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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Kurtle

  1. I'm so glad you clipped this. Thanks for the 2GA memories (holy fuck we had a lot of 2ga on wtf)
  2. Damn I forgot. I was really happy that you were able to grow and improve under my marshalship and into NDB's. I think you were the first person to pass Cadet Corps, which was a major milestone for me. You did your best to improve and I think it's obvious to most people that you have changed for the better. Hope we can talk in TS sometime or something homie, cya around. to this day i think you are the only person to have done that to me. gl o7
  3. cya man! always fun when we talked occasionally in ts thanks man. i only knew you from around the whole gamma incident but it seems like you have a strong connection with this community and i respect you. cya around
  4. It's been really real guys. I've made some incredible memories here and I will never forget any of you. Sorry that I left in such circumstances but I currently don't have the same love for MRP that I used to. Serving as GM and Staff for this server has been an enjoyable experience, and I hope to continue my involvement in the community in some other capacity! Some shoutouts (If I forgot you, mb, there's a lot @OzzyThanks for believing in me on 2GA and always being a great influence, Hope to keep talking with you. from kirin to bourbon, we always got something to talk about @Fetn 2GA was extremely fun even after you resigned and came back 5 times. me and fetn were the god tier GM and war carrying duo no cap. @Salmon Marshal man, running 2GA with you was fun as fuck, and you were the coolest exec @AparhThe early days of my GM tenure were so fucking fun with our god tier events duo. Thanks for recommending me for a higher position in 2GA in staff chat all those months ago @AlexConway2GA will always be better than your 11A, get rolled loser jk all jokes aside, even if you got community hate, i can look back now and see what a smart and genuine person you were. @Theos british. @GammaFunny story about this guy. He was one of the first responses to my staff app back in like March. Gamma was then the first sit I ever took during my staff training. This will never feel real to me and as long as we keep remembering, he will never truly be lost. love you always and hope you found your peace. @KermatYour V was lit to play with on war and you were always cool, also good AAF man. @Laroslavone of the most creative mf's i've ever seen. you were lit in V also AAF man! @Tunao7 SSO COL Chewna man early days of Omega were lit on god! @FonzaManger man, we both resigned on the same day it was always fun! @Okonma GRU COL for a good time, hella fun to talk to. @NDB24no better person to take Marshal after me. god player o7 @Cupidanother good Marshal, and a cool guy as always @Pyrexone of the biggest consistent carries of 2GA, who was around for so long before getting his rightful place. good luck sir @hysteriayou were the one that did my original T.mod training, and your DF was fucking lit. talk to ya soon @Bowl22one of the cooler gm's, and always fun to play with (and kill in war consistently) @Zqrxzletters man always fun to play with ya @eli_ rangers man. I had a lot of fun simming you in the mornings during online school. cya buddy @ReeperOne of the first SOC presences I saw on the server, a real model player and scion of the server on god. @Valor1you were on the server when I first joined and I remember the fun wars against you guys. cya around @Yurri That one time when we went on US whitelists as "russian accented men from massachusets." you always believed in me even after you got banned. oh also thanks for adding me to staff spectate that was the ego boost i needed @acerThe war mald was extremely enjoyable, and even if we always really were mad it was still fun as fuck, and fun to look back on. You were always a role model and a good example of how people can change for the better. @Jakebritish. @DillanYou said you wanted to be remembered but never tagged on resignation posts, but fuck it. You taught me how to be less serious and have a little more fun with it(even if we crashed the server a few times). @TunaAFSOC man and one of the funnier people on the server (without being downright dumb). Our memes were always hilarious and yeah it was fun. @LucherRapper man we gotta talk someday bozo. @Lintregardless of GRU drama, we had some swell times and i'll always remember the work you put in for 2GA. @MillerjermI missed a good amount of time with you on the server when you went to summer camp, but I will always remember the first time I saw you on LTR when you were running around with enlisted doing some dumb shit. It was fun and hope to talk sometime. @SoldierOne of those titans of 2GA like miller, your old docs were like sacred texts that I read to become a better officer. I can owe some of my great achievements to your and other former marshal's guidance. cya around @WhueYou were one of those people who's opinion i always respected. although you never got those 10 obsidian, we still had some good times @RustOne of those players that was active when I first joined, you made the server lit along with the other people back then. Sadly I missed your leadership in rangers but o7 it was fun. @BmanBmaaaaaan brian it was a blast and your GB was fucking popping. one of those cool guys that never made an issue with a single person. @ASSMANone of my officers back in 2GA, it was fun talking with you and seeing your opinions. to this day i still don't think you cheated on god. @Soappppp you were there when i was growing my GM abilities, and honestly I could not have hosted those godly events without your help and guidance for the players on the RP side of things. Sure you stepped on some toes but thats what made you such a cool guy. cya around @ZeddWe had some fun ass times like when we met on omegle and on garnet it was always fun. cya around. @riprandyone of the funniest people to ever touch the server. you were one of those guys that always made me stick around and made it really fun. hope we can catch up sometime soon. @Milkyanother one of those god tier players who come once every few weeks. I hope you have a good time on the server @crypt don't know what your forums account is. You were one of those perenniel players that taught me what it meant to be a good player, and also how to have fun. those times on the first days of delta were really fun cya around (stop pming me xxxtentacion and lil uzi vert femboys pls) @zoahlV man and eventually 313 cya around,. take care of the staff team @Venommmrest in peace bozo you had some real promise and i was excited to see where you would go. @TejasAnother fun player to play with. cya around. @Kyle_DeathGA man have fun with that and take care of Army @bishopilI really got the sense that you tried hard and wanted the best for the GM team. Your events when you first came back before getting T.Admin were pretty fire too. @DennyB those funny screaming fights were hilarious in the past few days. good luck buddy @ProggyYou were a good influence on me and really made me consider the importance of certain things especially when I was Marshal. I can't think of anybody else in the community that could do the job that you do. Cya around. @PapiraqiDRP man, when you hopped on MRP it was always fun o7 @PythonAwesome guy but i can't fucking believe how you stayed staff for that long after you consistently minged and broke rules. all jokes aside you are a cool ass person (even for a canadian) and fucking around in AAF was lit too. @Partyyou stayed in VVS for a really long time before getting a leader that you deserved. You were the person that recommended I apply for staff, which really was a good decision seeing as I connected well with a lot of people. cya around some time @WyattYour rise to power has been extremely fun to watch, and I can't wait to see your moves going forward @SadKnickHoursSame with you. TSFU is a powerhouse rn, thanks to your awesome contributions. I was trying to handpick you for 2GA officer but you are excelling in your current role. gj @SkratzyYou were always really fun to do assassinations with on DF, and you are doing a great job with 055 right now(sorry for doing 360's in your tryouts, I was nervous and accidentally hit my spinbot button.) @ZombieSharkanother perennial influence, your rare apperances on 2GA LTR were always a treat. o7 @LarryThePotatoidk which account yours is but DF man funny guy and fun times in DF. @KRISSfun talking to you in TS sometimes (hopefully this is the right account) cya around sometime @PrisonNightmareyour montages were lit as fuck and I was extremely impressed with your work in Tali (reminded me of myself for a minute there) great guy cya around. @Aether think this is statiic. cool guy and good GM to have around. Always cared about players and good luck in the future. @Sergg also cool rangers guy good fights on delta and good luck @Oboshicool guy on MRP, and I was really looking forward to doing SWRP with you on the jedi order. i'll never lose hope @Remakesame with you, you came back from the grave it looks like and now 055 is actually doing really nice. again sad for no SWRP but it was fun planning nonetheless @Spencerquite possibly the best combat player except for maybe a few others. We had some fun ass moments on omega with the juicers thing. xqcL cya around @Jashmeedhacka man hf cya around @bioz can't find forums account, don't report me for toxic pls i was joking XD cya around. @Nikobotcolonel man creative guy always fun to fuck around with @Gator incredible gamer godly player amazing fun good guy awesome amazing wow (jk) @Nutter And finally, to the man that made this all possible. Thank you Garnet, for fostering such a strong community capable of so many memories. Can't wait to see your future plans and more dog pics pls. Hope i got everyone. I tagged mostly everyone I can remember something with, and almost every current player I know. If i missed you please lmk so we can remember the good times! Some memories: https://streamable.com/xxvzj9 https://streamable.com/fefavc https://streamable.com/8vm3u9 https://streamable.com/jbi4xk https://streamable.com/nh9kzi and with that, i'm off. To all the arguments, fun times, promotions, demotions, staff meetings, wars, debriefs, tryouts, events, discord messages and teamspeak chats. You have made the last few months unforgettable. As I have grown older in garnet, I have learned a lot about myself, and a part of my heart will always belong here. This is not the end, feel free to message me on discord if you'd like. o7 cya around guys
  5. First, I wanted to be Marshal, so I dedicated myself to that. I want to go down as a Marshal that improved the overall health and power of the base faction, even in adversity. I want to be known as a great and powerful leader that people can trust. After getting into DF, I aimed to go for Col. then I was offered AAL Col. I want to turn AAF from a small niche faction to a cornerstone of AFG and events. I want it to be healthy and have a suitable leader when I step down.
  6. I have hundreds of hours on FiveM, both as a Criminal and a Cop, on top of thousands of hours of a variety of RP. I had some of the most fun of my entire life being a Cop, and am extremely interested in becoming a big part of the law enforcement team, either as a member or as a leader. I would love to be considered for leadership or even as a staff member, as I also served as one of the server I played on. Extremely excited for this project, even if I don't get accepted for a formal role.
  7. +1 Was Marshal and is very capable and smart. Understands new players as the app says, and can have leniency.
  8. +1 huge +1 the map has gotten very stale, and this is no offense to the large amount of work Garnet put into it. It could refresh a lot of people and tide them over until Taiga.
  9. Whu has always been a great staff member and great person. Good app and good community feedback whatever you do don't give him 10 obsidian. +1
  10. We need people like you with a passion for events and the server +1
  11. I have personally used /roll multiple times before especially in event situations. It seems like the only reason it was removed was because it sent a message to global chat. +1 to a LOCAL only /roll for RP situations.
  12. It should be changed to where it can be used in an intelligent matter, for example: Running into an open area and your riot shield tanks 100 bullets Versus: Using the riot shield to block a few bullets while repositioning. +1 if it can be added with a higher durability value.
  13. +1 Although the software is very good at it's job, it has also falsely banned several trusted community members (hopefully you guys aren't cheating). I'm not in favor of completely scrapping the bot, but I believe that it still does need to be fine tuned to the server.
  14. As stated above, +1 If it can be added with a cooldown.
  15. As stork said, there is no reason to add them, and they have the possibility to add small RP and combat interactions which could be really fun. +1
  16. Has mad reps from me and a bunch of other respected community members. Nothing else to say
  17. VVS Tryouts Tentative Schedule. For those interested, VVS will be hosting tryouts every Saturday and Sunday at 5:00 PM EST. The tryouts will happen at the peacetime after the war closest to 5:00 PM. This week, we will also add tryouts at Thursday and Friday, but these are rare. Helpful Information: VVS Trainees should be well versed in flying, with both the Hip and the Havoc around the map. Trainees should be confident in RP, being able to act like a leader in any event situation. Trainees should be versed in MedRP, and how to apply quick field first aid with an IFAK. Trainees should have good movement, and be able to complete the obstacle course and Kill House at top speeds. Trainees should be capable combatants. Trainees should have a good knowledge of the map.
  18. It would also be nice to have a different gun for VVS as well. Currently we have the exact same loadout as GRU I believe with the Makarov pistol and AK-103. Like Acer said, completely unnecessary, but for VVS purposes, having a different gun could give players more incentive to join along with this suggestion.
  19. proggy and garnet bullied me for being white
  20. Make a command that lets us set our speed
  21. It was always a pleasure to interact with Yurri. Obviously I will be biased but I believe he should be unbanned to be given a chance to prove to us that he has changed. Under my Marshalship, we saw the growth of Horse into a great officer and eventually a General under NDB. I 100 percent believe in second chances, and that most people won't take them for granted. If Yurri ends up being retarded on the server, what is the absolutely worst thing that could happen? Like what could be so bad about unbanning a person. If he fucks up he gets banned. It's really that simple. +1
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