-1 While I would not consider your events to be bad, I would definitely like to see a little bit of revision. The main reasoning behind my vote however lies with your recent removal from a battalion involving "mistreatment" for a lack of better wording, of a fellow player. Considering the player who was mistreated is a valued member of the current GM team, I would like to see some more playtime with 0 incidents before I change my opinion.
Close. I more mean that, by writing the actions of certain battalions, and the expected ending, you're expecting the players to follow a script, which is highly unlikely to occur when executed. These events are more meant to be written as a guide where you state the objectives of the battlegroup and how it plays into the overall arching storyline.
-1 These events have potential, however, the way they have been written don't allow for player-driven experiences as they are just following a narrative. Additionally, the underutilisation of other aspects of the battlegroup during these events is a concern. For example: Putting SOB on perimeter patrol, or having their secure comms somehow infiltrated by enemy forces doesn't really make sense. Finally, an On-world Event, like 'Capture the Flag!', would need to be rewritten as either an OOC event, or to be changed as Clones can't harm eachother. Hope this helps!
I hope this is better sir! I rewrote specically Get in! If my other events are needing to be fixed i will do fix them
I will rewrite more of these events sir, I am a little busy at the moment