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To whom it may concern:

I was banned four hours later two days ago for two days due to MassNLR (going back to my base during a raid multiple times), this was without realization of the situation. I understand it was my responsibility to keep the rules in order, yet 218 can be fairly difficult to keep track of as a newcomer. I have since then reviewed each individual rule, and perhaps even memorized each and every one of them. I would like my ban to be appealed a few hours early as I now understand and know all of the rules. I have no intent of breaking the rules, on the contrary I have intent of ensuring they are enforced flawlessly. 


Upon my ban being dealt, I openly admitted to what I did, and refused to deny anything which was said that held a sliver of truth (Blaze can support this statement if need be), as I then realized it was a rule and was willing to accept the consequences. I truly feel a warn would have been much more necessary as I had only begun participating in the server a couple days earlier, and was still becoming familiar with the rules, beyond this I was given false information about certain rules from players, putting me unfairly at risk. In relevance, I had an infraction on the second day of me playing. It was RDM, as a player told me if I were being harassed and followed by a single person for three or more minutes I was allowed to shoot them down. Furthermore, any bases I had raided, many of them had committed MassNLR themselves, in turn also misleading me. 


Thank you for your time, god bless. Regardless of the decision you make, I will accept the results without complaint.

Sincerely, Shiloh Erickson (Divine Expertise[Divine])


Important information:

In-game name; "Divine Expertise"

SteamID: http://steamcommunity.com/id/DivineExpertise

Staff members in-game name: !DirtyBlaze! (Or something of the sort)
Staff members Steam ID: How does one even get this?
Date & Time of incident: Four hours from now two days ago.
Time zone: Pacific Central (5:30)
Ban Reason: Mass NLR (going back to base during a raid)
How long were you banned for?: Two days
Proof of Ban: Look at the image.
What happened? I went back to my base during a raid, he was stuck inside one of my walls, I killed him.
Why should your ban be removed?: Misleading information.


Edited by Divine
Incorrect format (Wrong Steam ID, oops)
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Is this sufficient?


Alright, the whole format is completed, except for one confusing part. Should be more than sufficient.



42 minutes ago, Cheerios said:

Please use the right format and then we will help you with this

Alright, may I get assistance now? It's already getting late, and I was really hoping I could play tonight, rather than having to wait an extra day.


If possible, of course.

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  • The Garnut

Unfortunately, Ban Appeals is not a plan for apologies, but rather a place to correct an incorrect ban or a means of having an excessive ban, IE: permanent ban, revoked years later.

You're going to have to wait out this one, NLR is not a rule you would have to go out of your way to review, but rather, one of the fundamental rules of DarkRP.

  • 300 IQ 1
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