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Posts posted by Smity_

  1. Denied but not impossible if it becomes a bigger issue.
    As this is a in server issue with the base factions, they should be able to be taught that either on their own or shown through the F4 menu from the respective side they are on or seeing them around the base. But like the denied label says if it becomes a bigger issue it "might" be able to be added.

  2. Denied
    As much as it would make base faction better cause better weapons but with the addition of the newer classes which give better weapons to base faction, it wouldn't be a good idea as of going through the ranks an getting the WL through a tryout. As of the support class, the idea behind it is to provide first aid to those hurt and not do much more than that. 

    @Jakeor @Luxembourgplease move to denied. 

  3. Accepted but Denied/Practically impossible to the server at this moment.
    Even though this is a thought out idea and might be able to be added in the future, but at the state of the server it wouldn't be a good idea. Maybe something could come out of this be suggestion. I will keep this in my back pocket to possibly get some of it added.


    Please lock an move to denied.


  4. On 5/16/2022 at 9:33 AM, Fetn said:

    +1 IF it can help out against cheaters without causing much server lag/fps drops. 

    There was one on MRP and uh... well it was useless to say the least... LSAC Massacre

    Exactly what fetn said. 

    There was an attempt with one on the MRP Server and didn't go well. 

    But if there was something that didn't affect gameplay then sure!

  5. logo.png
    After reviewing your ban history on our server as it has been three recent bans in the past 5 months and also other not affiliated GG servers I don't see you fit for the staff team.
    And also, I can confirm Rust did not give you their Referral.
    If you want to re-apply in two weeks you can on (5/28)
    @Luxembourgplease lock and move to denied.

  6. On 5/9/2022 at 9:16 PM, PrisonNightmare said:

    I think the espionage idea is a really good idea, however I don’t think it being behind a paywall is. It should be a specialization people in each T2/T1 fac can earn/tryout for.  It’d add some more RP opportunities which is always a good thing. I think if Garnet & Bizzy can find a suitable way to integrate it, it would be a really fun thing to have on the server.

    This is currently on the trello! 

    Regarding the post, this might be something that garnet can add to the server if it is really worth the work to put into making the class. 

  7. 23 hours ago, CorndogCrusader said:

    I'm unsure if this is the correct thread to suggest this, but I feel like the standard US Soldier should also be equipped with the M4 SOPMOD. It makes no sense that the Drill Instructor has a more effective weapon than the standard soldier because it's a non-combat role. The standard AR-15 really is only useful for extremely close range. That, and the fact the US Demolitions has an M60 rather than something like an M249 SAW is very confusing to me. The medic (support) also needs some sort of primary weapon or nobody will play it. Even an SMG would be preferable to just a pistol, like they currently have.

    Also, I think there needs to be more weapons to buy permanently, like, hell, I'd buy some perma items if there were items I was genuinely interested in, like the Honey Badger for example.


    The M4SOPMOD is a far superior weapon. DS has it for the Minges. The Rangers and 11A Officers have them as they have earned them. 

    Support will not get a primary weapon as your job is to take care of fellow teammates. M60 is more of an Army Weapon and The SAW is more of a marines thing.. But please make a forums post somewhere else. And I bet you will get more feedback as this is for Weapon Stat changes mainly!  

  8. With the new tickrate the weapons have changed. The Megathread that @NutterMade kinda got clogged up from the old tickrate fixes. So please put your input here!


    Sub-Machine Gun:

    Assault Rifle:

    Battle Rifle:

    Designated Marksman Rifle:

    Sniper Rifle:

    Light Machine Gun:




    Example of form correctly used for partial suggestion: 

    Pistol: Increase damage output from an average of 20-25 to 32,37. Lower distance accuracy, and increase recoil severely as to promote the use of pistols in a realistic manner in short-range engagements.

    Assault Rifle: Reduce RNG 'Spread' by roughly 10% and increase recoil by 15% as a tradeoff, thus making the weapon more dependent on skill versus on random spread patterns.

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