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Everything posted by Prince

  1. @retired Hey everyone, I know I haven't been in touch with a lot of you recently but I wanted to post this here because I feel that gamma was a person whomst I held very close to my heart. Gamma was the person who went out of his way everyday to train me in PVP and was always super nice about it all the time. He was an amazing mentor, A loving person and overall an amazing face to see on the server. I most definitely shared some of my best memories with him because he was someone who I cared deeply for. He was one of the greatest people I had ever met online and I will forever cherish his thoughts and kind words towards myself and others of the community. Please remember to show as much love to your family and friends because you really never know when the last time you will get to do so will be. I wish you all the best health and mentalities. Take it easy everyone ~ Vizii.
  2. /me salutes until we meet again my friend

  3. I know I moved out of the community a while ago but remember back to when Bruh was banned, Staff was not allowed to put that ban through without 15+ clips of evidence all prepared to be presented for when the appeal came through. The only piece of evidence on this entire thread is the one posted by Fetn himself and nothing has been presented by the staff team. @DiegoZavier is completely correct that more needs to be brought to the table.
  4. @Party* Im pretty sure that would make this your ban. https://gyazo.com/75c8d5c0d962a332abfc1f1b44b54acd edit : ty python
  5. Hey, please edit your post to fit this format in order for your appeal to be dealt with as swiftly as possible. In-game name:SteamID (https://steamid.io/):Staff members in-game name:Staff members SteamID (/id (name):Date & Time of incident:Timezone:Ban Reason:How long were you banned for?:Proof of Ban:What happened? (include any proof):Why should your ban be removed?:
  6. @Zachman already stated a few of the points I was gonna mention but I especially want to reinforce the play time should really be around 200 hours like he said. I like a few of the topic you brought up in your app but you did very little to actually provide examples of these events happening in the community, as well as providing only a few ways that could be used to solve that problem. The paragraphs feel very choppy and feels more like a list than an explanation on why you should be chosen. But I will stay neutral because you have the personality and drive that is good when becoming a staff member so you have a lot of potential. All you gotta do is beefen up those paragraphs and get some more playtime on the server. Also it never hurts to play a little bit as a US PVT just to see what its like on the other side that way you can remain unbiased. Best of luck in the future!
  7. I got so fucking hype all to be let down so fast. I suppose 5 Days is not a bad wait, this shit better go hard tho.
  8. +1 To start any formatting issues or typos I’m gonna blame for typing this on my phone and I’ll fix them later. I don’t know to this day how I still put up with Vizii to this day tbh but I can say having him back and committed will 100% aid the server in the future. Now don’t get me wrong I’m not here to ride his dick, he has done some really fucking stupid shit in the past which I’m sure anyone relevant in this post will remember however with high management and Garnet himself watching like hawks there is no shot that he is granted what is needed to fuck over the server again. A lot of the negativity on this post has come from people talking about his want for power. This is an unban form he isn’t applying to come back and insta-lead a faction again. Him being Vizii, he is gonna grind back into a position of power obviously but the only way he will be able to reach it is if he is committed and even then whatever these “terms” that are being put in place by Gyth, Oz, and Garnet can hold him to a position where they feel comfortable with Vizii on a roster. I definitely believe that he should be unbanned BUT monitored to an extreme extent.
  9. +1 | Miller has the experience on the server as well as a strong character that backs up an even better staff member. Would be an amazing edition to the staff team once again.
  10. +1 We have all seen what Kendal has been able to accomplish and nothing truly needs to be said. He is an amazing fit for the position
  11. Damn I really get the first @ in your 12th resignation post . FR tho you have been a true brother to me and I can not express the gratitude I have towards you in words, you helped me get through some real dark times and run the best time I ever had on MRP in MARSOC. We still gonna game and ball out bro just hmu on discord big man.
  12. Prince

    Ban Appeal

    So all of the reactions were removed from shrimps post so there is no actual photo but I am sure whoever is taking this appeal remembers. (it 100% happened )
  13. Prince

    Ban Appeal

    Wait Garnet and Shrimps updating us on their current medical situation is a stupid thing to say?
  14. Prince

    Ban Appeal

    Oh ok this was the account I remember cringe reacting on Garnet and Shrimps medical update posts, like the car crash and surgery ones. But I can't check the reaction activity of something that long ago + I can't find the posts so don't quote me on this 100%.
  15. Prince

    Ban Appeal

    -1 Back when I played MilRP you came on the server during Echo once or twice and staff had a very hard time dealing with you before we just perma muted your voice and chat for spamming and being toxic. You have been comms banned for a very long time and I do not see you changing in the future. Please correct me if I am wrong but your old account was @Cautiousv2 right? Or at least that is what I have heard from a lot of people
  16. cool dude ig, would be cool to see you on the staff roster. +1. | Fr tho. I have known you for such a long time to know that if you set your mind to something you will get it done and get it done right. You have been an amazing member of the GG community and when staff on MRP helped out a shit ton. *even when you weren't staff you still helped out the team.*
  17. This is not much of an MRP problem seeing as you were banned on DRP and from everywhere. No one can lift this kind of ban other than the man himself. However doxxing the owner of the server and another player was probably not the best move you could have made. @Garnet Best of luck with the appeal
  18. Prince


    Denied I already had a very lengthy discussion with you in discord so I will keep it short. Being a vigilante is against the rules which I have screenshots of you admitting to, and all kills during the period of you taking matters into your own hands were handled as RDM. Your ban will stay for 2 weeks. @AwesomeAidan Lock and Move Please
  19. No but he was entitled to claiming his 72 virgins after his mass... yikkerrrrrrrrrrrs?
  20. 1. The stamina was implemented to counter those who jump too much, especially in combat. Stamina is only supposed to effect jumping and if it is effecting something else it is currently bugged. 2. Have not personally tested stamina so can not put my input on this one. 3. 30% allowed 4 jumps is completely reasonable. If it was drained to 5% per hit you could jump 20 Times before running out of stamina. It wont even be possible to run out of stamina at that point. You would have to genuinely try to jump 20 TIMES in a row just to run out of stamina. | " I want and do cool parkour and bhops. " You are in a desert where the only Parkour is maybe on obj running in circles and this server has an anti-bhop so best of luck trying to bhop. -1 To the changes suggested | Edit : Stamina does recharge painfully slow so seeing that be increased a little could help.
  21. +1 I have known you since very early on when you first joined the server. You quickly climbed the ranks of Vizii and my marines and we were automatically looking at you as a very high officer. You are responsible, respectful, and an overall amazing person to be around. Never had any issues with you in the past and highly doubt I will have any in the future. Add me to referrals if you wish to, I would be happy to be there. #GythemForMARSOC
  22. Here is the full video of the staff meeting
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