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DarkRP Rules Updated (4/28/2024) ×


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Everything posted by IAreGunner

  1. is mrp still a thing

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. TheHomosexualPyro


      Would love to see it back up, never got the chance to play on it

    3. hysteria


      @TheHomosexualPyroyou aint missing much, people like me plagued it for too long

    4. IAreGunner


      not missing much unless you like the idea of roleplay

  2. IAreGunner


    Incentivizing Killing would lead to more people: 1. Not playing OBJ 2. Spawn Camping 3. Not listening to orders to pullback because they want there killstreak Ill stay Neutral for now intill each point is addressed
  3. I see no issue other then some people might perfer the shadows and the look of it tbh. Is there like a option to the users to turn it on or off? Like for me with the style of bases I used to build I kind of like it
  4. Can you highlight the new rules?
  5. Month of June, 2023 Promotions Shanks - Admin Mark_johnson - Senior Mod Poet - Senior Mod Schizer - Senior Mod Capo - Mod+ Iossios - Mod+ SpicySaige - Mod+ Fwankein - Mod Funny - Mod Jake - Mod Mr Wang - Mod Neon - Mod Demotions No One Extended Terms Garnet Proggy Gunner Spirit 421 GamerDaddy Daddy Dom AjBedHead CyberSword Kingmash Google Dalazy Vizma Slug Zack Saint K9 Hector Nicotine Swissed @Proggymove plz
  6. why u spamming my reacts weirdo

    1. Shwade


      why do you cringe react to everything? 

  7. he’s proved himself? he just just got back from serving a ban very recently . he also made no effort to explain his behavior other a post saying “i understand” how can you be a moderator but also constantly break the rules and get banned once a month? One kind of role model is that? One kind of example would be set if you are expected to enforce the rules when you over and over break the rules yourself. when your next ban has a good chance of getting extended because your a “repeated offender”, probably shouldn’t be a staff member till you can learn the rules, get your behavior under control
  8. -1 You been banned 6 times in over 6 months, Averaging a ban per month (close to that) Being a staff matter means you have to be a role model and represent garnet gaming in a positive way. which while people like you, when it comes pure ingame aspect you 100% have fumbled the ball with rule breaking and your probably very close to a repeated offender extension if your next ban comes within the next couple of months or so. in this application, you did nothing to explain your past behavior, the mistakes you made and the changes you made to better yourself and prove you can represent garnet gaming as a staff member. You also managed to get banned for having too many warns in a week last month, you also have 2 warns right now which you failed to explain. i don’t see it tbh. you also just got back from your ban? I would honestly wait a month or two before you apply again if this gets denied.
  9. there should be a limit for leveling up tbh, i think it’s kinda dumb to see people walking around and seeing someone’s who’s level 187 or even more. i also think it’s might give off a bad vibe to new players. it’s alot and could be confusing. i would keep it way the it is. if you wanna move up levels you pay the money to prestige it’s like buying a DLC in a story based game.
  10. May 2023 Promotions GamerDaddy - Head Admin Shanks - Trial Admin Zack - Senior Mod K9_Hector - Mod+ Mark Johnson - Mod+ Saint – Mod+ Schizer - Mod+ Zay - Mod+ Iossios - Mod Demotions Dominator - Admin Slug - Senior Mod Bosley - Retired MrDxlta - Retired Vonty - Retired Extended Terms Squirt CyberSword SnackFish Zee Poet Beserk Spirit 421 Proggy Garnet Vizma Google Dalazy AJBedHead @Proggy move to staff roster
  11. -1 pretty unnecessary if you ask me. i don’t think it’s a issue that needs fixing. just scroll faster or learn the current system better so you get used to where your weapon is placed also sounds pretty unvanilla if you ask me.
  12. too unvanilla for my liking -1
  13. Being called out in OOC is much different than getting an actual warn/ban for it. it's easy to ignore ooc because at least you're not getting an actual warning for it? +1 I don't think people should be getting warns/bans because someone wants to be petty over getting killed in a video game. as long as people don't break the rules / use someone's personal life in game i see no issue. personally, getting killed by someone motivates me to do better / get that person back. the only thing is people will need to have something like medal for reports because the proof is going to be needed. yes i play mrp Tali PVT Gunnerino has played for 1202:27:42.
  14. IAreGunner

    ban appeal

    The 3rd rule of server states "Do not harass, grief, or troll players of the community" I'm going to first dissect your appeal. " I got banned because I was supposedly harassing a guy for raiding his base two times within a span of an hour" You Actually Claimed You "Raided, Assisted and Raided" Here's the proof for that claim Moving on you claim " Other people were also placing multiple hits on him and I was the only one that got banned for it" Actually wrong? You were the first person and ONLY Person to place a hit on Titty (Others were placing hits after your ban) Here's what the hit logs look like Here's my Original Proof and ill explain it Out of cooldown or not, You keep placing hits on this one player. You were typing chat so i screenshotted, here's the evidence where you state you raided/assisted and raided the guy all in span of a hour and claimed it was off cooldown. I made the call for 2 weeks based on the idea that you are a regular on the server, you been playing for over a year and you should know better.
  15. April 2023 Promotions GamerDaddy - Senior Admin Shanks - Head Mod ChrisRid - Head Mod Zack - Mod+ Swissed - Mod Zay - Mod Demotions Popas - Retired Aspire - Retired JohnFortnite - Retired Kappa - Retired Shades - Trial Mod Vonty - Retired Gross - Retired Extended Terms Squirt K9 Hector CyberSword Saint SnackFish Mark Johnson Zee Poet Popas Beserk Slug Dominator Spirit Chris 421 Proggy Garnet special comment for my guy @tdizz thanks for your time on rust and we appreciate everything you did. from our games on vital to playing 1000x, i hope life treats you well and you will always have a spot on the team if you come back.
  16. did you chat gpt your response to hysteria or are you a robot 

  17. militarized hobos sound like a awesome idea 

  18. why does there need to be a set theme / idea to play a class? the more freedom / creativity the better if you ask me especially in this case. the same old idea and theme gets boring and stale. +1 i feel like allowing players to role play around the idea that they lost everything except the one thing they value which is there big guns or big gun would be cool. simply put it i feel the rule is unnecessary and takes away good potential RP. i mean what if a hobo wants to create a hut and make a little shooting range?
  19. -1 cameras have been denied multiple times because of how easy it could be abused.
  20. i think tdizz scammed me smh should have known his offer was to good to be true
  21. i’m kinda gonna miss being called a internet janitor 

  22. that’s the sound , talking about the hit marker itself
  23. Add a Command to remove/enable the hit markers if possible
  24. You sound like a cool guy , but my one experience with you was basically you mass rdming using the nerve gas bug/technique where a player throws into the ocean and another picks it up using there the gravity gun. this was also 3 days ago? the only reason why your not banned is because i didn’t have my recording software open. -1
  25. i always hated the idea of that. just either allow it or ban it all together. I also just don’t think it hurts the server. I actually think some players get motivated by the idea of it so they learn really cool base designs and make money so they can get some really cool shit in the donation store.
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