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Everything posted by Zqrxzz

  1. -1 Youve literally been a complete minge since he came back and constantly starting problems with people and staff
  2. +1 This would do a lot for RP especially when someone is kidnapped and behind a locked door and you literally cant get to them
  3. -1 Gonna be as simple as possible with this, warn appeals are not for apologies and saying you’re sorry will not get your warn removed just be more careful next time and don’t do it again.
  4. +1 Good guy from my times speaking with you and good event ideas Good luck!
  5. +1 Dont know you too much myself but you have recommendations from people i trust and your event ideas are good. Good Luck!
  6. Just as party said here get to know the community more, and of course do the complete 2 paragraphs you can edit this by using the edit button on your original post. Good Luck !
  7. Neutral for now we’ve had differences for multiple reasons and I still believe that your bad attitude towards confrontations will lead to issues on the staff team, with that said if you can improve on this then I could possibly change this to a +1 in the future.
  8. +1 Ive been preaching this since before i even joined DF the P90 is just simply not good, ive seen recently we're trying to push more towards realism in which case the HK416 is the gun that the IRL delta force uses but even a P90 buff would be fine either or acer made a great suggestion and i completely agree
  9. +1 Great guy and amazing at RP ever since ive seen him on the server he has had great RP ideas hence why he has a recommendation from me. But good luck on the app man.
  10. Zqrxzz

    Staff Application

    -1 Apart from not even meeting the age requirement this just seems like a joke of an application you put 0 effort into this it doesnt even have 2 full paragraphs hard -1 from me
  11. +1 Did good things as staff and a very good guy IMO and his event ideas are really good. Good luck man
  12. Tuna is a sexy beast 

  13. Gonna miss you man, I wish you the best even though you didn't put me on their sad day but all jokes aside you were one of the best managers we couldve asked for man and though we didn't know each other that well its still sad to see you go.
  14. Zqrxzz

    Ban Appeal

    Uh, this seems more like abuse of power as staff than miscommunication just because theres no one on doesnt mean that a GM or staff member should just be giving out weapons especially RPGs and just telling you to do whatever you want cause if youre killing people whether they're your friends or not its still RDM and will be treated as such.
  15. +1 Ive seen nothing but good things from milky ever since the first time i met him on the server he's been one of the nicest and outgoing people ive met and he always encourages RP and tries to keep people into it in any way he can so i see no reason he shouldn't be given a chance as GM
  16. Zqrxzz

    Venom Ban Appeal

    +1 I know people will say no and etc. cause he is a V member and everyone throws hate at them but Venom is a good guy and this wasnt his fault in the first place. I honestly see no reason this ban shouldn't be taken away when he had no control over what happened
  17. +1 Great guy with good intentions for the server been cool with him for a while now and see great potential in him staff wise, honestly just work on getting people on US to like you more, its not a you problem US side just has a hate for Vega but that can easily be overcome. Good luck
  18. -1 I havent seen you on in a while now and as Acer mentioned your playtime hasnt gone up at all since your last app and thats not good increase your activity and become more known through the community and i could maybe +1 in the future
  19. +1 Ive seen a lot of good things from you and pretty active im hoping if you get accepted you can manage dual staffing but thats all up to how you handle it
  20. +1 Ive seen a lot of good things from static in 11A, and I believe he could easily carry that over to being GM and bring some more interesting things to the server
  21. +1 Good Event ideas and also has been a good officer in army and a good guy in general, i believe he'd be a great addition to the team
  22. Zqrxzz

    Zedd's Staff APP

    +1 Ive seen Zedd do a lot of good stuff for army, ive spoken with him about staff multiple times and i believe he'd be a great addition to the team.
  23. Well at the time of your ban you were sitting one tapping multiple people with the RU marksman weapon which has a lot of recoil and is damn near impossible to hit that many headshots in a row i can say this as one of the people you killed it came off to me as very sus but its up to Ozzy to provide the proof of ban.
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