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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/23/2023 in all areas

  1. It's honestly strange how soft MRP has become. A little bit of big brother bullying is ok and pushes people to be better. If any of you have a younger sibling growing up you have probably been in the scenario where you had to take your younger brother somewhere when you didn't want to. And even through protest he still tags along. Eventually you realize he is always going to be tagging more and more. So you try to push him to be better, and sometimes you have to make him hate you to be better. Because at the end of the day you're doing it out of the bottom of your heart and one day he will appreciate what you did for him. (And he won't be the weird little brother) That you pushed him to be better. So that means when I dog on you during war I should have every right to call you dogshit and scream like a retard. And you should have the right to do the same thing right back to me when you dog on me. Some mild hatred for getting shit talked every war forcing you to improve to where you can rub it in my face is great. Trash talk gives you a reason to improve and something to laugh about in a ts channel later. Pros Allows for small rivalries to form which in turn gives people a reason to keep playing and improving. Improve your social skills. Cons Some people will take big brother bullying too far like saying racial slurs or things that are completely out of line. Should be handled case by case Some people's feelings might be hurt? Lets keep it real, you are crying over gmod. Be better than that.
    10 points
  2. Expect this to be expanded on later, as I'm on mobile. Proggy mentioned for someone to post this during a late night TS call. There are several issues with the car plugin we switched to with the addition of purchasable vehicles. Issue #1: Proximity based return. I get what we were going for here, and on its own it's not a problem, though is still annoying when someone jumps in your car and drives away. What makes it problematic is what leads to my next point. Issue #2: Car's do not naturally despawn. I believe they should be after a certain period of time. Basically once you spawn a car in, if you want to spawn another one in without finding where it was taken, you have to rejoin the server. Minor annoyance in peacetime, considerable annoyance in war. I believe this is intended for destroyed vehicles, but it's rare that cars I spawn in get destroyed as they are only used during the initial push because of Issue #1. Issue #3: General Bugs I have heard via word of mouth that cars will fail to spawn in. I have seen personally cars getting stuck inside of each other, which is probably just related to this map's spawnpoints. Also, I believe the US NPC sends you flying into the air when you spawn cars in at a particular position, but I haven't seen this directly. Hopefully the community can chime in on this. Possible Fixes: I like the purchased cars, honestly, probably just dev time to resolve/modify the above. Allow returning the vehicle from anywhere is a start. If I knew how the "cooldown" for vehicles worked (the code) I could give further insight. Note, this is a rough draft. I will do formatting/expand on ideas when I'm at a PC.
    3 points
  3. someone get the bleach clip
    3 points
  4. Accepted Moving forward the new rule will look something like this. Talking over dead bodies is fine, to an extent. Once things start to get toxic is when the line is crossed. If someone talks over a player talks over a body and thinks it to be toxic they may ask for a sit and provide evidence for the staff member. If it is deemed toxic the staff member will hand out a Verbal Warning to ask the player to stop talking over that players body. If the toxicity does not stop then further punishments can be handed out.
    2 points
  5. I don't care if we do or don't, I just want clarification instead of coasting on "unwritten rules" we've done that for so long. Vague information can be handled vaguely, clear cut is better.
    2 points
  6. Description: Introducing a new War Objective system to replace the current voting process for selecting objectives. Instead of voting for the type of war, players on the server can now vote for a specific objective (Cons, PG, or CY) to pursue. Once the war starts, a marker will appear on the screen indicating the active objective. This marker could be a simple circle with the objective's abbreviation displayed above it in the sky. Reasoning: Often, during the war, additional objectives are captured because new players unknowingly venture into areas of the map that were not voted for. Implementing this new system will provide greater clarity and avoid confusion.
    1 point
  7. Accepted This will be passed to the development side to be added.
    1 point
  8. Its good to get a clarification from you about this "rule". Its no waste of time i think its important that as a community we discuss things openly and get changes we would like to see is better then just hiding in our ts channel echo chambers.
    1 point
  9. Even though its not an official rule its an unwritten rule. The reason for the post was to get this confusing "rule" set in stone. Either its allowed or isnt, its to unclear. Ive been told by multiple people including staff that it is a rule and you will get warned. And not to mention I may not know the 055th guys for example. But i see them everyday, its ok for there to be reasonable trash talk. Yes they can be concerted random because you never really meet the guy but I play against them everyday. Killing you and adding insult to injurie is a douche move. But Its brings out people competitive sides and pushes people to be better.
    1 point
  10. Im not surprised you -1 this post. You came to me about silo and yours pms. Now that really wasn't anything much. You are really letting how someone who never seen you before get to you. What are you going to do when your boss tells you that you suck at your job. What if your doctor told you are a bit overweight. Are you going to cry because they told you these things or are you going to make steps to improve your life. Getting shit talked in garnet will teach you how to handle negativity. Is someone being negative to you in a fun way. Just chatting a bit of shit. Or are they jealous of you. Maybe your taller, slimmer , richer and what ever reason you could be jealous of someone. Garnet is the best environment to learn these skills. Or maybe somebody worried about you and they understand that you need to see the ugly truth. There really is no toxicity in garnet openly. Its everyone chatting shit behind peoples back in pm and voice channels. And that is unhealthy toxicity. its how rumors start and bad blood. It builds up like a powder keg. I would much rather there be healthy toxicity then negative. It is an extreme example. Staff team should only limit toxicity when it leads to doxing racism and death threats. Those are negative ok. We as community should say hey man your going a little to far this time dial it back. Maybe you should apologize. Take initiative and call people out. its really that simple This is a great point. Look at welyn rust videos. He makes an entire story over getting revenge on toxic players. Rust is a great example of good and bad toxicity. Sitting on your roof and door camping is a real bitch way of playing the game. And you tell them that of course. Then you attempt to raid them and you win. You took down the Tower that been giving the people in the area a hard time. You have a memorable experience. This is a great example of healthy toxicity. But rust takes it to far when it gets to Racism and death threats. They take it to far sometimes. But we are a small server where we can weed out these terrible people so this bad toxicity isn't a big deal as many people think.
    1 point
  11. +1 Quality member of the community and would be a great addition onto the staff team
    1 point
  12. Thank you for making this post. These are all sounding like incredibly easy things to fix, I will just have to re-create them and/or be sent a video of the occurrence. As for your second point, as far as Natural despawn timers, it sounds like some admin+ deliberately messed around with the config and broke it without letting anybody know, because that is quite literally a server-sided dial you can turn, and if it hits 0 or -1, despawns will cease to happen. (they're a default feature) Granted, this only happens when the car explodes. We currently have no feature that causes your vehicle to despawn unless it is severely damaged, is this something you and the community were interested in?
    1 point
  13. Not allowing something because of the extremes is ridiculous. People get into car crashes, should we ban cars? No we shouldn't, we are a small server if you notice that one of your friends or really anybody who is taking it to far tell him that's not cool or report them to an officer. As COL of DF i would never allow my guys to shit talk brand new players. its uncalled for and wrong. But if they want to shit talk the same guys they see everyday I think they should have every right to. Even though it isn't specified it is an unwritten rule. Players are still afraid to talk over bodies. I hear it all the time in TS. Staff and players should play by the same rules but that discussion is more for staff meetings then here but Staff should really know when it is and isn't to talk over bodies. When some people get shit talked they tend to get butt hurt and weaponize staff. The point of this suggestion is to stop weaponizing staff as that helps nobody and allows for some rivalries to form. As lame as it sounds every story needs a good Villain. Video games like Borderlands 2 and Far Cry 3 are famous for there amazing Villains. During those games you wanted to stick it Handsome jack because he always antagonized you during the whole game. Why cant we have similar experiences here. Lets use you and me as an example. Every time I kill you, you know I'm gonna talk some shit. It may be in OOC or over your body. Every time without fail. You could get me back by killing me and talking shit back, which would then get a small rivalry going and giving you something else to do during war then just cap obj and get kills. It provides a more memorable experience.
    1 point
  14. Training for me should be under 10 minutes as is. I dont agree with removing the DS/RAC role. It's not just a tool for new players to get trained, it's a factor in determining who will make a good officer, as well as from the new players POV, the first experience they get. Otherwise, they likely don't show up for DB, don't know where the obj is/how to get there, and leave.
    1 point
  15. +1 Confirming My Referral
    1 point
  16. 1 point
  17. Being called out in OOC is much different than getting an actual warn/ban for it. it's easy to ignore ooc because at least you're not getting an actual warning for it? +1 I don't think people should be getting warns/bans because someone wants to be petty over getting killed in a video game. as long as people don't break the rules / use someone's personal life in game i see no issue. personally, getting killed by someone motivates me to do better / get that person back. the only thing is people will need to have something like medal for reports because the proof is going to be needed. yes i play mrp Tali PVT Gunnerino has played for 1202:27:42.
    0 points
  18. -1, 'Big brother bullying' doesn't push anyone to do better it actually creates a general I wanna say aura of toxicity. MRP hasn't become soft even back than talking over bodies was frowned upon and people would even go as far as calling others out in OOC if you did it. Its not hard to keep shit to yourself your basically asking to sprinkle in a little more toxicity into MRP culture which is surprising considering how much is already in the server. Cons outway the pros. You're insane if you think 'small rivalries' bring players together rather than push them apart, create diversities and exclusion, aswell as toxicity.
    0 points
  19. i’ve found u… the man that shares a name with me. the reason i get pms “are you the towelie i used to know” i have lived in your shadow for a while and i always will… - the real towelie
    -1 points
  20. For friends or regulars of the server I could understand the desire to do this and there wouldn't be much harm in most scenarios. However, you must consider the extremes. Someone could easily abuse this by talking over the dead bodies of new players who will simply quit playing instead of reporting to staff. Could that still happen with the current rule? Yes. But when you no longer make it punishable it will happen more often. We should try to make new players more welcome, not alienate them. -1
    -1 points
  21. Extremes was the wrong word. It's not an extreme, it's one of the many things that could result from this. But we do put limits on them to protect the people using them and the people around them. Same thing here, we limit banter by not allowing people to talk over bodies. Which is good but you are one of many. There will be people who will use this to negatively impact other people and my point is that it will be hard to enforce limits against those people, especially when it's actively allowed in other circumstances; opening the door on this is liable to let a lot of other things out. People already get maliciously toxic on MRP, I would hate to see it be intensified by something like this.
    -1 points
  22. Instead of being trained you are automatically whitelisted for Army Soldier and Support as well as Taliban equivalents. Pros Nobody likes to train, which leads to long train times which then leads to lost of interest Can try out both sides without being trained twice, encouraging players to give both sides a shot. Will also have the benefit of stopping the changes of how new players spawn. No need to set new players on tali recruit if players can freely try both teams Will allow players to have a more natural experience on the server. Allowing moments of opportunity for multiple scerinos. Ex : Separate debriefs or even making a friend Cons Will allow New players to rdm 10 minutes faster than before Staff can no longer farm sits Now as simple this change is, it will change the new player experience completely. Removing responsibilities of DS/Recruiter now puts that responsibility on us. If you weren't doing it before you should be helping new players when you come across them. Help someone set their name correctly. Show them around base. Whatever you think needs to be done to provide the player with an enjoyable experience no matter your rank or faction.
    -1 points
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