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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Riskii

  1. Hello, haven't seen you everyone in a long time but I hope you guys are doing well! 🙂 

  2. This really breaks my heart. Gamma really deserve better than this we really gone through a lot of great adventures together, and I still remember how happy gamma was when he showed SSO his new mic and everyone finally heard his voice. Rest in peace gamma, Although you are gone our great memories and that beautiful laugh of yours wont be forgotten
  3. Although we don't talk much , You are a pretty chill guy. Take Care, Zephyr.
  4. STEAM ID : STEAM_0:0:164318460 Weapon Choice : Mosin Your Favorite Gun On Mw : HDR
  5. Now i feel bad for voting siberia
  6. https://steamcommunity.com/id/Riskii/ Animated puppet , and text.
  7. Goodbye Vizii , you are one of the most talented man in this server. Take care
  8. Old KH Baby Can't wait for that 10 man with M60 Holding Comms xd
  9. Nice montage , the music brings me back to 14 year old when i liked dubstep There's some custom client side crosshair available in the workshop.
  10. +1 Siberia but remove the sliding effect.
  11. +1 Mature on both Forum and In-game , and active.
  12. +1 Makes use of SV-98 suppressor , also the 100 base damage on the SV-98 doesn't kill a prestiged player with a single bullet , instead it takes two
  13. +1 Mature player in mrp server also shown his leadership. Huge respect Vizii<3
  14. I remembered this war , here's something you guys need to know , everyday i play with 300+ pings which means i have a delay 1 second max! That also means even though if you take cover , in my screen you're still out in the open. To prove this look at my montage at 2:34 look at when the delay where i got the kill. He was taking cover too , that why his body isn't in the place where i killed him( Flame's clip )
  15. sorry , I still don't understand what you mean but it's either the transition or I moved location a minute later found another guy so it's not a double kill rather it's a separate kill here's the video moving per frame. 1:02 ( is me reloading And Scoping) <The guy is in the top right> I hope this satisfies you though
  16. Which one ? The one D Rose sent? he said it was the wrong clip so that's my bad. or you can tell me which timelapse so I can just screenshot the better quality ones!
  17. Don' t tell me you still can't see those shadows!
  18. Looks like I do ! xD
  19. I found out that youtube has been degrading my clips ! Here's for 0:09 01:01 1:09 No wonder I was so confused of myself and the video shit quality ! xD I Hope this fix for every "Out Of Render" Shots
  20. For this shot. (Darker than others)
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