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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by Kurtle

  1. +1 Players like this are extremely rare to come by. He is extremely enthusiastic about his duties, and has a bright future.
  2. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Operation Murky Waters Narrative: A KGB Agent briefs RU that there is a major chemical threat within the Comms area. A select group of Russian operatives are given hazmat suits to deal with the threat. Upon reaching comms, they witness several zombie like creatures inside and around the area. They clear out the area and realize that a chemical leak has mutated the people working in the now abandoned Comms area. The Hazmat operatives move into the lower area that contains the chemical, and while outside, the other half of the Russian operatives is ambushed by a horde. They retreat into Comms where the Hazmats are working on moving the Chemical back to base. They scavenge PKM's from the armory in Comms and mow the zombies down, escaping with the chemical to RU base. Location: Comms Factions Involved: 2GA GRU SSO Objective: RU: Clear out comms and figure out what the chemical is. Assisting User(s) Assisting User(s) SteamID(s): Screenshots: steam cloud down can't do screenshots
  3. This is a perfect example of a suggestion that gives direct things that can be added. Strong +1 Allowing people to have classes with breaching charges can help massively with CQC events
  4. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Operation Velvet Narrative: Radio Chatter picked up by the Russian FOB points their operatives towards a bunker in the Silo area. A group of RUGSV Operatives investigate the area, and learn of a suspicious Rogue scientist from the US FOB, in possession of a Velvet Core, an object capable of tapping into a Satelite and destroying any point on the Map. The Scientist is taken back to RU FOB and interogated. Location: Bunker near Silo, US FOB Factions Involved: Vympel, GRU. Objective: RU: Find out what the Rogue Scientist is doing, and try to harness the power of the Velvet Core for RU. Assisting User(s) Assisting User(s) SteamID(s): Screenshots: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539531504 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539531583 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539531647 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2539531803
  5. One of the best updates in a while IMO. Mainly these three. Not having to /tp someone everytime they get fucked by an NPC is extremely helpful thanks nutter
  6. Kid has obviously grown past his toxic days and has proven his capabilities to us via Cadet Corps. +1
  7. You are one of the main people I go to for help with 11B based events. +1
  8. Congrats everyone GM team kinda star studded on god
  9. damn DRP normies taking my second in command weird champ
  10. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Caving Base Narrative: A major Taliban stronghold has been spotted in the Northwest area of the map near Shipment. The Russians attempt to breach and kill the area to get control and get info. They didn't realize that it was a trap, and the Russian Forces were crushed by rocks set up by Taliban. Two lone soldiers remained, but they slowly died as the area caved in on them. Location: NW corner of map near ship Factions Involved: 2GA Objective: RU: Stop the taliban and survive the falling rocks Assisting User(s) Assisting User(s) SteamID(s): Screenshots: Steam cloud is currently down and I can't upload screenshots
  11. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Taliban Operation: Close to Home Narrative: Taliban forces take over Shipment with cases of bombs. Russians get in to investigate, and explode part of the cache of bombs, losing many soldiers. Later, they realize the Taliban were using these caches to build a Cannon, which they then fire upon RU base. Russian forces attempt to clear out the bombs. Realizing the only course of action was to blow the bombs themselves up, a 2GA General sacrifices himself to input the coordinates of the cannon itself into the computer, saving many but dying in the process. Location: Shipment Factions Involved: 11B, GRU Objective: RU: Clear out the Tali and disrupt the mass bombings. Assisting User(s) NDB Assisting User(s) SteamID(s): idk he logged off Screenshots: steam cloud down
  12. Lint suggested this in discord and it never picked up any traction. I fully agree +1
  13. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Operation Crimson Narrative: Comms has been taken over by a militant group, who have created a missile launching system. They send multiple rockets at US and RU FOB's before being wiped out by Russian operatives. The power is cut to the base, and in the confusion, US and RU begin to attack eachother. After realizing that the people sending the rockets was not either side, they agree to a truce. They defend the Comms area from wave after wave of the millitant group, until eventually uncovering the location of their FOB. They send the missiles at the FOB, and then target Comms to blow it up so the weapons can't fall into any enemy's hands. Location: Embassy Factions Involved: GB, 11B, 75R, 2GA, GRU, SSO Objective: US and RU: Figure out whats going on at comms. Stop the millitant group from blowing their bases up. Assisting User(s) Stork, Tora Assisting User(s) SteamID(s):STEAM_0:1:168017376 STEAM_0:1:18883746 Screenshots: will update later
  14. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Executive Rescue Narrative: Green Berets have captured a Russian general from Mainland Russia who was visiting the FOB to check operations. They negotiate for his release. A Russian Officer heads in and is killed along with the General Location: Embassy Factions Involved: GB, 11B, 2GA Objective: US: Figure out what the General was doing in the FOB. RU: Rescue the General Assisting User(s): Toyto Assisting User(s) SteamID(s): STEAM_0:1:123015795 Screenshots: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2524671064 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2524670953
  15. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Operatives In Trouble Narrative: A Taliban detachment in Gas Station catches an Alpha operative off guard, and pins him down outside of the Embassy area. He radios in for backup, and receives help from 2GA to fight the Taliban back and retreat to base Location: Gas Station Factions Involved: 2GA, A, GRU. Objective: RU: Rescue the Alpha Operative Assisting User(s) Assisting User(s) SteamID(s): Screenshots: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2524671160 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2524671197
  16. Lucher I literally told you to apply lol. For anyone that doesn't know, Lucher is the number one person on RU that I go to for basically all event purposes. When I do small passive RP events where players are left to ad lib and come up with their own ideas for the story, Lucher takes this in stride, and shows extreme creativity but also competence. This is someone who I believe can greatly impact the GM team and the overall RP environment of the server. Large events with RP are extremely hard to organize when there are more than one faction involved, and many times, Lucher has alleviated the stress of it by completely taking over for RU. +1
  17. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Embassy Chemicals Narrative: Taliban forces in embassy have chemical weapons. The Russians go in and clear them out with breaching charges. They take the chemicals back to base, and realize that they are extremely addictive psychoactive drugs. The scientist in charge of the operation goes berserk and is killed. They then go to US base and unleash the chemical, in hopes to damage the enemy's numbers. Location: Embassy, 2GA bunks, US base Factions Involved: 2GA, 11B. Objective: RU: find out the details on the chemical weapons, and clear out the Taliban Assisting User(s) Assisting User(s) SteamID(s): Screenshots: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2521790961 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2521790897 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2521790804
  19. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Winters Pt 1 Narrative: Taliban forces are made known to both US and RU in Comms. Both sides fight it out until eventually, the Russians take control. They search the area and find communication codes for a military group known as Winters. They learn of a chemical weapons payload within Shipment, and organize a meeting to discuss payment for the Winters group to assist RU in taking over the weapons. Location: Comms Factions Involved: 2GA, GRU, SSO Objective: ALL: Wipe out Tali, and learn more about Winters Assisting User(s) Assisting User(s) Steam ID: Screenshots: Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Screenshots: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2520420721 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2520420643 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2520420462
  20. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Gas Station Breach Narrative: Russian forces breach and clear Gas Station, as they have acquired information that they have a hostage. They rescue the hostage, bring him back to base, and interrogate him. US forces try to rescue the hostage, but fail. Location: Gas Station, 2GA bunks Factions Involved: 2GA, GRU, SSO Objective: RU: clear out the taliban in gas station, and learn about the hostage Assisting User(s) Statiic Assisting User(s) SteamID(s): STEAM_0:0:580959940 Screenshots: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2520335881 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2520335827 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2520335713
  21. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Operation Windfall Pt 2 Narrative: Off the heels of the first operation, US has gained information that the Taliban forces in village had succeeded in hacking and taking over the Silo area. They planned to detonate the warheads. The US, understaffed, call for a meeting with RU at Comms to create a task force to take out the threat in Silo. They brief, and meet up at Gas Station. They infiltrate, breach, and clear the Silo area, holding off many enemies in the process. As waves of Taliban appear, the joint forces figure out that they need to press a button on the warhead itself, and type the password from the previous event into the console simultaneously. They succeed in defusing both warheads, merely seconds before one detonates. The leader of the operation, 1LT Statiic is heavily wounded. As they fend off waves of Taliban, they take Statiic to a medbay at US base to heal him up. Location: Comms, Gas Station, Embassy Factions Involved: US and RU Objective: Taliban: Detonate the warheads in Silo, killing untold numbers of people | US and RU: defuse the warheads and save the world!! Assisting User(s): Statiic Assisting User(s) SteamID(s): STEAM_0:0:580959940 Screenshots: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519663098 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/? id=2519663147 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519663199 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519663019 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519662925
  22. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Operation Windfall Narrative: The Taliban have established a FOB in the village area. They set up complicated hacking and computer systems in hopes to gain remote access to Silo. They continue working when they are suddenly attacked by US operatives. The operatives breach and clear the buildings and take out the Taliban in and outside. After successfully taking out all of the Taliban, the US operatives gain control of the computer and after taking control of it, copy all the information to a hard drive. They destroy the computers and take the info back to their base. Upon decryption, they learn that the Taliban had succeeded in arming the nuclear warheads. Location: Embassy Factions Involved: 11B, GB, Taliban Objective: US: Learn what the Taliban are doing in Village, and stop them from detonating the warheads. Assisting User(s) Assisting User(s) SteamID(s): Screenshots: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519631151 https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519628787
  23. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Checkpoint Kilo Narrative: UN Peacekeepers set up a military checkpoint in front of Embassy. A traffic jam occurs, and in the chaos, two Russian operatives take the leader of the UN group hostage. They attempt to escape with him, but are killed in the process. Later, the area is taken over by a lone Taliban soldier, who has a bomb which will explode when he is killed. He is killed and the bomb is disarmed before detonation Location: Embassy Factions Involved: US, RU. Objective: RU: take a UN personnel hostage. Taliban: Blow up the checkpoint, or take hostages. Assisting User(s) Pyrex, Ritzu, Kriss Assisting User(s) SteamID(s): STEAM_0:1:215890737, STEAM_0:1:88138371 Screenshots:
  24. Host's Name: Kurtle Host's SteamID: STEAM_0:1:37333765 Event Title: Embassy Zombie Run Narrative: A group of soldiers is stranded in Embassy, and they are being overrun by zombies. They outlast the zombie waves and then climb out through the roof Location: Embassy Factions Involved: US and RU Objective: Soldiers: Escape the zombies. Assisting User(s) Assisting User(s) SteamID(s): Screenshots: https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2519337488
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