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Everything posted by Fonza

  1. -1 This app was quite difficult for me to come to a conclusion as I think Ziggy is a good staff member and would perform well. However, you JUST came off of reserves and are a bit out of touch with the current members of the server. I'd say give it a bit before you apply to try and get to know the newer members of the server.
  2. +1 with eli being one of the GMs to host one of the more iconic campaigns for this server, I think it’d safe to say he knows what he’s doing and would make an amazing GM.
  3. This is great, but this Is beautiful. thanks for another banger update garnet
  4. Accepted You should be unbanned.
  5. Fonza

    Ban Appeal

    Oops! Looks like you appealed in the wrong community, I'm not sure where I should place this, but you aren't banned on our servers, so this is accepted? If you need further assistance as to what do, you can reach out to me on discord "Fonza#3025"
  6. Fonza

    Falk - Staff App

    Hey Falk! Thank you for applying to Garnet Gaming MRP, we hope you enjoy your time on the server. Few things about your application that I want to point out to you so that you can make adjustments now and in the future. I don't think I've really seen you around too much, unless you went by a different name or just mainly play on Taliban. While having a lot of hours on Gmod is fantastic, please be aware that we are looking for your in-game hours which can be displayed if you /playtime (your name), which should give you a specific number so you can copy and paste into this part of your application. (Since been fixed, good job) This is a good paragraph, however we are looking for a bit more detail and specifics. You said that you worked on another server? Try to give us examples as to how you've helped on those communities. (Has been improved!) Last thing, I think you have the wrong staff application format, use the one that's linked below and edit your current post. (Also has been fixed.) For right now, I'm (still) going to leave this application with a -1, I want to heavily encourage bouncing between channels, getting to know people, and upholding a positive reputation within the community. But I wish you luck on this application, and any other future applications that may follow.
  7. +1 Just like eli, I've known brian for a bit and he's quite the character. He was a great staff member back then and I believe he'll be a great GM now.
  8. -1 Honestly, adding in any sort of perma weapons would completely destroy any sort of balancing that this server would have. Most people that could afford/are interested in the idea are people who have been playing for a while. If this were to drop as an update, you’d see Commanders that, mind you, already have 4 primaries and 2 secondaries, on the field using a Westar, which is one of the more powerful blasters in the game at the moment. Also if it were to be implemented, it would probably hit the donation store before its a thing you can buy in game with in game money, if anything it would be a temp buy, say 50,000 for an hour use. Theres better ways to create incentives for getting money. Maybe you have it so you can force 1 level up if you pay X amount of money. That way new and old players can work for a similar goal. This is by definition Requisition’s job. Buying a permanent weapon isn’t “testing out” to see if you like it or not, you’re stuck with it as it saying in the name “permanent”. While adding perma weapons seems harmless as well, realize that all blasters use the same ammo. So even if the perma weapons you suggest, if some large mag weapon get put in that category, people will buy that weapon, and use it to stock up their other blasters. (Example being if my perma weapon is a DC-15A and I stock up to 300 rounds of ammo, I’ll switch to my sniper that can hold 6 rounds and only gets ammo up to 48, but now that the DC-15A is around, I’ll be able to have 300 rounds for my sniper.)
  9. Description: During war (Ideally during the middle mark of war), have a "Care Package" fall onto 1 of the OBJs that grants 1 lucky player an Advanced Juggernaut that would strip their weapons and give them the .50 HMG (khr_hmg), and somewhere between 750-1000 HP for one life and the correct juggernaut model. Also while active, they’ll have a severe movement penalty since they would be carrying a lot of gear. If they still have it by the end of war it could either slay them, or set them to citizen. For the US model it would be models/donators/juggernaut.mdl. For AFG (I think) it would be models/arachnit/csgoheavyphoenix/tm_phoenix_heavyplayer.mdl. OR The same thing, but the care package allows the player a random one time use of an Elite class of their Faction. Reasoning: Adds variety and allows new players to experience other weapons and a different perspective. Would also give a side OBJ to look for during war that may be the turning point for a faction.
  10. Be careful since it’s reoccurring payments and will charge you monthly(?)
  11. Fonza

    Warn Appeal-SMOLL

    Denied While it may have been an accident, RDM still applies as it could have been avoided by not wildly firing your weapon while point blank with another teammate. (typing from my phone) @Fonza lock and move.
  12. +1 Seems dedicated to help the server. As a fellow Ranger, I see him helping out as much as possible (our activity channel is flooded by his messages). Would make a great addition to the staff team. Good luck on your application!
  13. +1 Added onto his events, and made them more specific in terms of full fledged events. As always, good luck on this application and any future applications that may follow.
  14. +1 Ive talked with you a few times, while you can come off as mingy, I can definitely see that you are invested in the server and its future. Hope to see you on the team!
  15. Hello Scuba! I was the one to put the ban string through and I would like to address a few things stemming from this ban. When I banned you, it was during an event off-world and you had your name set as "CEO Scuba" at which I asked the GMs if he was related to the event in anyway, to which the GMs said no. I asked you in OOC to change your name to the correct format to which you said you wouldn't, I gave you 3 very clear chances to change it and you declined, so I banned you for NITRP. You weren't banned for a day, you were banned for 1 week off the bat, which could have been longer however the severity didn't feel like 2 weeks. This means NITRP (No Intent To Role Play). Evidence:
  16. Accepted Welcome to the team! Contact Juno for your training and make sure that you don't use your perms until you are trained. @Fonza lock and move!
  17. -1 The interactions I’ve had with you have been very frustrating and toxic. If I ended up with you handling my staff sit, I wouldn’t feel confident as you once tried to get me warned for “Non-Mal RDM”. EDIT: Ideally for your next application, you shouldn't disagree with people that are stating their opinions of you. Instead: You should reach out to those people and ask them what you can improve on. Disagree reacting is just solidifying all of their claims.
  18. I see a boost in mobility from the foregrip, and the shortened barrel just turns it into an SMG no longer classifying as an AR. Firerate is something that can easily be given up, especially from an AR, mobility is gained back through the foregrip, i've never had any impending issues with handling (unless its putting on the M203), and starting a firefight at long range is a death-wish with an AR. You're right, I don't see them playing the Insurgent class, I see them playing the T3 or T2 class that also has the 103. I've also never seen anyone play Zealot or Scout, so I guess the M1-Carbine and the PK need a buff too?
  19. -1 I find myself dying to 103 more often than an AK-74. Also the only real thing that the AK-74 has over the 103 is Firerate and Mobilty, but it basically trumps the AK-74 in everything else. Also, both guns lack attachments. Maybe send a screenshot of both guns decked out to compare then.
  20. Accepted! Welcome to the GM team! When you get set in-game please refrain from using your permissions until you get trained. Juno will be training you, so please find a time that will work for each of you.
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