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    • Garry's Mod Garry's Mod
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      • 0 / 69
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      • 49 / 128
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      • DarkRP Discord
      • discord.gg/Thj9BCvFRs
      • 228 / 228
          • Most players 249
      • MilitaryRP Discord
      • discord.gg/vzCEUKPk2d
      • 320 / 320
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      • StarWarsRP Discord
      • discord.gg/FGD96grWbu
      • 296 / 296
          • Most players 366
    • 6 Total servers
    • 1018 / 1169 Total players
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    • ACCEPTED A couple key things solidified my decision Admaxis quotes: "This is what got me banned bro, this right here what I'm about to do" "Are there any admins on? If not I'll exploit rn" "This is the shit that got be banned, it has history" Besides these quote's, the additional video's showed the spawning of the ammo as well as the live grenade getting shot into it. After watching this happened the sound and shaking of the screen from the video provided above was replicated.   The chance was given, the warning issued, with the understanding of it not being done again. Yet it was. Therefore I cannot dismiss this issue.   Admaxis will be banned without the privilege of an appeal.  
    • DENIED Do I have to say anything?
    • i mass rdm'd @Danny_The_Dogclose lol ig im a dumbass cya in 2 weeks when i behave
    • UNDER REVIEW Thank you for your appeal. Please allow up to 24-48 hours for a response from a member of the Operator Division. As well as allowing a reasonable timeframe to gather the facts pertaining to your ban. Please note, bans will only be appealed if they are of a false nature, incorrect reasoning, and in some cases mishandling of sit/report/ban.    DENIED After careful review of your appeal and the events pertaining/leading up to your ban. We regretfully inform you that your request for an appeal of your ban has been denied at this time. This is mostly but may not be limited to the following reasons: First, I'd like to say on behalf of the operator's division I'd like to appreciate the time and effort you put into your app. But due to the screenshot provided by Mysterio, you were pushing the limits on racism. racism is against community guidelines provided by the link below. once you return to the server in 3 weeks, do not try and do this again; your ban time will turn into months. I hope you learn from this because if it was me you be banned for a longer time.
    • In-game name: SR JENG GR LCPL 4959 Menace Age: 20 SteamID: STEAM_0:0:634956575 Warns: None Timezone: EST Playtime?: 47 hours Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: [YES] Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?:[YES] Referral(s): [Kennedy] Past experiences as staff: [Yes, I have been staff in a few community servers strictly for and on discord. It was basic functions like enforcing rules, muting or giving people roles and providing more ideas to benefit a server.] Why should we choose you over other applicants? [I should be chosen for staff over other applicants because I enjoy learning new things and don't mind taking in new habits. I'd be a good addition due to my great problem solving skills and dealing with conflicts such as arguments or debates. I believe that I can contribute good ideas that I could propose that could increase monetization, such as giving the store more purchasable options like cosmetics or introduce more options for customization and different ways of taking in currency. Other skills I've attained were from past experiences as an admin outside of this community, so I have a basic idea on how I have to behave as a staff member when it comes to following rules and maintaining a peaceful environment. I am also highly reliable because my schedule and routines aren't super time consuming nor are they strict. Making excuses isn't the best way to improve but accepting your own mistakes. My intentions are to overachieve, to go above and beyond. I'm heavily dedicated to the server because since I've joined, I have enjoyed every minute of it and climbed up the ranks that were possible for me, as well as achieve what I could achieve with where I'm at. I love the people in this community there are so many different personalities and faces. All though I'm not very known, every interaction I indeed enjoyed. I'm a hardworking individual and I've stayed up countless nights dedicated to my interest and passions. Personally, I highly respect everyone around me, unbiased of their reputation or actions because it would be unfair to judge others based on their background, interest or past actions.] Have you ever been banned or punished on any server? If so, Include details [No] Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: [No] How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: [I do have college, but my schedule depends on the current classes I'm taking. Nonetheless, I'm active and able to highly contribute time.] If you have any, what hobbies or activities are you involved in outside of Garry's Mod? [Hobbies of mine are playing FPS video games and fixing aircraft. I enjoy going outside and exercising as part of my routine aswell. I'm currently studying Aircraft Maintenance Engineering so i tend to study very often.] Did you read the staff rules?: SR JENG GR LCPL 4959 Menace, Yes, I read them
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