend to have a great work ethic and a heart that will support people instead of trying to bring them down. My heart brings empathy which I will admit is a weak point for me, but it’s also a strength. I can understand how people feel and understand why they did what they did. Even though I still have to punish them, I can do it with them knowing that I understand perfectly why they did what they did. 

   Another big reason for me to apply is my love of helping people. I’m not sure why but even telling someone a simple answer to a question that they’re confused on can bring light to my day. I wish to always be there to help people, even late at night when staff usually aren’t on. I want to be one of the staff members people can come to when they’re struggling with a small or a big problem, and I want to be the staff member that people can trust and learn from. Again, yes I have had problems when I first joined and I have said some regrettable things, but it gives people a chance to learn from my mistakes and it also lets people know that even when you do mess up like I did, you still have that chance to change and become a staff member that people can like and appreciate. 

   Some people are still stuck in the mindset that I am a mingy individual but I can assure them that I have the strength and attitude of a good staff member now that I’ve changed for the better. Staff should be responsible, professional, and equal with everyone and I believe that I fit that when it’s necessary. I have been able to step in as a third party and stop the problem as well as the drama before it spreads and affects others, which is one of the strengths you should have when applying for staff. Staff aren’t above anyone, they are more or less a helper to those in need of justice and knowledge, I intend to be that person no matter what happens.

Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details: I’ve had my fair share of warns like everyone else but no bans or anything of that sort.

Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: None

How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: As much that is needed and probably more.

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Honestly the best, most kind, and most caring player I have ever seen on this server. Scythe has shown multiple times that she cares deeply about others, whether that be training or teaching newer players. I don't see any reasons why Scythe shouldn't be a staff member.





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The very few interactions I've had with you weren't very pleasant. You getting kidnapped and than in return running away when you did not like how things were going even getting warned for failrp because of it. As well as when you did GRU tryouts and didn't pass, you then proceeded to faction diss in OOC. Overall you claimed to have changed but not acted it out yet.

-1 for now.

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Now I have had little conversations with you but at the same time understand a lot that has happened with you in the past. Back in CS your attitude was terrible and in response left the community. Now you have seen your fair share of harassment from this community and I give you props for your responses in those times. So far I have seen a decent attitude from you here and there but from what I saw in the past I would like to see you more in game and speak with you a little more before I make a decision. As of now I will remain neutral neither giving a +1 or -1. Try being a little more outgoing and speak with others more but other than that welcome back to Garnet and best of luck. 

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Let me explain why.

Before I met scythe, i'd heard a lot of things about her past that set off alarms in my head as someone I should avoid. However, it's not really in my nature to completely ignore anyone based on their past. I didn't know who she was, i'd only heard rumors. After meeting her, i've come to see her as one of my friends on the server. I can't honestly say that she is the most mature person i've met on the server. But from my experience with her, she is a far cry from the person that people claimed that she was.

She jokes around from time to time, might go TOO far at times. But overall if she's told to stop, then she will. 
I was the one who gave her the warn on the FailRP for running away from the kidnap. But to be fair GRU's method of torture on our kidnapee's is pretty fuckin wild. 
To me she's shown improvement, and we've talked A LOT about her wanting to make a staff app, she's been worried about doing it. I explained to her the steps she needed to take to help people see she isn't the Petal they once knew, and so far I've seen the change. 

Say what you want about my +1, but it's my honest opinion on her.

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The only times I have ever seen you or interacted with you is in either OOC or when you report someone and I take the sit. Overall, I do not have a strong enough backing to be able to support a +1 but I also do not have enough of a negative backing to support a -1 however for the time being I am leaning towards a +1 for your maturity, kindness, and ability to welcome new players to the server. I am very surprised how easily you were able to brush off the negatives of the past and working hard towards the future. I am staying neutral but that is not a bad thing because I can tell that with you trying to reach out more to the community this will soon change to a +1. 

Good luck on your app in the future. Hope all goes well in the future. 🙂


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It has been a while since we have really talked. We left off on bad terms last time but leaving that in the past, I can definitely see improvement, of course you can be a bit much at times, and thought the maturity shines more in game I hope to see some of that bleed into TS. All around though, you have put time into the server and you have shown you are capable of holding a rank in staff. +1 From me!

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While I have seen growth as a mature individual I’m gonna have to -1 
I see you have been trying to keep yourself composed and in a more mature state but you just havn’t reached that state in my opinion. Your a great person but I just don’t think being staff is a great idea for you. 

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oof, don't take this too harsh, -1. I've legit only interacted with you 2 times, both of them were relatively unpleasant. The first time was a while ago before we switched back off csdesert and you threw a hissy fit when someone said something you didn't agree with, the second one was less than a week ago, we were on teamspeak, (I don't remember who said it) Someone asked if you were 8 because you were acting like a child and being extremely whiny when you weren't able to "contribute" to the conversation, causing you to start crying. You then complained that because you couldn't be part of the conversation, you'd kill yourself. Not knowing if you were joking, we changed the conversation to suit your needs. This went on for 10-15 minutes until we got tired of having to walk on egg shells with what we were talking about, not wanting to "alienate" you. After that you got upset then got off. 


TL;DR I don't think you're fit for staff at the time being. I also don't find myself wanting to go out of my way to spend time with you on the server. 

If this is not the same person that was in the channel, I do apologize and would like you to message me personally so I can get a grasp on how you are. 

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