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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


The Garnut
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Everything posted by Nutter

  1. Hello Garnet Gaming members! This subforum will serve the purpose of sharing your own unique creations with the Garnet Gaming playerbase. Many of us are talented in different areas that we would love to share with others, however, when we do so on general discussion-esque forums it comes off as a shameless self-plug/rude to many, and as such, I have decided to create this subforum which will serve the purpose of sharing your art with others as well as receiving criticism on your projects. You may post any of the following: Different artforms (IE: Music, digital art, drawings), video game clips (edited or unedited) to showcase your skill at a specific video game, or even montage editing skills @Redacted, architectural 3d designs @shrimp, and many other things! With all this being said, you must still abide by our community's rules which do not allow external (unofficial) link, so it is still enforceable you only post links to known websites where security risk is minimal, IE: YouTube/Soundcloud/Imgur. Again, I will reiterate, while this subforum does have the intended purpose of sharing your own creations, please do not utilize our forums purely to advertise or gain traction for your own ventures, this will deem you as a forum leech and thus will have you banned from posting on this section, or off our forums entirely. Refrain from posting content you are making for other competing communities, as this would be considered a form of advertisement. Thank you very much for abiding by the rules, and I look forward to seeing your awesome creations, as well as sharing my own! - Garnet
  2. Comms utilize via /c, /comm, or /comms Now displays your team color as well. Team Chat All battalions now have access to U/team chat in order to communicate privately Weapon Base optimized TFA weapon base, some expensive effects were taken out resolved issues that could've caused a crash HUD Compass Added Fixed materials showing up as errors Context Menu added context menu ability to toggle multicore render faster FPS (disabled 3d sky for event maps too) Shock Troopers Set shock trooper spawnpoints to the jail Fixed Shock Trooper not being able to wanted users VJ Base NPC base optimized events will be less laggy as a result NPCs no longer drop a weapon on death corpses fade shortly after dying Others added half hour auto-slayer to declutter spawn room extended server-timeout duration to prevent players with bad internet from being kicked off the server set spawn to rancor and delta added logging system Set the spawns of clones who have passed the quiz into empty barracks Jet Trooper DC15A replaced with DC15S due to difficulty in shooting while flying 'Garnetroll' command was added to console - it will print a random number between 1-100 globally for RP scenarios
  3. Accepted, thank you very much for the suggestion!
  4. This was already addressed in yesterday's update! I'm not sure what the timing of this post was, but Shock now has a useable shield that deflects damage, as well as the arrest baton. Thank you for the suggestion.
  5. My idea of what to do was pretty similar to yours, in following the playercapping. I will update the weapon of the Jet Trooper for today's update Thank you!
  6. Bitch no you didn't haha. You muted yourself on TS after I was trying to figure out if you wanna do it and how much you'd charge. (putting aside the 2 weeks before that I'd message you on TS) Yeah, I actually put in a ton of effort into my gold texture, I really do wanna see it with the reflection you've got going over there looks really cool Client fps :^( you'd be surprised how bad mat_specular is, and while I do love good aesthetics, we're obviously aiming for performance on Garnet All your screenshots are literal eye-candy, why don't you post a skin to the CS:GO workshop to try and get it properly implemented into the game?
  7. Never thought I'd ever +1 a staff application by you, what the fuck happened.
  8. You can say that twice for @shrimp. Never thought i'd be sitting in a Teamspeak room talking to this bastard for 10 hours
  9. Not a big fan of just tossing random textures/images over guns man. You should look into a better way of doing that, IE: lower opacityi/soft apply/any other photoshop effects I could most definitely try the next time I do this It's simple, they're not going to be attachable skins through the context menu, they're going to be their own weapons. oh lord haha
  10. Man, I completely forgot you're British. Truth be told, our server is on the same premium network that our US servers are on, so while it is by no means a powerful machine and it can only host 2x200 player server, we will have the same god-like ping and networking performance that should bring people in quickly - we just need a handful of active players to start with
  11. Just one of these sentimental posts I'd like to be able to reflect back on in a few years unless I die to covid-19. This time last year (and the years before) I was a terrible leader/community owner who wasn't very receptive to criticism, stuck in his ways, and not all that active. Around that time (and the years before) Garnet very very stagnant having had only 2 servers, being DarkRP and MilitaryRP, both of which were struggling to get past 60-80 players at certain times for nearly 6 years. It has gotten to a point where I spoke to players/friends who I considered close to me about shutting down the server due to its financial burden on myself as well as the fact that I was not able to dedicate enough of my time to it due to medical school. Many people retaliated telling me how much the community was meant to them, and I decided to take a year off of university (originally it was intended to be only a single semester, if you manage to find the forum post) to see what I could improve upon if I were to fully dedicate myself to the community. Literally my life since then has purely consisted of waking up, working out, grabbing a cup of coffee, and spending my day on my computer talking to players on Teamspeak/Discord, finely tweaking the servers, attempting to create content from scratch with lua for the first time, and mapping. (not to mention how bad it is now with Corona going on and having NOTHING else to do haha) Truthfully, this all paid off as this year we're looking at 12 servers most of which are at near full capacity, with a whopping playercount of over 1000 concurrent players, with over 10,000 different users joining in a day. Thanks to @421 sm0k meth and a few others such as Dan Gardner I was able to finally get Rust populated and set up properly after literally blowing a $5,000 hole in my pocket, due to the fact I knew nothing or Rust and lacked the time to dedicate to fit. Thanks to @shrimp who came back after being gone for nearly a year, MilitaryRP is once again being roleplayed on with the narrative our awesome event server set. Shrimp also dedicates hours of his free time towards it PURELY to bring a smile to you guys' face. Thanks to @Phantom and his dedication I was able to get StarwarsRP up and running after 3 fucking years, and only the future will show what's in store for that server, but it's looking promising. It was literally 3 months ago that I took pride in the fact that our community had double itself in size, but since then, we have become nearly tenfold of what we were just 12 months ago. Some achievements we've reached since literally the beginning of 2020 include: MilitaryRP finally accumulated enough maps to have a proper map rotation (Chaharikar, Taiga, Siberia, Delta, Echo) Rust Sierra 2x had 400 players online and over 300 in the queue (must've been a record of some sorts?) regardless, it made me very proud. DarkRP #2 launched seeing as our primary server was at full capacity of 128/128 for HOURS out of the day StarwarsRP re-launched after 3 years of being down with tons of money invested into its content I had just purchased our first ever EU servers to try and expand our community internationally Going through the forums it's insane to me the number of people who I come by that have stuck around for over 3 years, and I am extremely thankful for that. With the return of StarwarsRP I've been seeing an influx of "veteran players" who have not been online in YEARS making a return, and I thank you for giving Garnet Gaming a try again! hope you're not disappointed.
  12. Hello Garnet Gamers, Over the years we've had a dozen European players, but never really a significant portion of our playerbase - well, i'm working towards changing that. Our host had a single machine available in Europe, which is not something that's easy to come by, it is by no means a machine for hosting a high performance server - infact, it's quite the opposite being an almost 10 years old Xeon 1231v3. This should yield us about 2x 200 player servers for nearly the same price we're paying to host 6x350 player servers. Did it make any sense to get the machine? no. Will I ever make this money back? No. So why'd you do it? good question. 5x Oscar was ported over and re-configured, the European counterpart for this server is called [EU] 5x Echo. Connection Information: 2x Sierra was ported over and re-configured, the European counterpart for this server is called [EU] 5x Delta. Connection Information: Since as you guys know, nearly all our rust servers are very much near-vanilla with VERY little donator benefits, and as such, we should be able to get these servers populated fairly easily - from my experience, nearly all the other servers at the top are configured to be pay-to-win servers, making players rely on the store portal on wipes to buy extra items. If any of you guys are willing to take the hit over in the US and play on a European server at odd times of the night for the sake of helping me get the server to pick up a population, I will offer you VIP benefits that would include skinbox, sign artist, and others. Feel free to comment if this is something you're interested in!
  13. about a metric ton of tiny fixes lol
  14. Connection Information: Thank you so much for an amazing launch everybody! we hit 50 players on our very first day and had multiple events running on our map, all while our other servers were nearly maxed out - things are looking promising. Thank you very much to the likes of Jackal and Ching for dedicating their time to training new players for hours upon hours as to take the stress off myself and Phantom, you guys helped us tremendously. Class Changes Unassigend Clone Trooper is now given a DC15A, lets see if this leads to an influx in massers (may swap it out for a nerfed version) All classes that had the DC15A from the TFA Extended pack had it replaced with the original weapon due to visual glitches and bad implementation by the developer. Each Battalion's specialty class was capped at 4 players Each Battalion's officer class was capped at 3 players Each Battalion's commander class was capped at 2 players Pilot Squadron, ARC, and Delta were capped at 1 player per class Navy Admiral capped at 1 player All Separatist and Jedi classes were capped at 1 player R Kelly : Wearing a Robe was renamed back to Mace Windu due to the corona virus Mace Windu's Pee swep was removed as he is no longer R Kelly Supreme Chancellor event class has been added Event classes are now access restricted - whitelist based Still not sure of what to do as far as donations go, however, Phantom may let players utilize event classes for the time being All classes now spawn with a "hands swep" to be used in roleplay scenarios such as kidnaps COMMS Chat /comms command has been added THIS CHANGE WON'T TAKE EFFECT UNTIL THE 11TH, I FUGGED UP SOMEWHERE IN THE CODE command was saved in sv_chatcommands in chat module Shock Troopers Shock Trooper's hand cuffs removed due to a lack of optimization and the unnecessary transportation associated with minges ; generic DarkRP arrest baton was given to the classes instead Players now have to be wanted in order to be arrested Jail time was set to 5 minutes Shock Troopers can no longer arrest eachother Staff's damage was reduced from 250 to 10 (future implementation of the stun stick features where you blind another user's screen is in the works, but we must obtain a test server first) Riot shield now reduces incoming damage significantly Scoreboard Widened by 50 pixels and re-organized as to display information more neatly Other Automated Server Messages Removed advert for the DarkRP server's hat system Renamed Christmas sale advert to Corona (wouldn't it be karma now if I died due to Corona?) Added message to remind new users to utilize !quiz in order to be trained HL2 Sounds You know when you type "cheese" or "hax" in chat and that stupid HL2 sound plays? yeah.. it's funny on DarkRP, but not on StarwarsRP. Third Person Removed the broadcasting of toggling views
  15. Yeah, we're aware of those issues, just not too familiar with what can be done about them, this is straight from TFA's base
  16. Accepted Will give this idea a try so long as they have a nerfed weapon, as to prevent easy mass RDMs
  17. I'm all up for it, so i'm going to see how Phantom feels. Ching spent a tremendous amount of time along with Jackal in helping us get the Starwars RP server off of its feet.
  18. Yeah, there's no doubt he's significantly better/more experienced than me, I originally wanted to commission him to do this, but he just failed to respond to my messages, so I decided to give it a go myself.
  19. Does this look like it's a shitty AK-47 Redline?
  20. Gold AEK971 10 minute progress 30 minute progress (added carbon fiber stock)
  21. This attempt literally took me 5 minutes at making a golden AEK971, openning photoshop for the first time in years, stay tuned for more :^)
  22. Model suggestions are forbidden, but hey, good job getting into texturing.
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