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Everything posted by Fonza

  1. -1 I am -1ing this only because I haven’t seen you around too much, since you seem to be a returning player. However! I really do want to see you re-apply later down the road. I say give it a month and get to know the people you play with. Maybe even talk to the staff team and get some referrals! But I wish you luck on your future applications.
  2. +1 While he can get hotheaded in some situations, I believe that he genuinely cares for the community and wants to make positive moves to help improve it. I wish the best of luck to you my friend
  3. Fonza

    Staff Application

    Denied Lack of community support and overall a very low effort application. You may re-apply when you are 15 years of age. Other than that, @Jake @Ozzy, please lock and move.
  4. I'm in total support of nerfing the Orsis and Mosin as they are to help fill in a gap within a certain loadout. The class balancing should of been a thing long ago, but due to recent events, I can see why it's not at the top of the to-do list. Overall I give this suggestion a +1.
  5. *deliberately throws nade into DB* There’s a big difference between killing your friend over and over again, and throwing a nade into DB knowing the consequences.
  6. Congrats to my boys! Lets make sure to make next month the best one yet!
  7. Alright, so your "paragraph" has a lot of spelling errors which can easily be fixed, however you require two full paragraphs to grab people's attention. These two quotes are weird to me. On your steam account, it says you made it on July 13, 2015, yet your account got "hacked" and you lost all those hours. So you got hacked in 2017 and so on, but your current account was made in 2015? Regardless I'm going to leave this application with a -1 I honestly don't think you're ready and should have another staff member help you out next time. I wish you luck on any further applications.
  8. +1 Guy seems to know what he’s doing. Would love to have an experienced player run the faction. Good luck with the application!
  9. I remember hanging out with Care in Green Beret and I’m glad to see that he stuck around. While he doesn’t have too much experience, he would be surrounded by already great GMs that could push him in the right direction. A strong +1 from me!
  10. Fonza

    Venom Ban Appeal

    +1 After looking at this problem, it seems like both parties felt as if they were justified and the frustration seems to come from PayPal with its fees. It's quite unfortunate that a bit of miscommunication was happening between Venom and his father, however shouldn't warrant a ban, and I believe that if the banning staff got in contact with Venom before the ban, this could of been settled a bit better.
  11. +1 Has been an excellent leader in MRP and has shown a lot of excitement for CWRP. It's one of the only things he's been able to talk about for the past few weeks and has gotten myself and others excited for it. I wish you the best of luck on your application Python!
  12. +1 While I haven’t met you myself, your application tells me that you have the experience within a leadership position and already have knowledge relating to the 41st. You have a lot of hours to contribute to the server which is something that is vital to every faction. other than that, good luck on your application!
  13. I agree with everything above, your hours on the server are good, but since the past 2 weeks or so, I haven’t seen you once. I also don’t find this statement to be true whatsoever. I think you’re a good guy, but honestly you should just play regularly for now and then think about a staff app for the future.
  14. +1 Have seen no issues with him towards other players. Very friendly guy, I'm actually quite surprised he didn't apply sooner Good luck Jack!
  15. +1 A change in scenery is always nice, and would give players an incentive to come back to check out the new* maps. *new for the player in question assuming they are new to the community as a whole
  16. +1 A very model application for a very model individual. There’s so much I can say, but I’ll save my breath. I hope you make it on the team!
  17. +1 Very skeptical about this application, due to some comments I’ve heard in the past, however I believe that you’ll be able to provide the server with the time that you’re able to provide. If this application gets accepted, please understand that as a staff member, it is our job to make sure players enjoy their time on the server and are invested in the activities they do with the players they do it with.
  18. Unfortunately I’m still not convinced. Usually I can recall members of the community pretty well, and while your name shows up, I never see anything come from you directly. I never see you in war, or even peacetimes, and since your last application you had around 80 hours and you’ve gotten it up to 700 within the span of a month and a half. It just seems like a lot of AFKing and not putting in real time for the server. -1
  19. Can you give us a rough date? Did it happen today, yesterday, a week ago, maybe in April?
  20. +1 From what I’ve seen you’re quite active on the server. Your paragraphs are excellent in detail, a good amount of hours, and an overall really pleasing application to look at. I’ve heard nothing negative come up about you, and you seem quite involved in the community. I hope to see you on the staff team!
  21. Fonza

    Basecamp Report

    Please make sure you take these two screenshots into account. +1
  22. +1 After running Fluff's last cadence run with you, you seem to hold a pretty strong grip on members of the community and we could really use that right now. I hope you keep that same energy. I hope to be working with you on the staff team soon! Other than that, good luck.
  23. -1 Ive seen you around a bit during Omega, however your activity dropped immediately after the map change. This might be the first time of me seeing you back. Your application looks rushed and hard to read, usually people make their applications spaced out, and colorful to make it look pleasing to look at and easier to understand. I would wait possibly 3-4 weeks to re-apply instead of rushing the 2 week minimum just so that you can get to know the newer members and engage with them. I wish you luck on this application and other applications to follow.
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