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Everything posted by EfaxGaming

  1. If I'm being honest, I have nothing but respect for you. You are calm tempered, active, and overall a great member of the server. I feel you are more than worthy of staff, it is a major +1 for me.
  2. I personally haven't seen you too much but from what I know you are a good player. Sadly I don't play US so I don't have as much a chance to meet you or engage with you but with all the positive feedback, the fact I have never had a bad interaction with you, and how I haven't seen you have a bad interaction with another player, I believe you would make a good staff member. So it is a +1 from me.
  3. I'm personally going to have to -1 this due to not personally liking the village. I believe an actual base is much better for tali and has more perks. For example, the old tali town didn't have protected or even that good of jail cells, we had like 15 entrances to the thing and it was hard to maintain security from US randomly running into our base. I feel like getting the same base or similar base to what the US gets is more balanced and offers the same perks such as a firing range, decent DB with doors, a recruit room, and actual good looking bunks. I know others are entitled to other opinions, but for me, I don't really want to go back to that base due to the imperfections.
  4. This is absolutely sick, I can't wait to play war on this, also tali base looking awesome. Thanks for this map!
  5. I do believe that ranger models could use an update, but the size is a little big. I do want to see some models become more like their real life counterparts, but they should also be distinct and not all look the same. These kind of look like GB models currently. Also with the file size, you have to keep in mind that EVERYONE on the server has to download that and some people may not have the extra storage space.
  6. I like the heli idea so it is a +1 from me. I think that this map's skybox will need to be raised as I can actually shoot the bayonet knife given to venal onto the skybox from US base. It is currently very low and would need to be raised. For armored cars, I believe that we should add them but also nerf them a bit. I have played in a war where Tali and US were given tanks and I saw basecamping with them in which admins had to intervene as we could not destroy them with our weapons. I believe light armored cars would be fine for everyday use but for tanks and such I would say only let admins spawn them in and have admin monitor who uses them.
  7. In-game name: Efax / Tali MAJ Efax Age [minimum 15 y/o]: 17, 18 next month. SteamID: STEAM_0:0:96656822 Warns: 0, maybe one or two from years ago but none since the wipe. Timezone: EST Playtime? [minimum 100 hours, use /playtime in-game]: | Tali MAJ Efax has played for 1078:44:06. Do you have access to TeamSpeak and a microphone?: YES Do you have the ability to record Garry's Mod videos?: YES Referral(s): Shax, GhostRoad, and Derp have recommended me for staff. Past experiences as staff: N/A How do you plan on benefiting our server?: I have a few main ways I wish to benefit the server as well as some goals I wish to accomplish in staff. First of all, I wish to assist players in any way I possibly can, this includes TPing people during sims, taking sits on minges and people who wish to make the game miserable for other players, and overall trying to engage positively in the community. I would like to maintain a positive relationship with all members of this community as well as create a positive environment for everyone. I plan to communicate effectively with other members of the community and take feedback. I would like to improve myself and believe that this community could help me accomplish that. I could also really benefit the server by overall being active and always being open to feedback and questions. I wish to be a member of staff who is there for anyone and everyone. I would like to help ensure the server grows and thrives at all times. Helping people is something I always try to do and while I’m staff I plan to assist other staff as well as other players with their inquiries and reports. Some goals I would have if I was to get into the staff team consist of building a reputation within the staff team, getting senior or even lead mod, and overall being a good staff member. I feel I could benefit the server by overall being a mature and well rounded person with a great attitude. I can engage positively with the community and keep engagement high. I could also help other members when needed and overall ensure people have a great time. There is a lot I could do for the server and I hope that I can make some great additions to the server as well as create a positive impact. Have you ever been banned or punished on GG MRP? If so, Include details: I have never been banned or punished other than around 1 or 2 warns back in 2019-2020 which I believe might have been failRP, but I am unsure since the warn wipe. Have you made any previous applications, If so when?: N/A How much time do you have to contribute to the role?: Depending on work, it could be around 1-3 hours a day.
  8. This is completely understandable as it would not change much and require a bit of coding, I was just posting this to also see people’s feedback. This would also not change the game that much and just add a small feature.
  9. Description: A kill indicator, like the old XP awarded thing during war saying that you gained XP after each kill. Reasoning: This wouldn't change anything a massive amount, but I feel like having a kill indicator that you killed someone would be nice. I personally miss the old XP given GUI that popped up every time that you got a kill. Whenever you get a kill in the server during war now, you have to look in the kill feed. A small GUI saying that you killed someone that pops up in the corner of your screen would eliminate the time looking in the kill feel to see if you killed the person or should still be worried. Even though it may seem like a short amount of time to look in the kill feed and see if you killed someone, it is still enough for someone to rush you or snipe you. This may seem like a dumb suggestion but I would really like to see it implemented. Additional Information: May require a little bit of coding, I don't know if it would really be worth it in the eyes of the managers.
  10. This would be a game changer for the better, I really hope this gets implemented. +1
  11. +1, always seemed like a cool guy, very capable of staff. Not many reasons for him not to be staff honestly.
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