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Hobo rules

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Description: As of right now as many of you all know Hobo class is forced to build in the streets. Most would say good we don’t want those stinky less than people to be people we base with but, I have found that anytime I am a hobo people abuse our hut system. For instance when I was on last night I was going by the name of “Joe Exotic” and was being harassed by another player so I decided to put a fading door 🚪 and keypad 🔢 so this said player would go away. I have never seen in the rules ANYWHERE for hobos to not be allowed to make them. 

Reasoning: I had multiple staff members try and say that it’s agreed upon by staff that hobos don’t need them and I had to delete my hut or be reconnected- Diego’s very words. I think that’s a total BS statement to make. He then goes on to say why do you think no collide isn’t on rules but is enforced? Simply because the system deletes said props so it doesn’t need to be stated. Then it came to point where Diego did in fact reconnect me as I was trying to give my reasoning of how you can’t enforce rules that aren’t even posted, excuse my language but that’s honestly super fucked. I have had a career in Law Enforcement in the real world, if I told my Sgt that I decided to enforce something that wasn’t even a law I would’ve been taken off the force. You simply cannot force laws on people that aren’t even public knowledge. I don’t really care that you get asked in D3A training if hobos can have it and the answer is no, if that’s the case then why isn’t it posted in hobo/hobolord job rules?

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I was following what Diego said in my training the day before that hobos can not have keypads because they are to poor  which i got wrong because i thought that they could have keypads but i didn't question him because 1 hes a higher up and 2 i thought the mangers made the training format . 

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On 4/2/2020 at 9:57 AM, StevieT said:

+1 You can have a keypad and fading doors. I had a lever and fading doors for numerous casinos as a hobo . @DiegoZavier 

my guy just because YOU DO IT doesnt mean its allowed lmao | Check your rules and you were quizzed on this also soooooooo what ever 

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37 minutes ago, WreckEMsaints said:

What is the point in hiding rules from regular users? It’s super scummy and you know that @Fetn

It is a scummy rule but on the other hand you had 2 L mods and me tell you numerous times to remove it and that it wasn't allowed but you didn't listen so Diego reconnected you

Edited by MeLikeFood
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1 hour ago, Fetn said:

my guy just because YOU DO IT doesnt mean its allowed lmao | Check your rules and you were quizzed on this also soooooooo what ever 

Actually I wasn’t quizzed on it by Zach and the quiz is updated and tweaked constantly 

Edited by StevieT
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1 hour ago, WreckEMsaints said:

@LASDSheriffDog literally just said that hobos can have them. He’s above y’all. 

So, I was wrong going over our training guides it's part of the training we do as staff. It's a rule that just isn't listed and how that a higher up can please put that into there. That is why my comment went to Redacted as I was trying to word out what to say. That is my bad. @WreckEMsaints

Edited by LASDSheriffDog
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