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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/08/2023 in all areas

  1. This is my resignation on dark rp. Love all you guys and appreciate the people who stuck there hand out when I needed it. I'd rather invest my time and energy and focus on my self. I could improve on a few things and decided its time. I was hoping a LOA would help but honestly it woke me up. @stretchyThanks for sticking your neck out for me and giving me a chance. It was rocky at the start. See you around and congrats again on the new position in the community! @CriteriaThanks again for being around. Illa see you from time to time! @Chicaa21You an OG. Thanks for everything and ill see you around! @FlameSoulThanks for the PD shenanigans when we played. It was fun! @IAmCamIt was fun having you around. I enjoyed basing from time to time. I'll still play. @ChrisRidI enjoyed your opinions on everything as most were actually logical. Wish the time zone was different so we could have played more but goodluck man! @NutterDon't stress yourself too much. You do a good job appeasing everyone's needs. Thanks! @ProggyCya round! @GhostieeeLoved your company on the server. OG for sure! @WendolyYou are a true character. Making anything we did fun. Stay blessed and ill hit you up from time to time. @Shin_TsukimiGoodluck on college best of luck! And please be careful lol You seem to always find a way to hurt yourself. @xFishBloop bloop @Lt_DanKeep the jams going strong! @SalteeeensTake care of yourself! @ChawheadBoop boop. Ill cya around dude! Korn I got you as a friend so I know we gonna play My conclusion is that I will definitely miss you guys! I'll still play here and there but thanks again for understanding. I honestly shouldnt have tagged all these guys but if I missed you sorry. you can pm me and ill set it straight lol. Cheers!
    6 points
  2. Hello all As a lover of GTA ive thoroughly enjoyed the addition of such Vice City characters such as Tommy Versetti and Lance Vance. We've got San andreas and Vice City representation so.. Lets show some love for my nostalgic favorite The silent Protaganist Claude! Make it a prestige class or just make it another cool criminal class. Thanks
    3 points
  3. In-game name: BruhhYouMadSteamID (https://steamid.io/):STEAM_0:1:117107789Staff members in-game name: Chikn N Burg Not Sorry Staff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name): STEAM_0:0:57691304 Date & Time of incident: 2023-01-08 - 14:06:30Timezone: ESTBan Reason: HomophobiaHow long were you banned for?: 2 weeks (15-00:00)Proof of Ban: https://gyazo.com/6a3586a6f0b41cacfb3e340dbb896b90What happened? (include any proof): I do not know what happened. I was playing then i just got banned for two weeks. Why should your ban be removed?: I was never teleported to a sit. I just got banned without being able to tell my side of the story or getting to apologize to the person i was "Hophobia" to. I do not recall be "Homophobic" towards anyone.
    2 points
  4. Try not to fortnite dance challenge
    2 points
  5. CC's are technically raiding class, and all other raiding classes can rob the bank. Make it so cc's can rob bank? The only downside I see to this is how hard it may be to implement it. If you have to add each cc individually that would take time and effort and wouldn't be worth it, but if you can group it together it might be easier. Idk i dont code
    1 point
  6. desc: ban nocollide glass reason: I understand advdupe being vip only, as it is abusable. That being said, nonvip players should be at least physically able to /build/ the same base as VIP players. Since they cannot use advdupe to dupe nocollide glass, it shouldn't be allowed. In all cases, having to leave the server to dodge tool restrictions is exploiting.
    1 point
  7. Description: Add these emoji which already exist on StarwarsRP into Darkrp server Reasoning: I wanna send poggers on darkrp :poggers: These emoji already exist on swrp, they people always use it as a meme, why dont we add these on darkrp Additional Information: StarwarsRP: Darkrp:
    1 point
  8. Hey BruhYouMad From what I have heard starting 1/7 with the same player "Breazy FUBAR" you called them a slur right after killing them ,@IAmCam (Currently Baked) Gave you a verbal warning for the slur. https://streamable.com/hkmtme Now today 1/8 you said the same slur towards the same player. For someone with 3,000 hours on the server I would expect more from you to be honest. https://streamable.com/c0qmfy
    1 point
  9. Thanks man, means a lot. Cya around!
    1 point
  10. Who are you reporting? [Staff/Player]: Tali SPC OracleYour in-game name: 18B MSG Towelie | Tali RAC SGM TowelieYour SteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:1:555365615In-game name of reportee: STEAM_0:0:753960600Date & Time of incident: 3:30 PM | 1/8/2023Timezone: ESTWhat happened? (include any proof): There was a 3:30PM war on Sunday, 1/8/2023. The war was issued in factory. Oracle , an SPC with 3 hours at this time, was hitting some crazy clips and flicks. Evidence 1: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/PPH8cYyu3p5WJ/d13377YXIaqp?invite=cr-MSxNeEQsNjUzMzEzOTQs Reasoning for Suspicion: Not only was I behind the wall when he "flicked" onto me, but also he only hit me for headshots. I didn't think it was that suspect at the time but I clipped it anyways. Evidence 2: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/PPLQRkRdXa5eZ/d1337rA8KNIw?invite=cr-MSxKa3AsNjUzMzEzOTQs Reasoning for Suspicion: As he was entering into OBJ, he had made a jump looking into OBJ (not at me) and he hit the absolute craziest flick I have ever seen hitting all headshots. This is where it was blatant. Evidence 3: https://medal.tv/games/garrys-mod/clips/PPQSKSDmfE90M/d13379JpR3GK?invite=cr-MSxpMlgsNjUzMzEzOTQs Reasoning for Suspicion: Wow. Just wow. This dude must have the absolute maximum hours in gmod being able to hit JUST headshots from that distance. This guy is just CRACKED. Talked to staff members while this happened, they said they couldn't do anything and said the evidence wasn't enough... If I'm wrong, I'm wrong... better to be safe than sorry.
    1 point
  11. Accepted After further review and doing some evidence searching ourselves. We have determined that Oracle was indeed using some type of aim assisting cheats. @Ozzy @Smity_ Please Lock & Move to Accepted
    1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. +1 Mature guy level headed goes out of his way teaching new players the server. Is a great people person would do amazing as staff hope to see him on the staff team.
    1 point
  14. +1 Good idea! It would certainly make for a unique and interesting prestige class.
    1 point
  15. You're a great guy and it's sad to see you go mate, but I hope that you manage to achieve everything that you want to and I look forward to catching up when we get a chance. If you ever feel like coming back then you'll have my referral. Take care in the meantime
    1 point
  16. Goodbye my friend don't be a stranger, we'll be here.
    1 point
  17. +1 yeah why not for sure
    1 point
  18. In-game name: Purple Age: 13 Warns:0 Playtime: 30 Hours Bans: 2 Time zone: EST I don't not have TeamSpeak I do have discord Referrals: 0 Here why you should choose me: I'm very active in the server I play a lot and i don't get into trouble much . The 2 bans were from when I first started to play Dark RP, I do have little money but i do have over 30 Hours of game-time i don't know if its ok to have 30 hours but its most likely from school work and homework being caught up. id like to be an admin because this server is the only server i like out of the millions of Dark RP servers. The reasons why i was banned where because i didn't know raiding with certain roles was a bannable offense. I also kill 3 people as a hobo but in my offense i thought it was unfair as i saw some person kill 7 people and get away with i. I am truly sorry for my past mistakes and would like to move on This is my first application and hopefully last The time i have to contribute its maybe 5-6 hours a day on weekends maybe 10- 24 hours I play games and make them as a hobbies I have read the rules and the staff rules
    1 point
  19. 1 point
  20. Such a good fucking guy Glad you found your realization in self bro Hope only the best for you. Remember what Brandon boyd once said "But lately I'm beginning to find that when I drive myself my light is found" much love wess
    1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. Denied You may reapply in 72 hours Please do not reuse your paragraphs Be sure to use the criticism given here to improve upon your next application
    1 point
  23. One of the biggest strengths in life IMO is knowing when to stop or let go. Ill stick around in discord. Yall can add me on discord if you want I don't mind
    1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
  26. -1: The app is just repetitive and simple, like everyone else mentioned before after you resigned you came back in your alt account to the server to get yourself banned and having this repulsive attitude, so unless you show a genuine change my opinion will stay the same.
    1 point
  27. -1 You said you resigned because it wasnt fun anymore, what makes you think its gonna be anymore fun this time? The only reason that you give for being chosen over others is that youre gonna get rid of trolls, literally a job that every staff member is expected to do. Seems mostly like a rehash of your original application.
    1 point
  28. -1 Honestly man I am not really about this whole idea. I have been gone for weeks and even just coming back recently from LOA I have seen stuff here and there and I hear you in the conversation constantly for not the right reasons. Soz man Change my mind.
    1 point
  29. This has been denied with proggy saying no as its a pain to do. -1 like he said , switch to a normal class for a bit
    1 point
  30. +1 Was going to say neutral... I think this would be a great idea but Garnet said implementation would be downright ridiculous due to him needing to whitelist every class in the PD vault. Alternatively however, what if he just blacklisted the classes that shouldn't raid the vault? I haven't seen the code but from a theoretical standpoint I think it would work.
    1 point
  31. He’s making a suggestion to change the rules smh, of course it break the current rules goofball. +1 It would be fun
    1 point
  32. 1 point
  33. We actually have emojis on darkrp. I've pushed back implementation to make sure the server is 100% stable
    1 point
  34. -1: Even though this location could fit with the other newly added locations I feel like this one is extremely close to the nightclub, so that makes this location kinda pointless.
    0 points
  35. In-game name: Venom or VenommSteamID (https://steamid.io/): STEAM_0:0:215553280Staff members in-game name: Theta? maybe im not sureStaff members SteamID (https://garnetgaming.net/darkrp/bans) (/id (name): idkDate & Time of incident: a while agoTimezone: cstBan Reason: ban evading i thinkHow long were you banned for?: alot of minuteProof of Ban: cba to get picWhat happened? (include any proof): uh idk i was bannedo na diff acc ig and went on main or vise versaWhy should your ban be removed?: becas it was a while ago
    -4 points
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