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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


StarWarsRP Management Team
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Everything posted by Theos

  1. Theos

    Ghillie Head

    Denied Lack of responses and community support
  2. I agree with this as something to implement on the Garrys Mod servers (idk Rust so cant comment). On the topic of a timer, that has been raised by comments, I'd actually rather we go with what Garnet initially said where they must submit an appeal. In my opinion if it was set to a timer, it would be no different to just a regular /mutevoice which most, if not all, Staff can already do. Ideally this would only be used for serious cases, as most people would take the verbal warning and presumably stop if they genuinely had no bad intent, and the decision would be up to an Admin+ not just any Staff on the server. Also any appeals on the voice-ban can be treated differently to regular appeals. Voice-ban appeals, from what I understand from the post, would be based on the premise of 'why did you do it' and 'why should you be unvoice-banned' rather than the traditional 'is the punishment invalid/too harsh'. That would, at least, make them potentially easier to have removed providing someone was not attempting intentional racist/homophobic remarks, whilst giving them more weight than just a /mutevoice for 5 minutes or a warning.
  3. Theos

    Attack Heli fix

    Ok so an update on this suggestion. The Helicopters firing backwards has been added to the trello, to be fixed. However attack helicopters are not permitted in war as per server rules, and this has not been discussed on this suggestion. Therefore from this comment onwards, consider the suggestion a rule change, and comment with responses with that in mind.
  4. Accepted Welcome to the Staff Team! @Kyle_Death will be training you. Also, please do NOT use any staff commands until you have been properly trained.
  5. This would be part of a map change, I believe, so may be worth commenting here:
  6. Theos

    Weapon buffs

    Denied Lack of community response to the suggestion
  7. Theos

    Attack Heli fix

    Could you more specifically define what needs fixing on the weaponry?
  8. Accepted Will look to be implemented with the code Lex suggested
  9. I'm curious why you haven't spent the time to firmly establish yourself as having changed, with DarkRP, before appealing a Permanent Ban on MRP for effectively disregarding the rules. You've made this appeal claiming you have changed, yet you've had access to DarkRP this entire time (excluding DarkRP bans) and have not shown that enough yet there, but MRP will be different? Upon checking your MRP warns, you received 19 of them in the 2-3 months leading up to your ban so I find it incredibly difficult to believe you did not understand the rules (most of these are RDM warns)
  10. MilitaryRP Staff Roster - Month of December Staff of the Month Pappa Eric > Senior Mod. - Brilliant work this month, deserving double promotion for the Staff of the Month Promotions Brian > Mod. - Great work and activity on the server since returning CanadianTyrant > Mod. - Also great work, close to Staff of the Month but missed out Remake > Senior Mod. - Solid performance this month Wyatt > Senior Mod. - Another great month from you AnthonyD > Senior Mod. - A great month from you DennisB > T. Admin. - Plenty of in-game sits and division work as well Smity > Admin. - Great activity and efforts being made this month, will need to work on approaches to situations to go further in the team Extended Terms Theos - idk Salmon - fishy Mav - Needs to be further involved beyond division work Zedd - Doing well, not ready for promotion yet Kyle Death - Activity will need improving this month Velo - Same note as last month, approach to situations needs work Bioz - Been alright, not quite done enough for promotion Amzingpandas - On LOA Serg - Activity this month has been lacking, needs to improve Canned Abyss - Lacking activity Jashmeed - Lacking activity Stoven - Lacking activity Demotions/Removals Bishop - Resigned TKTV - Resigned NDB - Resigned Yes, Senior Mod. is a rank (now)
  11. Theos

    Ghillie Head

    This is too vague to be accepted, so please be more specific. Also if you check https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2672253196 the final preview image contains an accepted, to-be-implemented, ghillie model. If that model fixes the issue you're referring to, then please note that in the comments
  12. Theos

    Brandt staff app

    Denied Your application is lacking in information (Steam ID) and you have not written 2 paragraphs, despite being given notice that those issues were present. You may re-apply in 2 weeks (14th Jan. 2022)
  13. Theos

    Brandt staff app

    Please put your Steam ID here. You can either use steamid.io like it suggests, or next time you are in-game type: /id [name] This isn't 2 paragraphs, so please go back over this section as well
  14. Theos

    Weapon buffs

    If you could reformat the suggestion so that it looks clearer, that would be very helpful.
  15. Denied Minimum playtime of 75 hours not met, as well as other issues with the Application. You may re-apply in 2 weeks (7th Jan. 2022)
  16. Denied Whilst we understand you wish to continue to play the MRP gamemode, you did not care about the ban when it happened because you thought it wouldn't affect you. Only now that it has affected you do you suddenly claim regret for your actions. Racism is still racism, and there's no contest of the ban's validity.
  17. Denied There is a lack of community support for your application, I would recommend becoming more involved with the MRP player-base before you re-apply. I'll also note that whilst you did change your paragraphs to the required length they still seem underwhelming for a Staff application. If you apply again in future take inspiration from Accepted applications, but don't copy them or this one. You may re-apply in 2 weeks (6th Jan. 2022)
  18. Theos

    Ban appeal

    https://streamable.com/ywoh2y Crashing the server is a serious issue. Whilst you state you had no intention to crash the server you did crash the server through minging and negligence. In regards to server rules broken. or if not stolen vehicle: Also: And worth noting you have 10 warnings right now, which is high for an active player So you broke a couple of rules, plus general FailRP for driving a vehicle into a portal in the first place, and you crashed the server.
  19. With proggy's response regarding self-damage adjustment in mind, there's a few things I would like to note: Running through/Standing in your own team's nerve gas is FailRP. You can see Nerve Gas, you would not realistically run through the Gas. You can report if people do this, if you feel they knowingly abuse it RPG base damage is 150, a RPG's health is 150, because of splash a single RPG shot cannot do 150 damage to their-self, so any issues regarding RPG self-damage should be about lowering the RPG class health Any other issues regarding damage teammates does have to be an overall question of friendly fire.
  20. Theos

    BenZ Prop Fix

    Moving this to Denied as it was added to the map edits thread
  21. Greetings MRP, There's a debate among the playerbase, at times, for more RP or more combat. Essentially this depends on what players want from the server, and whilst small groups of players may push for one aspect of the server at one time, it's never looked at as the MRP community as a whole. The purpose of this poll is to see where the current playerbase of MRP stand on RP vs. Combat. For those of you who want both, pick whichever option you prefer. There is intentionally no 'Both' option as the proportions of RP vs. Combat is also a good indicator as to the community's stance on MRP. Also please note that the result of the poll won't prevent changes to the server that fall in the other category, and RP does, obviously, still contain combat but it is of a different kind. Feel free to comment your opinions below.
  22. Theos

    BenZ Prop Fix

    When I said there's a forum post I meant:
  23. This is not 2 paragraphs, please fix this
  24. If this is done, the gap should be made larger and start closer to the ground. If just the windows got removed, imo, it could be used to snipe out from much easier than sniping in to
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