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Atls for printing?


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Alright so Ive just learned that apparently we can have alts while we are printing. I've seen people with 10+ alts sitting in a corner so that they can get more money. I don't really see how this is RP but really just see it as a way to get around stuff. I was told that this was allowed but I think that for fair playing that it shouldn't be. Anyways I hope that this doesn't come across rude but I'm just wanting a equal level of playing among  all of the players.

If this were to become against the rules I think that it would cut down on the people that are doing it and create a more fun and equal playing field among all of the players.

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Huge +1

Printer farming is already OP as it is. Everyone at this point knows my views and opinions of the economy, so I won't drag on, but how is this fair to everyone else. People with 10+ alts dominate everyone else - even people who buy printers from other players. 10 alt accounts mean 20 lvl 10 printers, equalling 2 million an hour. That is insane. If possible, I'd like 0 alt accounts allowed to printer farm, and at most 1 alt account allowed. 

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This would be the same as buying printers from a random person/people and as many as you can afford, until they logg off or you do.


Even if you don't buy from people this would be the same as getting 1,2,3,10..etc from your friends and farming that way until you or they logg off for the night then ask the next friend. I don't see how it's a problem when it's filling the server and not causing issues with others.



EDIT*   If it would be for server count, then the people who have  ALTS should take a few of their ALTS off and let the server fill up with potential detonators in. There are already fake players on the serve when there are high numbers but I don't think there should be a limit. Especially if it keeps the server count up and as I said the people can always take some off so the public can join. 

If you had 10 friends at 2 printers each go AFK all night/day then there is no difference  from the two other then a single person owning the 10 accounts/friends.

Edited by GeneralKnoxx
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+1 I think it shouldn't be allowed because it goes against the spirit of DarkRP. The only methods to get extra printers should be through raiding, buying printers through unbox or other players, or gifted printers by people you have formed bonds with.

It would be really hard to enforce a no-alting rule though. I could see a lot of false accusations and witch-hunting happening if there was something done about alting. I also think the people who currently use alts to print would just take steps to make it harder to know they are alting.  When you think about it they could just make shitty bases on their alts and go raid themselves right afterwards.

Also, I don't like how NLR plays into this. Assuming they are able to viably defend from all their alts, they get multiple chances to deal with raiders themselves, using information from their past lives of other accounts. 


Hard to enforce, but in an ideal system this wouldn't be allowed.


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53 minutes ago, WreckEMsaints said:

-1 printing is easily one of the most beneficial things especially for newer players. i dont see why it would hurt.

gotta make some cash other ways

Newer players arent dedicated enough to get alts for money printing. 

I think that alts are op, +1 to making them failRP or sumn

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4 minutes ago, dude said:

Newer players arent dedicated enough to get alts for money printing. 

I think that alts are op, +1 to making them failRP or sumn

If new players join and don't have any ALTS that's one thing but anyone can join that has ALTS and not bring them until they find the server too be worth the extra printers or stoves etc. 

They could be waiting to see if it's worth it to bring the ALTS 

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Since apparently everybody thinks this is about one certain player... its literally about everybody that does it as Ive seen multiple people do it. I had no idea who you're boy''is until this morning. Yes I bases with him that night but i was already wringing this while basing with him. The biggest reason i made this was for fair play. Sure I knew that it would cause havoc but honestly didn't t think people would take it so personally.

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also threes a difference between one to two alts to rows upon rows of alts... I'm just saying maybe cut down to one to two instead of rows of them. sure it ''helps'' make the community look more popular then it really is but id rather have actual players then people just sitting their alts around the server.

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+1 Some people can't afford to have alts with GMOD, it's unfair to those who have to solely rely on their money and buying it off of other players, which by the way is extremely risky because that player can easily log off and rip them off. Alts aren't fair to newer players guys, it's pretty common sense.

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