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  1. Velo

    Dash's Ban Appeal

    +1 When his first ban appeal came up, I was around and was a staff member in the Operator Division as a Supervisor during the time period it was posted. The ban appeal was thorough and was clear on his previous ban for "Cheating/Hacking." This was actually approved and he was set to play on the server as he wished. However, a couple hours later Theos, along side other high status players clearly wanted him to stay banned. There was an almost obvious bias being showed in this situation compared to other players who had appealed, got the 30-day rule unapplied, and then later unbanned which didn't happen in this case. A lot of this came from conversations with Theos in TS with him stating himself that he used the rule for people he didn't care about banned. Myself and other players who I wont mention unless they also want to +1 this can also attest to what had happened. This resulted in his appeal being overruled and denied due to the reason "30-day rule exception is not being applied here. Should've appealed when you got banned. " This rule is no longer being applied to current appeals as of the current time which I personally believe this appeal should be evaluated and judged based on what is given to us.
  2. Velo

    Smity Forum Report.

    I am shocked by the behavior that was shown on both parties and I hope whatever necessary consequences will follow from this post.
  3. Congrats on the shit roster! Glad for everyone that deserved their demotions. Real shit good month y’all @torres up and coming real shit goat
  4. Accepted You'll be given a warn in game for "Exploiting". Any other report that goes for you fast firing or if there's more clips of fast firing you'll be permanently banned due for "Exploiting" as its clear this report wouldn't click for you to stop
  5. https://streamable.com/jqt0qg This is the clip that was provided for the warn
  6. Glad to see progression being made on this, cant wait until it comes out!!!
  7. Denied I don't know what else to say, you've admitted to ban evading. This isn't a place for apologizes and only for an unjust and improper ban @TheosLock and Move Please!
  8. Velo

    Krim Staff App

    +1 I haven't known Krimzin for the longest compared to others but, I've always been in TS, Discord, and in game with him and from top to bottom, he's one of the most likeable genuine person I've met on who's an active member on MRP. During his unban he's showed that he was willing and wanted to come back and wants to see it thrive which he showed activity on forums, disc, etc. He's more than capable of handling this position and will 100% be a great staff member once this is accepted. GL Krim
  9. Denied You were given a warning by @Mavv_to change your name. This would entail to CHANGE the name and not add extra e's to the name you set yourself as. @TheosLock and Move Please!
  10. Accepted With the evidence that was given with the clip and screenshots, you killed Salmon on the edge of the safezone which isn't apart of it. With this being said this warn is false and will be removed. @Theos Lock and Move this please and thank you!
  11. Denied The evidence provided by @ShinyAtlas Shows that you massed not once, but twice in two different time periods. Unless you have a very good piece of evidence for this appeal, this is a normal case of MassRDM. @TheosLock and Move Please!
  12. Denied You've massed which by the rules is a 2 Week ban in which you should already be aware of this type of ban and even with that consent RDM is still RDM. You may mean no harm but you were already told once by Smity to stop and this ban is still valid and correct. @TheosLock and Move Please!
  13. Denied As much of a shit situation you were put in, this falls under vigilantism and the warn is justified the way it was put out. @Theos Lock and move please!
  14. Denied Appeals aren't meant for apologizes and only for a genuine unjust ban. This ban still stands as you've blatantly said the hard R which goes further than "I was being dumb" @Theos
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