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Everything posted by IAreGunner

  1. +1 former staff pretty chill guy , was a good staff so fuck it bring him back. Alot of refs and a solid application
  2. IAreGunner

    fix this

    -1 we the people green lit this, dont fix it. It just doesn’t bother me.
  3. -1 Put it simply I’m just really not a fan
  4. not a good look when someone from the management team fails to follow a simple format tbh. Setting a bad example mr derpza

  5. keep the lights just every color
  6. -1 For me, I kinda like sitting in a base thinking is this guy going to advert raid and destroy me, pointless addition to the rulebook for me you’re also asking people to basically record , have software up that would be able to save clips. Just seeing how difficult it would be to enforce I just don’t care to see it be a thing also
  7. Garnet said no in the update where he changed it this is what he said: Vapes Toned down the vape effect significantly, it was honestly used as an infinite nerfed smoke grenade for years now Please chess players, disable vapes before playing your game Still a pretty huge cloud by the way, don't expect me to revert your mouth smoke grenades
  8. Let garnet keep the money thou , man deserve it +1
  9. IAreGunner

    It is time

    what’s stopping players from hopping on a alt + vpn? there still gonna be able to ban evade and grief.
  10. IAreGunner

    It is time

    I like alts simply because it gives you more building options + freedom. Also alts are not stopping ban evasion -1
  11. It really isnt, especially when you’re buying credit it tells you it’s a reoccurring payment. its easy to cancel too, no matter the age you should be able to comprehend “ reoccurring payments”
  12. What a clueless take ”our dying population” Still a Top 5 Darkrp Server Based on ranking on Battlemetrics https://www.battlemetrics.com/servers/gmod?features[c763648e-8d6e-11e9-9a0b-5bbb587702ca][or][0]=dbaf2421-8d71-11e9-8336-65d30e26a32c&countries=US Same thing for game tracker if you also take a 2nd to look it seems multiple top US darkrp servers have taken a hit rankings wise , (I can’t go too far back, but I would assume also losing a couple of players) if you also look at how Gmod is doing with players overall you would notice that the game lost over 30-32% of its population. which during this game of the year is normal but definitely on the higher side. You should expect to see a 10-20% gmod pop increase going into December and January. so let me re-clarify/reiterate for you the server isn’t dying, its not close to dying. Take it from someone whos seen periods like this over my 10,000 Hours / 8-9 Years playing this game.
  13. Im saying it should be allowed, read what i said buddy. I never said it was allowed
  14. I feel like stuff like ban appeals + staff reports shouldn’t be behind a private support ticket. But overall a good change.
  15. If you start raiding someones base, trapping the player to kill him should be allowed
  16. -1 I perfer it how it is, i also agree with deadpool, its simple and professional. If your a new viewer it could deter them because it just looks confusing.
  17. it sounds like someone told you bad info because i never heard of that change. nerve gas could be used in raid on both ends. Also Explosives should be allowed when defending ur base 100% a change like that would be its own rule unless it's been an issue recently a couple of times, in my Mutiple thousands of hours on DarkrpI never seen it be a issue.
  18. you know how many things get suggested even though it’s been denied like multiple times.
  19. so your resigning instead of just taking an loa / break? also seems like something you notify @Nutterabout if you think the higher ups aren’t doing anything about it. why not suggest a anti cheat?
  20. You got a playermodel Link? -1 Intill One is provided
  21. Im sure it could be made to where you can still use commands like !hits
  22. Can still base + Print Money + Roam Around to see the dumb shit going on + Cook Meth Or Crack + be a hitman+ Be a Hobo + Delivery man + Garbage man + Bounty Hunter + Security Guard + More there's alot you can do still lol
  23. reveal the motherfuckers so new members aren’t Befriending the wrong people, be strong
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