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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


The Garnut
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Everything posted by Nutter

  1. Big +1 right there Yes, as you mentioned, Delta is a glorified CSCDesert, and this is the map that should in theory save us from ever having to go back to that disgraceful flatland. You mentioned the objectives are on the smaller side, and yes, while they're not as large as maps like Chaharikar/Siberia, I don't think it's necessarily a bad thing. When it comes to too much visibility due to fog, if I had more time to swap maps, I would've happily changed the view distance on Delta to be much shorter, as well as some extra detailing/cover here and there, but unfortunately, I did not have the time for that. Unfortunately "hardware" doesn't apply, because we already utilize both the fastest CPU available for Garry's mod (overclocked too) as well as the strongest network used to host Garry's Mod. Couldn't tell you how the bullet stuff works, I didn't make it and I'm not about to share the methods. We have utilized this in the past and it did not work, but more updates have been pushed towards it. It will always feel that way, you're letting go of player-to-player interactions in favor of an automated system which may easily be worked around if you just guess a handful of times. With that being said, we don't have the workforce to constantly train recruits, and as such, this solution is permanent. Non-negotiable.
  2. Dear Garnishment Gamers, Please stop harrassing me for updates that you ask me to change not even a week later... if you know the state of a map and I let you know I cannot edit it, why vote for it then ask for it to be changed not even 24 hours after being all hyped up and going like "YEYEAHAHHH SIBERIA". It's really obnoxious Map Rotation Delta All spawn positions and war objectives were set to be more tight than last time If anybody is missing the map, it can be found here: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1766530681 Hit Registration Experimental hit-registration fixes were put on the server, these may result in even worse performance, but only time will tell! Hopefully I know whether or not this change was effective by the afternoon before peak-hours Quiz Expansion On completion:
  3. It works, but it's just extra I would suggest you check again if you can respawn, because I checked the permissions and it says you shouldn't be able to.
  4. Hello Garfield Gamers, if anybody tells you 'i cAnT dO eVenTs." they're lying PS Movement while attacking with your light saber has been successfully enabled! Credits Shop In efforts to bring our population up, you can now obtain VIP for free so long as you are exceptionally active on our server, AFK hours if you were to leave your computer online most definitely do count towards your credits! Credits will be obtained at a 10/hour rate similarly to our other servers. Color Codes Some classes that were previously indistinguishable from clone recruits now carry a new color, notably Jedi is now tan, and Omega Squad is black. Droid Classes Staff & Gamemaster Commanders Trial Moderator Adminmode Bring Goto Return Cleardecals Freeze Mutechat MuteVoice Tele Jail/Unjail Moderator, Senior Moderator, Lead Moderator Send Ban PreviousOffenses StopSound JailTP Trial Administrator, Administrator, Senior Administrator, Lead Administrator Freeze Cloak Uncloak Event Setmap ForceMOTD SetJob StripWeapons Slay Spectate Reconnect Respawn GameMaster Setmap Event Cloak Uncloak Noclip
  5. End of April, 2020 The end of April/early May is really rough on the server, lets see where we at by next month. Either dead or picked back up Promotions Bishop > Trial Admin (more drive and determination to do events and get players on than anybody else, thank you) Bortnik > Moderator (High activity, helpful, albeit poor attitude on one occasion) Swigs > Gamemaster (Welcome) Oatlife > Trial Moderator (Welcome) Demotions Gamma > User (more activity on other servers than the one he staff on) Vizii > User (Resignation) Extended Terms Promotion missed due to a lack of effort or LOAs Jackal > Admin (Would like to see more involvement and original ideas from you, but great overall)
  6. Garnets Interests, when? This time nobody has really much to complain about, so I think it can be that i'm toxic on the forums
  7. Ty R Kelly. I can't wait to have pissing contests with you again
  8. Hello GarfieldGamers, Please note: if anybody tries to empathize with me, IE: "Garnet take a break". "You don't deserve this" or anything pointless of this nature, I will simply delete their posts and lock this post. This post is purely up to explain to you why I'm unfortunately having to be less active than I would like for a period of time. TLDR: I'm needing to take pills to hopefully ease up on my pain and reverse some damage from a car accident, pills are extremely known for drowsiness and tiredness and as such, my activity may dip on Garnet for the next 30 days, but it's unavoidable. I don't know how badly I'll be affected by the pills, but this starts tonight. Long version: I'm sure some of you remember the car accident I was involved in back at the beginning of this year that put me out for a good week. Unfortunately for me, I've been going to see a physical therapist/chiropractor 2-3 days a week ever since then, however, I'm still in agonizing pain which is making working on Garnet alot more difficult than it should be with frequent muscle spasms in my shoulders/back - I try not to complain anymore, because to be frank, all I get is people overly sympathisizng with me and suggesting I take a break constantly, which I neither want to or can do without it affecting the community negatively. When it comes to insurance companies, to my best understanding, once you have gone to a chiropractor for a certain threshold and it's not helping, you are then sent you to an orthopedic surgeon to evaluate you again and determine what's to take place next. I went to visit one, he re-evaluated my spine, and unfortunately I didn't get the best news. As a last resort before operating my back which I can't afford or doing a few rounds of steroid injections, I was given muscle relaxers for the next 30 days which I basically have to be under the effects of 24/7 with minimal physical excretion - they make you extremely groggy and cloudy, and as such: no driving, and no going to work (albeit working from home on a PC could be ok if I can manage - it all depends on how badly the sideeffects get me, some people don't get them at all). I will see how I can manage to keep up my activity on Garnet. PS To all of you who have a burning hate for me, I will have you know that the guy who went a red light and hit me seemed to have literally bribed the insurance adjuster into ruling against me, and it doesn't seem that my Lawyer is trying to do too much about it. I had recorded evidence of the other driver coming out of his car and crying about how he's sorry he didn't see a red light, but that makes the accident my fault. Go fucking figure. Hopefully when this is all over I can go with this information to a news outlet.
  9. You were to be accepted today, but yourself, Maverick and Vizii have all gone elsewhere, so I will be moving this to denied.
  10. Accepted Welcome to our team!
  11. I'll be happy to have you onboard as a GM, unless @Phantom has any issues with this.
  12. You can be really weird sometimes but you have a good heart. When you're by yourself without bad influence you're really nice to talk to.
  13. Why would I perma ban you if you weren't guilty? you denied ever doing anything worthy of a perma, and I took your word for it over the word of people who randomly messaged me bogus claims without anything to back it up. tHe cOmMunItY isNt tHe sAmE as expected in a video game in which a playerbase changes entirely year by year. It'll happen everywhere, including any server you move onto, but if you're enjoying yourself better elsewhere, I'm happy for you. PS. I'm still fairly sure you left because you tarnished your very own reputation by backing up a pedophile and enraged people past the point of liking you again.
  14. Will you play on an ALT and AFK 80% of the time while having sex with your new girlfriend?
  15. Rip, 4 players online. Lets see where this goes
  16. Event Server Shut Down Transferring to a dedicated server might be ideal for servers like our MilitaryRP that have a very large dedicated population, and may even exceed 128, however, I found it to be less than ideal on StarwarsRP seeing as we would end up with players torn between the two servers, and trying our best to notify them of an active event, they may still be afk and come back under the impression the server had gone inactive. As such, I pulled the data required for events off of the Event Server and migrated it onto our main server. Events might be a little more tricky to pull off without preparation, however, we can always allow the first 15-30 minutes of events towards preparation and engage in a server-wide debrief in the meantime. Game Master class added onto the main server Trial Administrators and up can access this class as to host events, utilizing this class for ANYTHING else will result in an immediate removal from staff & a short-term ban. Gamemaster ranks added with access to donator roles in exchange for their time and efforts. Gamemasters can only complete events under the supervision of an administrator online who will then set their role to the job, activating their GM capabilities until they get past their training stage. Strings: gamemastertrainee & gamemaster /setmap command added to T.Admin and up, misuse of the command, or even making an honest mistake with this command will result in your immediate removal from the staff team. There's nothing to test, and you must verify that you are using the string for the CORRECT map prior to use, when it doubt, reach out to me, Phantom, Bishop or Jackal. String: /setmap mapname Examples: /setmap rp_anaxes /setmap geonosis /setmap gm_bigisland Added a notifier to let the server know who set the map, also if you made a fucky, the playerbase WILL roast you There is no check for whether or not the map string is correct or not, because there's no use for it. Event Messages This one is wildly popular and Phantom has been begging me for it :^)
  17. Our TTT has been maxed out for like 18 hours out of the day for months now, @Enigma has been running that shit and I doubted he'd stay for even a week. Rust expansion is super easy, they're vanilla servers and don't require much work, so hell yeah. If it works out we're looking at 500 more online players in our community.
  18. Here's a new strategy to make sure I get everything done in a timely manner and make sure to even take time off, because as most of you know, i'm barely getting any sleep these days Before this turns into a giant meme, i'll explain, I repurposed an old planner by screwing it into my wall. I'm populating it with 35 tasks for every month that I will try my best to complete. I need some more ideas of things that I can realistically finish within this time-frame SO COMMENT AWAY PLS. I'll cross out every item that is complete, and we'll see where i'm at in the beginning of June
  19. Except this post was literally to clarify, hey, one of our servers are taking a hit, and it's because of this reason. Is it toxic? yes. Is it a shitpost? no.
  20. Can you imagine being a commander for a larger faction on the server and "donating money to support the server" - but then when things get a little bit tough for LITERALLY 2-3 days, you threaten your faction and some staff members that you'll be resigning? You know.. not reaching out to me or uttering a word, not offering any help what-so-ever, but just flat out saying "fix or i'm leaving" in a discord dedicated to the faction you lead, where this could lead to the server you "support" struggling EVEN MORE? Yeah. Good one right there. If some of you guys continue to ping faction members to hop on strictly for event and contribute NOTHING to the server other than possibly a tiered rank to "support it", shocker, you're still not supporting much. I didn't spend 2 months of my life staring at a screen to provide this server for these $75 perks, I wanted more people to join the community and enjoy it. What good will hundreds of dollars make me when we have 30 AFK players doing nothing but idling in anticipation of an event? fuck.
  21. These look so fucking cool, where's the camo one?
  22. Is this a good time to let you know I was thinking of setting up a couple of Garnet hunger game minecraft servers? would've been done if I didn't need to fine-tweak Rust and StarwarsRP wasn't struggling for players. Your world trade center is fucking insane, I can't concentrate for that long.
  23. I really don't plan on editing Delta anytime soon for the record
  24. MRP players asking for a map and then whining about it a few days later, shocker. Reminds me of.. oh yeah CSCdesert Well, Delta is my personal favorite map to play. A ton of our playerbase genuinely wanted cscdesert back, and Delta was then based off of cscdesert, except... good? I don't know why you'd think it's a shitty map, you're saying an objective was "useless" but literally, we used to have a hole in the map (toxic pit) serve as an objective. Maybe you didn't like the layout of it? lol. Everything else you stated is indeed a matter of opinion, I know a ton of people who love Embassy and ATTC
  25. So now that we can see a pretty odd drop in population (Saturday with a peak of 64 players) a few days following the introduction of Siberia, can we switch off so I can feel safe again ty The rotation will go Delta > Taigaforest > Chaharikar
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