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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/05/2018 in all areas

  1. On Saturday of June 2nd, Vandal joined in the Marines channel and told everyone he was drinking, I decided to record the action from that night. He later fell asleep in TS... here is what happened. (I did indeed get consent/permission to upload this by Vandal, Copywrite and everyone else that was talking in this video) ENJOY!
    3 points
  2. Much more editing effort went into this video than I thought was going to, well done! Pretty well made video, honestly ?
    2 points
  3. I stand by that it was a good night and the "snoring" is hearing me breathe. Love the video and it was a great night.
    2 points
  4. My drunk GRU tryouts @Vibe @Jackal l GarnetGaming.net @Acid Drop > this shit
    1 point
  5. Denied. Feel free to reapply in 72 hours. The reason for your deny is the way you acted towards -1's. Instead of taking the criticism, you decided to go and flame Conway in the chatbox. That's not how a member of staff should act. I feel you would be an amazing staff member, but you need to work on some evident anger issues. @Garnet lock and move please.
    1 point
  6. This video proves my point in the reply to the Conway report. =/ If you are gonna powergame the info anyway, you might as well just be able to read the name floating above their head. This also didn't really affect the outcome of the server considering their "files/archives/whatever" are quite pointless and don't do a thing. Denied.
    1 point
  7. In-game name: Pavlinkov Steam ID: STEAM_1:1:86187062 I am reporting an [Staff/Player]: Player Their Steam ID: Did not get it Who was involved?: Alex Conway (offender), Thunder, Nakeys, Anton, Myself When did this occur?: on 6/4 around 7pm EST Describe the situation: Metagames, says we are GRU even though we had keys out. Proof (Screenshots/Recordings):
    1 point
  8. Both sides make good arguments based on the "old" rules (the rules that were up previously before now). In the past, it has always been you can kidnap even withotu a gun out, but whoever made the argument that you are a civilian with keys out and therefore should not be able to kidnap as one makes a sound point. However, with the rules (hopefully) being changed, there will be no more 2nd ROE of the sort. Up to this point, I find the "archives" and kidnapping for intel and finding out how people are dressed to be quite pointless, and has only created more trouble than good (eg. this thread and Conway's). I'm not saying they are inherently wrong reports, but petty. When someone "metagames," I'm looking for a report on someone who did something to affect the outcome of the server, like using OOC info during war to push an objective, not call out models that he knew were GRU in his comms chat, got kidnapped anyway, and only got reported for the minuscule "infraction." A lot of the staff's/potential staff's behavior in this thread was sub-par and will affect your evaluation as a staff member. Denied.
    1 point
  9. A document with information on a GRU Uniform wouldn't matter anyways, 2nd ROE applies since they all had keys out, They're considered civilians The report has nothing to do with the kidnap, the report is for the comms message.
    1 point
  10. If you have an archive(like sso does) then you write down information that you’ve gotten from kidnaps. You can’t just remember information as when you die you lose all of that info due to the NLR rule. So unless you’d like to provide a US document with your kidnap information your argument is invalid.
    1 point
  11. Yep. That’s why I’m asking for more of the video because in the current video it doesn’t show any of the GRU having weapons out. All it shows is a glitched Playermodel that looks like it has a weapon out.
    1 point
  12. Alright well @Paniniid like to hear from you before handling this also someone tag sergi
    1 point
  13. -1 he is reporting what he sees, and has fought others in the same uniform in skirmish's (wars) that's in the rp sense, his character knows who they are. Civs as a concept are dead. While the rule is in there, the concept is long dead, when the only civ class you can play cost 10$, and takes entering a command just to access it. It seems Russians have been targeting Conway on an unrelated note, which doesn't show the best of Russians Currently, like an us vs them kinda toxicity we don't really need.
    1 point
  14. The format was fixed before you brought it up. Also yeah I can see if I still have the clips to give a little more GOD you're toxic lmao
    1 point
  15. Seeing as you went off on this one, let's hope you're not going to pull it back like cracker or something
    1 point
  16. huh welcome to the club, kiddo. enjoy your stay
    1 point
  17. So basically you're angry because I blocked you seeing as you were spamming me constantly when I let you know I was trying to study for exams, Ontop of this, on multiple occasions brought up 'server issues' that you did not even bother confirming, making me pointlessly either constant other people, or hop on game when again, i'm trying to study. Yeah, I most definitely fuel community toxicity. The last time I even remotely 'flamed' somebody on the forums was well over 2 months ago at this point. Good riddance buddy, peace out!
    1 point
  18. +1 Called someone stupid. Come on man. I'd expect you to be more mature than that. Tisk tisk. :^( Also pretty sure using outside info for RP situations is metagaming, which is against the rules, sooooo?
    1 point
  19. If Third Cum rings a bell then yes you know who I am, but no. I don't main those things. I main hobo on DRP and scream at people. If I'm not doing that I'm on my custom class (The Screecher) and raiding people. But really thats only when I get on, which is about once every blue moon. I don't really know who you are aside from the forums, but from the posts and stuff I've seen you in, I don't really remember you being all too friendly so bye is all I really can say. You let words and actions over a video game get to you too much so now you're leaving. Have fun on the FalloutRP server.
    1 point
    1 point
  21. Trying to get through the last week of school and then a week of finals. It's going sloooow af
    0 points
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