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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/20/2019 in Posts

  1. To be honest though, the +/-'ing a staff app is useful for HR. It isn't final say but what you say is taken into consideration if the person who is applying isn't blacklisted from staff or already seen as unfit based on a number of things. In my opinion you shouldn't be responding to staff apps unless you have something that could be useful information for Ethan, ie. player was helpful and respectful doing x, or player was disrespectful and broke x rules. This applies even more so because you don't actively play MilitaryRP, and as far as I'm aware you've never played the GG MRP. So please stop responding to staff apps with: "+1 we need staff." That's not at all what community feedback on applications are for (and this goes to whoever else does this too, not just specifically you). As for the actual application: I'd have to say +1. Now, I'm not currently actively playing MRP as I've just recently resigned (week or two ago), but I have hopped on a few times. When I had first met Salz back on cscdesert when he joined GB, he was as much as a minge as the rest of my generation of GB (which is pretty bad, ngl). From what I've seen of him in PDSS he was quiet and respectful - although with the joke RDMs on other PDSS (and now potentially Rangers, I'm not quite sure yet as I haven't seen that) which should probably stop, Salz has improved from his last application and if I was still staff I'd 100% give him a referral. Now this is a borderline -1/+1 because I'm not quite sure on his skills in judgement and assessing certain situations, but I'd give him a chance.
    4 points
  2. Accepted Contact me or i mean you could just not contact a hr member to get trained (im tired so is zoro so we wont train ye today but maybe tomorrow see how it goes)
    2 points
  3. Description: With the change to nearly all faction class weapons, the donator weapons seem to significantly outshine the default weapons now as they were not changed as well. I think the donator SMGs and ARs should be brought down a bit, mainly in damage, to fit closer to the default weapons like the donators used to before the weapon balance changes. The AEK should do 30-35 damage (instead of 45). The Sterling, FMG-9, and MP5A4 should all do 20-25 damage (instead of 30). Reasoning: Previously (before the weapon balances), the AEK, Sterling, FMG-9, and MP5A4 were all pretty close to their default class counterparts, but now that the default weapons were nerfed, the donator versions reign supreme with ease. I preferred it before where the donators had a small edge, or simply gave you the ability to use that type of weapon on a class that was lacking it (making you a more versatile soldier). Additional Information: Examples include faction ARs went from around 42 damage to 30 damage while the AEK (one of the only donator ARs) still does 45 damage. Another example would be faction SMGs (SSO, Frogmen, SEALs) went from their damage of around 30 to 19-20 damage, while donator SMGs like the Sterling, FMG-9, and MP5A4 all still do 30 damage.
    1 point
  4. Accepted I was hesitant to accept this application as you just came back to the server last week, but from the interactions I have had with you in-game and in TeamSpeak, I see you seem to hold the same good traits for staffing you did before. Welcome back to the staff team, glad you have time to balance between school and staffing.
    1 point
  5. Thanks for the response, and I would say that my judgement upon situations have improved. I wouldn't have applied if I thought that my judgement skills were off or I wasnt qualified. (Not trying to br rude or anything)
    1 point
  6. Please stop. I don’t mean to be toxic but this is exactly the reason your staff application was denied. Also if you were to ever join MILITARY ROLE PLAY not Darkrp you would understand that we actually have very active staff, and that includes the administration.
    1 point
  7. I am decently sure that you play on Dark RP, this is military RP... But, I support the +1
    1 point
  8. unnecessary, but ok. +1, good app.
    1 point
  9. doing your job better than you if anything, and i was rejected for being cringe, this dude prob gonna get accepted for breaking the rules. logic
    1 point
  10. These new weapons are based off of a sheet @Phantom provided to me that included the input of multiple community members. It's far more modular and I can make adjustments to weapons of all classes quickly. I stand corrected, thank you!
    1 point
  11. You guys are idiots lmao. I'm not HR, but Denied You're permabanned idiot
    1 point
  12. rip fam, had fun playing with you, all good looks for your future
    1 point
  13. Fuck you for leaving me nerd
    1 point
  14. No mention? fuc kyou good riddance. jk man its gonna be sad to see you not leading Vega, but I hope your decision brings you happiness. Good luck out there!
    1 point
  15. A im triggered I know what song that is
    1 point
  16. You're a cool dude Gamma. Welcome to US
    1 point
  17. Damnit not US. Lmao good luck.... Wait. Wheres my @ smh.
    1 point
  18. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: ShruggerYour in-game name: GothamYour SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:40868607In-game name of reportee: ShruggerSteamID of reportee (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:33846304Date & Time of incident: Last weekTimezone: ESTWhat happened? (include any proof): FailRP because of his name. And disrespecting myself and SushiTrash in ooc. That's 3 rules broken so I'm pushing for a NITRP ban.
    1 point
  19. It's petty yes, but useless would be wrong.
    1 point
  20. My name is accurate within the confines set by the server's accepted rank system. "Former GA" is not. But of course you know this, you're simply grasping at straws. No intent to RP means that you are not RPing, not RPing wrong. By disrespecting in OOC and failRPing with your name. You have shown no intent to roleplay appropriately.
    1 point
  21. If I was worried about how I "look", I wouldnt be general in the first place. I appreciate you looking out, but your words do not invalidate that this is a valid report. A point has to be proven.
    1 point
  22. You're on to something there
    1 point
  23. 1. Do not FRP (FailRP): FailRP is the term applied to actions which are not realistic in a well roleplayed Military scenario. A former GA out in a combat zone is FRP, and not an actual rank. 2. No one said it you being a disrespectful cunt was not OOC. 3. You failrp'd and disrespected in OOC twice. 1+2=3 4. NITRP can be applied when 3 infractions on the rules have been broken in a short period of time.
    1 point
  24. This suggestion is pretty ballsy and will more than likely be controversial, but i'd ask that you give it a read. For a while, Military RP has only had 2 systems interacting. The first one is the player base. The people attempting to "create" the roleplay environment with only themselves and peers for assistance. On the other hand, the staff. The people meant to uphold the rules and keep the players within the rules of Roleplay and the server in general. Although this system works rather well, I think that there is a huge amount of potential in adding a 3rd party to the mix. Assign people who's main goal is to create RP conflict between the two factions. We call it Military RP, but we lack in "roleplay" a whole lot. I think the implementation of Gamemasters would potentially be a really good idea. The implementation of real RP situations... 1 Idea I had for a "event" is a Resistance Rescue mission. 5 or 6 players from either side are chosen to become event characters as "resistance". You can change their model to something neutral between the two factions, and place them at a random objective as a map. Give them ~5000 HP and have them defending a certain objective. For example purposes, RU gets an alert that there is a resistance @ Factory and their objective is to take them out. Meanwhile the US receives an Alert from the resistance requesting aid. The US's goal would be to defend the event characters, while the RU's goal is to clear factory of both US and the resistance. I feel things like this would spice up MilitaryRP, beyond the scope of just going to war and doing tryouts. I also feel like this would also be really effective in the upcoming map. I may add more depending on the forum feedback, if anyone else had any ideas, feel free to add them. Forgive me if this sounds retarded, just attempting to think of ways to make this server more enticing for players. Edit: Lmao, can this be moved to MRP instead of PoliceRP...
    1 point
  25. Of course Manager+'s can host events. It's just that staff members of that rank also have responsibilities in terms of administration. Setting up a team who's main purpose is interacting with the playerbase via roleplay would allow more formulated ideas and planning. Obviously balancing events and such would be an ongoing topic. However, I will say that balance doesn't have to be the main factor in terms of events. Sometimes being the "underdog" in situations is really thrilling. Plus, the events would go both ways. As long as the events set RU and US both as the underdogs during events at a near balanced ratio, I think the complaining will be minimal. Lol I feel it would be pretty awesome tbh. Protecting the resistance @ Factory and all the sudden you see 2 RPG's marching over the hill in the distance. For the most part, the model would probably just be the normal civilian model. Which wouldn't be too odd since resistances are usually civilian militia anyways.
    1 point
  26. 0 points
  27. Someones just a bit cranky that they got denied don’t worry Untap.
    0 points
  28. how am i meant to know its a joke? either way its not allowed
    0 points
  29. I’ll go yell at phantom about weapon balancing then thank you garnet
    -1 points
  30. I didn’t mean to advertise it I was making a joke out of it, but ok
    -1 points
  31. When I said shut up I didn’t mean it in a bad way me and William and a few other people have a meme going around from my last app it wasn’t meant in a bad way
    -1 points
  32. +1 would be nice to have some staff online
    -2 points
  33. I was about to make this post like 2 weeks ago, but never got around to finding all the data, but what I personally would have suggested was (btw there is no rule against making this suggestion) more donor weapons. I personally say that the FAMAS and Honey Badger should be a few as well as maybe a P90 and possibly even a modified M249, since the only rifles in the shop are the AEK doing 45 damage, and the M14 with more recoil than anything else in the game, not to mention it makes your ears bleed. Now I think the AEK should maybe be lowered a bit in damage (like 38-41), but not too much, remember if you pay for a donor, you pay for the advantage. Sadly since few weapons can match it, I again must say, more donor weapons should be added so its not an AEK arena every war.
    -3 points
  34. cant even have an opinion without someone having a sook. he has goo app, he has insane hours and seems eager to make the sever a better place. like calm down dude i alredy know the +1/-1 system is bs anyways
    -7 points
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